Caught this stream of cybernetic feces perchance;

I caught the second from top tweet first. My mind went straight to John Ross’s Unintended Consequences where a Liberal congressman was exactly proposing those penalties for those who dared to prepare and preppers in general.

But the last one is where the hypocrisy (and envy) of the Left shows in all its splendor. You cannot say that individual rights are not important when it comes to a community because the frigging community is made of individual. Don’t try to sell us a line of bull: If you don’t care for the individual, you certainly do not give a damn about the community he is part of.

He is just literally butt-hurt and probably smelly and running out of socks.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “You gotta love an Aussie douchebag”
  1. This is why surge pricing, as Uber calls it, or “price gouging” as some others call it, is a good thing. Better to have something you need at a high price than to not have it at all. And those are the realistic choices.

  2. Ohhh…. boo-th-F-hoo! Crybaby.

    Wants something that other people have, without having to work for it. And, expects people with guns to show up and confiscate it on his behalf.

    Yeah. Community is all, until you are the one in the community having your child’s college savings, your retirement, or your food confiscated because someone else is lazy.

  3. These morons cant handle “individual responsibility “. America used to be that way- every one had an equal opportunity to succeed… was up to YOU. asshats like this cant grasp that. Daddy gubmint is supposed to take care of him. Fuk em.

    1. Hell NO

      He is a city dweller from the middle of Sydney. Almost 5 million people who depend on others to grow food etc. Our version of NYC.

      I grew up with 295 acres backyard plus another 3000 up the road. I was left in charge of property, stock etc at 15. On the other hand I have had to teach a 25 year old how to use a broom on construction site. Some people have no idea of what or how to look after themselves. Anyway it’s a nice Saturday here so sorting out shed and then a bit more reloading.

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