By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “You know it is coming”
  1. I really wish this was a joke.

    Funny though … If the big T nominates a woman, will a male staffer or clerk claim she … nevermind.

  2. Perhaps, but they’d be smarter to find some other “disqualifying” accusation. It looks bad to repeat the first charge, especially after they just dismissed Tara Reade. Doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t happily leap into hypocrisy, but they’d be wiser to find a new slander. Probably that she once called a man a racist name and slapped him, or that she was somehow racist in her previous judicial career: “see, she has a higher proportion of blacks among her convicted defendants” or “her average sentence for defendants of color was more severe than the average sentence for white defendants” (without any context or explanation of how the averages were calculated or allowance for any other possible explanation for the discrepancy).

  3. Heck, they may embrace their “no standards but double standards” side, and go straight on to the sexist attacks- that she’s too “emotional” or “bossy” or “mean to her underlings”.

  4. After the last confirmation travesty, Mitch should excoriate the Democrats for that abomination and have a single day for a handful of questions followed by the vote. They deserve zero courtesy now.

    It’s an advise and consent role on basic suitability and competency, and that’s supposed to be it. Not a waterboarding session on murder by abortion asked 50 different ways and fabrication that the justice once farted in public.

    1. They haven’t been interested in competency or suitability since they wrecked Robert Bork’s nomination.

      Nope; this is all about ‘how much faux outrage can we gin up before the adults tell us to sit down?’.

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