A GUNMAN “wielding an AR-15” shot at least three people at an Arizona mall in an attack that the “suspect filmed on Snapchat” before his arrest.

The alleged shooter has been identified by his mother as 20-year-old Armando Hernandez from Peoria, according to 9News.

In a chilling Snapchat video, the alleged shooter said: “Hello, my name is Armando Junior Hernandez and I’m gonna be the shooter of Westgate 2020.”

The young man also holds a can of beer up to the camera.

Later in the video, Hernandez is stood in front of a car with a gun on the back seat and said: “Let’s get this done guys.”

SNAPCHAT RAMPAGE Westgate shooting – Gunman, 20, ‘wielding AR-15’ shoots three in Arizona mall attack ‘suspect filmed on Snapchat

A Hispanic (protected minority status) uses an AR 15 and apparently only wounds 3 people? But those Evil Black rifles are supposed to murder 50 people a second!

Yeah, this is not gonna go far.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “You know this mass shooting will also be memory-holed.”
  1. This is why I have The Gun Feed as one of the home pages that load every morning. Even if the legacy media outlets, and increasingly fewer lefty agitprop as news online outlets, were reporting this, I’d never know because I gave up on them years ago. They are uniform in their hatred of the very right protection that gives them cover, because of course, they’re not really journalists. Thanks for the info amigos.

  2. In a pinch, Hispanics can be substituted for an “angry white guy” by the MSM if they have a somewhat Caucasian sounding band, but I don’t think Armando is going to cut it. Glad no one was killed.

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