So what happens when an Uber driver ignores such policy? He saves his life!

AVENTURA, FLA. (WSVN) – – Police are investigating after an Uber driver shot and killed a person who was attempting to rob him in Aventura, early Sunday.
According to Aventura Police, an Uber driver on the William Lehman Causeway was cut off by a gray Dodge Caravan, just after he had picked up a customer, just before 6 a.m. “He was cut off by this vehicle, and the subject jumped out of the car with two guns in his hands,” said Aventura Police Sgt. Chris Goranitis.
Investigators said the occupant of the Caravan then attempted to rob the Uber driver, who was behind the wheel of a black Toyota sedan. However, the driver, who has a weapons permit, also had a gun. “The Uber driver was able to fire off some rounds at the subject,” said Goranitis. That’s when, police said, a passenger inside the Caravan jumped into the front seat and took off.
The subject was pronounced dead at the scene.

Source: Police: Uber driver shoots, kills attempted armed robber – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale

I am sure that the uptight gun control ass-kissers at Uber will not allow the driver to be a part of their herd, but the he gets to have a Merry Christmas with his family instead of being an involuntary part of a funeral.

Although I understand why Uber might be a convenience for many, I refuse to use them because the company promotes that both driver and passenger be enclosed in a mobile gun free zone.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “You know Uber’s Firearms policy?”
  1. Of course it was a similar event which made Uber adopt its no gun policy,

    “A driver with the ride-hailing service Uber put a stop to a potential mass shooting in Chicago over the weekend.”

    /when this defensive shooting took place, Uber didn’t have a firearms policy at all. So in response to the Chicago driver saving lives with a gun, Uber adopted its current policy in order to prevent it from ever happening again.
    So while I suppose the driver in Florida will be looking for a job, at least at the only funeral being planned is the bad guy’s. Maybe one of the other services will call and offer him a job.

    1. Couldn’t a case be made, then, that Uber is attempting to *enable* mass shootings to occur, since they put the rule in place in response to one of their drivers being a hero?

      Uber wanted this driver dead. That’s got to be actionable.

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