If you listened to our opponents, there’s an epidemic of criminal trafficking going on right beneath our noses, and surely we just need to pass some “common sense” gun control laws to fix the problem. Three prosecutions in two years does not add up to a serious problem. Shouldn’t Coloradans question the motivation of the people who pushed this law as a solution to a crisis in the wake of such a low level of prosecution
Now SPACE is racist! Woke Colorado astrophysics professor moans her field is riddled with 'white supremacy' and sexism - with colleagues using 'hypermasculine' and 'violent' language to describe the cosmos A Colorado astrophysicist has claimed her field is steeped in white supremacy and sexism because 'hypermasculine' and 'violent' language is…
It seems when you point out to Mom Demand activists in Colorado that Gun Free Schools not only do not work, but the Centennial State is sad proof of it, they get testy: And she did what they all do when confronted with facts: As long as they keep making…
I am gonna give you the bullet points and then you can go to the video which is cued. The older lady's son apparently was shot to death by campus police. She is demanding that they release the video of what happened, which suggests the incident is still being investigated.…
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack.
Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA.
I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed.
I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
4 thoughts on “You mean Colorado Politicians lied? Unimpossible!”
I would be curious to know how the three they convicted were caught. Were they set up? Nosy liberal neighbors?
Wow. Didn’t expect an English lesson. I learned me a new word
“pyrrhic / ADJECTIVE /(of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.”
3 convictions. That’s money to be spent if there’s jail time. Food/clothing/etc. So money going out…
How much did the state lose in tax revenue when Magpul, HIviz, and Alfred left? A whooole bunch…
The (intelligent) residents of CO should (still) be *pissed* about that legislation.
I’m pretty sure the legislation that went into effect in 2013 cut the state’s economy in half or worse, in addition to being mostly unenforceable. Just a bunch of stupid laws passed by totalitarian politicians.
I would be curious to know how the three they convicted were caught. Were they set up? Nosy liberal neighbors?
Wow. Didn’t expect an English lesson. I learned me a new word
“pyrrhic / ADJECTIVE /(of a victory) won at too great a cost to have been worthwhile for the victor.”
3 convictions. That’s money to be spent if there’s jail time. Food/clothing/etc. So money going out…
How much did the state lose in tax revenue when Magpul, HIviz, and Alfred left? A whooole bunch…
The (intelligent) residents of CO should (still) be *pissed* about that legislation.
I’m pretty sure the legislation that went into effect in 2013 cut the state’s economy in half or worse, in addition to being mostly unenforceable. Just a bunch of stupid laws passed by totalitarian politicians.
Don’t you mean “Procrustean” bed?