Protesters went to the house of North Carolina Senator, Thom Tillis.

They got made that he drove through them (not hitting anyone)

The Left really wants struggle sessions. They want you to debase yourself before them and acquiesce to a brow beating.

This is why they get so enraged with people on the street who drive through protests or refuse to chant in solidarity when accosted at restaurants.

These are children who are used to getting their way when they threw temper tantrum, and ignoring them infuriates them.

They did say one correct thing on Twitter:

There is a good chance that the next SCOTUS justice will have to decide on segregation, in that I expect eventually woke colleges will be sued over Social Justice segregated facilities, discriminatory admissions practices, and safe spaces, most or all target white and Asian students or prospectives.

There might end up being another Brown vs. Board of Education having to decide what is allowed on woke campuses.

The funny thing is that these students seem to hate segregation but it’s their side that’s doing it, and they can’t reconcile it.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “You must submit to your own debasement”
  1. No, no, no… You don’t understand. It’s segregation when you keep white people separated from black people. It’s social justice when you keep black people separated from white people.

  2. They already hate Trump. So instead of forcing the Republican Senators to endure this, Trump should just do a recess appointment.

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