That sucks for him, but I’m pretty sure he voted for that city government.

He’ll have to choice to vote against shit hole government that turns America into a shit hole, in November.

I hope he doesn’t fuck it up.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “You sleep in the bed that you make”
  1. Most of these people will not realize what they are voting for or what they support Until may be a minute before the bullet goes in their brain. Shot from a gun being held by one of the enforcers of the government they help vote in the power.

    And even then that’s Very unlikely because the cognitive dissonance is too strong.

  2. First of all, the death of George Floyd is merely an excuse to begin the reign of terror by blm/antifa…The true goal to to bring down the presidency of Donald Trump, nothing more, nothing less. The terror is only bringing out the worst in the gutless rulers of leftist run cities who are on the side of the terrorists. If those cities want to restore order then they must remove the rulers of their cities and replace them with sane people who will remove the terrorists immediately….and decorate the lamp posts with them and the former rulers of their city.

  3. It’s interesting to note statistically that recent immigrants from Africa (seems that I remember Ethiopia is particularly good in this regards) are actually statistically better off than the average white American, more likely to own a business, to have a white collar job, have a higher average income. This is in spire of America’s “systemic racism” and dangerous violent white supremacists around every corner. Makes one wonder why RECENT African immigrants manage to do so much better on average than the long time residents. Perhaps the fact that immigration usually attracts the best and the brightest, more ambitious and resourceful persons (LEGAL, traditional immigration, not mass illegal fence hopping by migrant workers and much worse, or mass importation of crowds of refugees and those claiming to be refugees) has something to do with it. But my theory is that African American “Black” culture in the US, in a large degree, has developed an unhealthy, even toxic culture (which whites no doubt share some blame for), which is not shared by Africans who didn’t grow up here.

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