A dozen grocery stores around the state have been forced to close for two weeks because of a public health order issued by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham at a time when the state’s residents are suffering from record high unemployment and food insecurity, critics say.

The order requires businesses with four or more rapid responses of COVID-19 cases reported within in a 14-day period to close for two weeks.

More than 25 essential businesses were shut down as of Monday afternoon, including a number of grocery stores and major retailers.

The closures include two Walmarts in Albuquerque and one in Santa Fe, an Albertson’s in Roswell, a Smiths Food & Drug Center in Albuquerque and New Mexico Food Distribution Center in Albuquerque.

New Mexico governor shuts down grocery stores for two weeks

This goes past stupid: It is plain crazy and scary. She is demonstrating that she can “legally” starve you under the excuse of protecting you. This is a page from Stalin’s dealing with Ukraine in 1932 known as Holodomor where he killed almost 4 million people in a year.   And the got the survivors to comply for their own good and the glory of the Soviet Revolution.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “You will comply or I will starve you.”
  1. My brain went to “Holodomor” before you mentioned it. Roswell has a population of 48,000 people, and only a couple of grocery stores. Shutting down their mail Albertson’s really limits access to food for the rest of the city.

  2. As usual, when the commifacists take an action (for our own good of course), it’s the “poor” people they profess to care about that suffer the most. Folks with a little more money can afford to drive further, have groceries delivered, etc.

  3. Are the stores in question and the residents that depend on them actually putting up with this and complying? I would expect the local Sheriff to say “see figure 1”.

  4. Of course this new dictate doesn’t seem to allow for any recourse by the business owners or community. What if one or more of the “tests” are false positives? Will they be allowed to challenge any closures on those or any other grounds?

  5. I heard one of the closures was Walmart distribution center — that would cripple all the stores supplied from there. At best it means they’ll be supplied from other centers — which means a smaller,but much wider impact.

    The companies won’t fight, because government can always make your life hell in other ways. If it goes on longer or expands — maybe they’ll do something then.

  6. Yep, she’s a peach, our governor.

    And just what do you think those stores’ customers are going to do? Yep, you got it – drive 4-5 hours to the nearest town with an open store.

    Way to encourage people to stay at home, MLG! You can tell just how much time she and her lackeys (I refuse to call it an administration at this point) spent gaming things out, can’t you?

    She, by the way, is another one who broke her own quarantine rules for personal convenience and whim … in her case, jewelry shopping.

  7. Can anyone please tell me what is so horrific about this virus that any of these lockdowns are warranted in any way?

    Someone, anyone?

    Yes, I know it makes some people sick. So do a lot of other viruses. Yes, I know a bunch of people who died tested positive for the virus, but there is no solid evidence they died FROM the virus. Oh, it is easily transmittable, got it. But what difference does that make if the people testing positive for the virus do not get sick in any way?

    Let’s take a realistic look at the data we have collected over the last 12 months people. What is so terrible that closing grocery stores is considered a good thing?

  8. Wujan Lujan is one of several governors who, a cemtury and a half ago, would worry about a mob and gibbet as a just result of her actions. And not just from the voters, but led by the state legislature.
    Sadly, the legislature is filled with her yes men and women; the very few there who aren’t gormless cowards are outvoted badly.

  9. Just wait until Biden’s administration shuts down the entire economy and ALL Grocery stores nationwide are forced to shut down. I’m talking then literally making it basically illegal for nearly 100% of the entire population to buy food. For four years.

    What they really want to do is holomodor the United States population. Just starve the population to death. Make sure as many people as possible suffer, blame the orange man and implement communism.

    The incredible amount of economic damage that will cause will be unrecoverable but deliberate. After all it’s a Chinese want the United States to be destroyed the Democrats are eager to oblige. Because the Democrats want to destroy this country to. And kill every person in it that is not them.

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