This is a glimpse into the future:

They are just acclimating these kids to life in an airless pod at the behest of a sociopathic billionaire.

That’s the future they want from us.  Live in a pod and eat bugs so they can be richer than ever before.

At least the school is being honest about it.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “You will live in a pod”
  1. Yeah. I noticed that this morning, and had similar thoughts.
    The super-rich will have their private islands, while sumptuary laws will bar any sort of property ownership by peasants. (And I note that “sumptuary” has been banished from the Newspeak spelling dictionary.)
    Also, this seems to have a Universe 25 vibe… along with an apparent deficiency in the fire exit department.

  2. Warren Buffet’s right hand guy. They put the high fructose corn syrup into coke because it doesn’t trigger an insulin response. “No taste memory” as Buffet put it to my B school class back in the late 80s. They helped spread the obesity epidemic and invested in medical industries to further their enrichment.

  3. Surprised he didn’t add a “Bah! Humbug!” Long past time for some ghosts of the past, present and future to pay this guy a visit. He is seriously twisted.

  4. I wanna see this thing run right up against California’s fire code regulations.

    Though my money is on a waiver being handed out in exchange for consideration, i.e. bribes.

  5. 94% of the units do not have access to natural light or fresh air.

    I’m reading that as, “no windows”.

    IOW, no secondary means of egress in case of emergency.

    What does the fire escape plan look like, I wonder? “Exit through your door. If your door is blocked, bend over, put your head between your knees, and kiss your @$$ goodbye”?

    I can’t imagine this meets building codes.

    1. That is correct. The rooms are interior so no windows. Also only two doors. Triangle Shirt Waist Company did better than that.

    2. Just the point I was going to make. I wonder how much they paid off the fire marshal to get this approved.

      And looking back on my college dorm days… I wonder how the first false fire alarm will go.

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