I started this post with the intention of writing about an article I saw:
This is by Talia Levin, the writer who quit The New Yorker for mistaking a USMC tattoo for a Nazi tattoo and accusing a double amputee of being a white supremacist.
The thesis of her article is that the Right’s defense of Kyle Rittenhouse is support for political vigilante violence.
When Antifa – i.e. violent white people in masks setting black business on fire – attacked first, he shot back. That’s not vigilante violence.
I wanted to focus on this paragraph:
In the minds of those who laud a gun-wielding teenage killer, who perhaps harbor arsenals and fantasies of their own, a decayed, degenerate social order can only be restored with shed blood. There is “order” in the act of killing, as long as the killer is white and the victim is a perceived political enemy. In the right-wing authoritarian imagination, “order” does not equate with justice, nor with the equal application of the law. It means enforcing a hierarchy of racial caste, of gender-based submission, of a Christian-centric polity. There is laudability in violence, even extrajudicial violence, that works to achieve these ends.
The Law of Political Projection applies. This is the Left in one paragraph. From the Red Army to the Red Guards to Che’s goons to Antifa, the Left believes they have a righteous mandate to put themselves on top and cast out the people they decide are oppressors, with bloodshed. One hundred million victims in the 20th Century, most of them innocent working-class people.
All that still stands, but when I read the comments, some comments stuck out far more than anything in the OpEd itself.
If the new Traitors To The Union get the second civil war they’re insisting on, I hope the U.S. military will consider using air superiority that wasn’t available to us in the 1860’s. Lay waste to the highest rural concentrations of Trumper anarchists and recycle the sorry Confederate flag shirt-adorned carcasses. Leaving sane, civilized citizens of all political stripes to address the nation’s real problems, and improve people’s lives.
Harsh? Not really. Advocating the violent overthrow of the government should have consequences. They brought it on themselves.
The OpEd is about the Right having violent fantasies, and the first – the very first – comment is from a Leftist demanding genocide by carpet bombing of 2,584 mostly rural American counties.
This guy doesn’t see the hypocrisy because he’s not saying he wants to fly the sorties himself. He’s just advocating that the government wipe out nearly 80 million Trump voters.
These people need to face up to their only accurate motto: “Come the Revolution we kill everybody.” Should work out just fine.
If it was up to the Left, we’d all be exterminated.
Supporting a young man who shot three people that attack him in self-defense is a violent fantasy, but calling for the eradication of all Trump supporters is just fine.
I love how thinking about how to defend yourself from violent attackers is a violent fantasy. Defending yourself from violent attackers is murder. Making sure that a person accused of murder gets a fair trial is violence.
Nothing they do is real violence. Anything we say or think is violence.
“Silence Is Violence”
Carpet bombing “flyover country” sounds like a good way to starve a few months later. But obviously he’s too stupid to understand that.
#in the dark
This is the point of view of the radical left….the people, such as AOC and the rest of her “crew” who wish to eliminate the conservative right only because we ARE the conservative right….So how long before they begin to DEMAND that we be made to pay for our mere existence? It’s not the conservative right who are calling for a civil war. It’s the conservative right who state as fact that if the leftists try to start it. We will finish it. This is one communist revolution that will not succeed.
I’ve been saying this for years now, those 100 million murdered by the Communists of the 20th century were “the deplorables” of their time. No doubt whatsoever that they would do the same again, given half a chance.
So, let’s see. Folks on the left establish lists, want members of congress who disagree with the election results to be removed from congress, who think mobilizing the military to enforce gun control is a good idea, who shot a sitting member of Congress during softball practice solely because of their political party, who are encouraging soldiers to do what they were trained to do, etc… etc… etc… think that conservatives are harboring violent fantasies because they are not vilifying a man who took action in self defense.
Oh… that’s ripe.
It’s almost as what I keep saying about how they think and what is actually accurate…
80 million? Those numbers are to small to include every single Trump voter, Trump supporter, every single registered Republican, every single gun owner. And of course don’t forget the part of the population that is not one of the above but would be against killing all those people in those groups. Because according to the left everyone that would oppose the mandated extermination of all these groups are just as bad and also should be killed.
Chops to you, J, for reading that article through to the end.
I couldn’t do it. I thought that Ms Lavin might eventually run out of invectives. It seems not.
I hope that she doesn’t get attacked by an armed assailant. She might have to adjust her view on self-defense.