The moral of the story here is that when you’re packing large-bore artillery on the front of your warship you should probably practice social distancing and use the big guns first, before you decide to ram a fucking ship that has two bars and a jacuzzi on board.
Badass of the Week – The RCGS Resolute
Great description of the events and you get a good chuckle from it too.
Hat Tip to Deplorable Cube Warrior @warrior_cube
So, these modern “Pirates of the Caribbean” tried to seize a cruise ship with no passengers and hold her for ransom. Ignoring for the moment that the value of cruise ships is at an all time low, and that the owners probably won’t pay the ransom any way. After all, if they won’t pay penguins, why would they pay Venezuela? Then these geniuses in their shinny new pirate boat decide to ram a ship with the name “Resolute,” thus sending the toy, that they spent 42 million Euros bribing Spanish officials to get built, to Davy Jones locker. Then they have the chutzpa to accuse the unarmed cruise ship of piracy. You couldn’t sell this script to Hollywood, it’s too far fetched.
The funniest thing I have read this week
My take away is that KE STILL! =1/2 MV squared
That’ll buff out.