sheila leeI assume most of you have seen this since it is already several days old. But It wasn’t until now and a liberal application of Excedrin that I was able to post safely.

Sometimes it is beyond me what kind of people elect morons like this. My elementary school teacher (A brother in the Marists) would have lost all patience and throw one of those old school blackboard erasers to the middle of her forehead.

Yes, we were taught logic the hard way. Stupidity should hurt and was usually marked by chalk powder tattooed in our foreheads.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Your migraine for today.”
  1. Oh man, no wonder Texas is saying the Democrats are a bigger threat than the Terrorists.

    Stupid whore doesn’t even realize WHO allowed the gun traffickers and straw purchasers to get in unmolested.

  2. If there wasn’t video evidence I would be unable to believe that an individual could be so dumb.

  3. You can pluck her out of Houston and she would fit into the Chicago thug culture just fine…… 🙁

  4. Strong gun laws don’t work because we don’t have “sensible” gun laws. Kay… So we should take it to mean that the strong gun laws don’t make sense? I’ll buy that.

  5. That’s so illogical on so many levels. By her reasoning the gangbangers would be all peaceful and nice if the guns didn’t make them commit crimes. Or the knives. Or the baseball bats. Or the myriad of other objects that can be used to harm somebody.
    By that reasoning the gangbangers should be locked up in padded cells without access to anything.
    Perhaps those wailing about how their “little baby” was “such a good kid” until “the gun made them do it” should have done their share of proper parenting.

    1. I’d like to know why the GANGBANGERS aren’t prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and then MAYBE we would have less crime and murders.STOP blaming legal gun owners for the problems our society is having. You have laws, now ENFORCE THE LAW.IF YOU WATCH THE VIDEO’S YOU’LL SEE THAT NAVY SEALS PLANTED THESE BOMBS. WAKE UP AMERICA.

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