I saw Miguel’s post Your new NYPD in inaction and went into the Tweet and started to read the comments.  What I saw revealed a lot to me about how the anti-police people think and it’s scary.

You and I watch this and it disgusts us.  We see a bunch of thugs beating each other up in a city street.  At one point one tries to stomp on the head of the guy on the ground.

This is lawlessness.  This is street justice of the ugliest kind.  This is not how people behave in a civilized society.  This is what happens in failed states and shithole nations were people take the law into their own hands.

This is what the other side sees:

Street justice, beatings, some guy getting his head stomped, this is fine by the anti-cop crowd.  The cops trying to maintain law and order, that’s bad.

We have no idea what started this, but it doesn’t matter.  In a civil society, we employ an impartial justice system because you fundamentally don’t have a free society when “the strongest guy with a club wins” is the basis of your laws.

A few days ago a Macy’s employee was beaten up in a store in Flint, Michigan.  The beating was filmed by the brother of the attacker.  The beating was allegedly provoked by when the employee called the attacker the N-word.  That part was not caught on camera and Macy’s has said the attack was “unprovoked.”

However, the Twitter mob cheered on the beating.

I’m not defending the use of the N-word if that happened, but there are ways to deal with something like that, that doesn’t involve beating the person up.

The prevailing anti-cop attitude seems to be for a desire to allow street justice to flourish.

I prefer to live in a civil society where disagreements are sorted out civilly.

They seem to want to live in a society where the meanest and most violent to exact mob justice against slights, real or perceived.


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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Your new NYPD in inaction – what J.Kb. noticed”
  1. And part of why they believe in “street justice” is because of the dimmer switch. They know that they are stronger and they will win any encounter they choose. They choose their targets such that they win.

    Compare there two shootings we’ve seen video of recently. In the first case we have squad levels of men, armed with hand guns and rifles firing many rounds. They dance closer and further. In the end they have one person with minor wounds.

    In the other video we have a min attacking. At the moment the light switch goes “on” four shots ring out,, all seem to hit the intended target. The shooter then scans for any other legitimate targets before preparing to interact with the police.

    Look at the number of posts with a title like “poor target selection”

    Thomas Sowell, in _Black Rednecks and White Liberals_ talks about the culture of being offended and when offended responding with violence. This is what we see played out, I’ve and over again.

    They are offended, the response is violence. The violence is justified by the offensive words.

    These people want “street justice” untill that”justice”is the victim fighting back and winning, be that with a gun, knife or better training.

  2. This is where the concept of “You should just take your beating like a man, instead of using a gun,” comes from. There are those who believe that might makes right, and most things should be settled by fighting.

    I see this in schools all of the time. When someone offends you, just beat them up. If you can’t beat them up, get a few friends together and all of you go beat them up.

    1. A big problem here is the lie that unarmed combat is not attempted manslaughter. It is, and it needs to be treated that way both in self defense and in prosecution.

  3. Anti-cop idjits are cut from the same hypocrite cloth as anti-gun morons.

    They are all about the “defund the police” chest-thumping until someone or several someones kicks their asses, breaks into their homes or kills someone close to them.
    Then they become blubbering wusses asking where were the cops and why they didn’t help them.

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