When you are auditing you see mistakes happen all the time. Humans make errors. Except in real life, mistakes usually go in different directions. When all the mistakes go in the same direction and benefit the same parties, they probably aren’t mistakes. They’re malfeasance.


Go read.

When he says “what is potentially fatal for America is half the populace believing that their elections are hopelessly rigged and they’re eternally fucked.” he is right on the money. I saw it happen and it will perpetuate the Dems in power because “Why we should bother to vote if they get to cheat so blatantly and get away with it?”.  By then they don’t even have to bother to cheat, there won’t be enough opposition votes to make it worthwhile.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Your Obligatory Friday Read: THE 2020 ELECTION: FUCKERY IS AFOOT – Larry Correia”
  1. Many years ago I owned an ISP, back when dialup internet was an actual common thing. When I started I thought I had the backing of my partner and his bookkeeping department. I quickly learned why nepotism sucks and had to learn basic bookkeeping. This included requiring the receptionist, “best friend” of the bookkeeper (wife of my partner), to actually count the cash drawer every morning and every night.

    She was fired when it turned out she couldn’t do that simple task. But the gist was that I learned double entry bookkeeping and how and why things like counts are important.

    The text I read talked about how you expect the cash drawer to be out of balance. BUT over the course of a week or two, it should never be out of balance by more than a nickle. I.e. the errors in one direction should balance the errors in the other direction.

    I hired a new receptionist and she did a good job. Still handling signups and taking cash payments. And she was able to count the drawer. And over the course of a month I noticed that the count was always over. There was more money in the drawer than there should have been. And the book clearly stated why that happens.

    If the drawer is consistently short, it means the employee is stealing from you. If the drawer is consistently over, it means the employee is stealing from the customer.

    And this is what we see in every recount, in every closely watched election in the US. We see that most of the “found” ballots are democratic. That most of the errors are in favor of Democrats. It just is too much to be just honest mistakes.

    I will say it again: Democrats should be up in arms over the handling of their ballots. For some reason, the democratic poll workers keep misplacing democratic votes until the very last minute.

  2. Democrats are corrupt, democrats know they are corrupt, democrats know we know they are corrupt, and they don’t care. Democrats don’t care if they get caught, and Democrats don’t care if they are punished. Democrats don’t care if they are imprisoned, and when Democrats are released from prison they return to their corrupt Democrat personas.

  3. This crap has been getting ignored for too long.

    When a district reports 130% voter turn out, it is where the investigation starts. That is not proof of fraud, but there is something wrong there that needs to be corrected.

    When a person who died in 1987 votes in 2020, again investigation is warranted. Not proof, but evidence that needs to be explained.

    When a thumb drive shows up with 130,000+ votes for a single candidate on it, what most people would consider statistically impossible, you do not just automatically accept it.

    Look, there is a very good possibility that Biden won the election even without any fraud. 47%+ of the nation is going to vote straight Dem regardless of the candidate. But, irregularities must be investigated. If there is an explanation, OK, I will accept it. But, when the State Department of Elections (or whatever organization that holds responsibility for counting the votes) refuses to cooperate with an investigation, or offers BS explanations, that is where I have a problem.

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