I am the idiot who people count on getting shit fixed because they were too lazy/ignorant to get it right the first time. And I do it because a work ethic was instilled in me to do what is right, but what was not taught is to learn when to detect and fight abusive laziness/incompetence and stop being the workplace dunce.

But I learned.

And I will admit that it is fun to watch the work Titanic ship sink after they hit the iceberg of their incompetence and have nobody else to blame but themselves.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Your thought for the day.”
  1. I made a mistake early on camping and not having the correct gear and learned from that. I’m always prepared now. Used to even take extra to help others, not just in camping but anything. Soon figured out they never learned with my help and still never learned when they had to suffer the consequences of their poor preparations and decisions. Some people will never be able to see past the end of their nose no matter what you do or what happens to them.

  2. And I learned that going above and beyond gets you blamed when shiite goes sideways… corporations kill good work ethic for some reason.DEI I guess… I fly treetop high and keep my head down…

  3. “And I will admit that it is fun to watch the work Titanic ship sink after they hit the iceberg of their incompetence and have nobody else to blame but themselves.”
    The problem is they drag you down with the ship.

  4. If you’re not a full fledge member of the Victim Class, and proud of it, then you’re the perpetrator. Knowing from experience, what to do and how do to it, will get you cancelled out faster than a bullet to the brain, for the simple illogical reasoning that you made everyone else…..feel bad—-you exposed their ignorance and therefore must pay the price.

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