For all of those gun infringers out there. This is a 3D printed rocket that is launched from a PVC shoulder fired launcher. Think AT4.

While they did not achieve a successful hit on target with the high explosive rocket (think tannerite), they did have a few successful launches and it is clear that with a little more testing they will have something more reliable.

I’ve thought about simple mortars using black powder with a System On Chip to cause an ignition at some distance over ground. What goes up, must come down and the amount of time it takes to go up tells you how long it will take to come down and it is pretty simple math to figure out how to calculate a distance. I.e. no fancy radar or anything like that.

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By awa

20 thoughts on “You’re going to shoot your eye out kid”
  1. When the device is fired I see the muzzle coming up. I would expect an open tube rocket launcher to be recoilless — why does it do that?

    1. It is likely a training issue. It takes a bit of training to be able to not flinch when something happens next to your head or even when you push the button.

      I saw it as well but it look so much like the flinch that happens when somebody drops the hammer on a snap cap when they are expecting a bang that I strongly suspect it was user/training error.

      That was not ready for prime time by far. But I can easily imagine those 3D files making it out into the wild along with “here’s how you make bomb juice”. And while the shaped charge didn’t get much penetration, it would not surprise me that they get much better results in the near future. We know that you want to make a jet from a copper sheet that is formed into a cone. The question then becomes what is your stand off and what are the amounts of copper and explosives.

      I’m pretty sure the speed of the explosive also makes a difference.

      Regardless, I hope that any gun infringer that sees that video needs to change their panties.

      1. The other day I saw a Youtube video that discussed, and showed, shaped charges. Among other things it mentioned the stand off distance. I should look for the pointer.

        1. The first British “squash head” warhead was just a jar wrapped in tar-soaked canvas. Slap that against a tank, the jar breaks and the tar sticks to the tank. The explosives inside conform to the shape of the tank surface and form a quick-and-dirty shaped charge.

          Just sayin’…

    2. The smaller (50mm) launcher is closed at the back with what appears to be a sewer cleanout plug or similar.
      I wasn’t paying all that close attention (altogether too many distractions), but I thought I heard something about launching the rocket in potato-cannon mode, before the actual rocket motor ignites.

    3. The smaller rocket is blown out of the tube, which causes recoil just like a gun. The rocket motor doesn’t ignite for 20-30 feet.

  2. Back in the bad ol days I remember guys making these for paintball and airsoft events. Brings back fond memories

  3. Decentralized manufacturing brings up all manner of… interesting… possibilities.
    I’ve been thinking for a few years now that with recent tech (mostly unavailable at present), it should be possible to build a 40mm precision-guided gravity-propelled falling object suitable for dropping from a moderately large toy airplane and bearing enough energetic materials to make the remainder of the target’s life exciting.
    Or there’s the potential for a mortar-launched guided glider. (Not something one could fabricate with a home-gamer 3D printer, but the tech is out there.)

    That idea of using a powdered-copper liner held in a 3D-printed form is genius. I don’t know whether it’ll ever work or not, but genius nonetheless. (I suspect that the mechanical properties of the plastic may be significant in some nonobvious way.)

    1. There are plans freely available for a device to drop items from a common commercially-available drone. ISTR similar devices are used in the Ukraine to drop anti-tank grenades, again, from commercially available drones.

  4. I’ll bet these guys are on every list DHS and the FBI have ever created….

    Fun time for now, but good skills for later.

  5. There are many topics to be studying now while the information is still easily available.

    No need to be paranoid.
    We All are stashed away in Utah already anyhow.

  6. I still think a simple shepherds’ sling and a Molotov Cocktail are the best possible anti-vehicle weapon for the irregular militia.

    Slings are easy to make, fun to use, and if you happen to own a tennis-ball loving dog you have excellent reason to go get some practice in every weekend.

    An 80 g stone from the typical sling, with practice, will easily travel around 50 m/s and deliver 100 joules of kinetic energy. Not exactly going to make anyone give up their Wilson Combat 1911, sure, but good enough to crack a skull. Use lead, steel, or something else denser than common river rocks and presto.

    Firearms are optimal for self-defense, of course, but the humble sling and quarterstaff ought not be overlooked.

  7. At one time, it was illegal to launch a rocket like that, according to the ATF. That was 35 years ago, but I can’t imagine that rule went away. They just might get a visit from The Man. It’s for certain they are on every watch list out there.

    1. Well, illegal for an ordinary kid to just do, but with right permits/license, can be done. I think they’d be better off igniting the rocket in the tube and using a blast shield like the Panzerschreck did.

    2. If you don’t know these dudes you might think it is illegal. It isn’t, for them. They have all the permits and everything that is needed to legally do what they are doing. That’s why the guys that made the 3D prints came there. All of the explosive materials are manufactured by Ordnance Lab people. 3D printing those things is not an issue.

      Since the charge they used to launch is black powder, it is also not an issue. INAL warnings of course.

      But these guys are very very careful to stay within the law and have a good relationship with their ATF agent.

      They really are experts and really do make, sell, and use explosives as a business.

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