Friday was a long drive with my lady. We discussed Dobbs and she made the statement “I’m worried because this will affect the class of poor black women”. I’m in total disagreement.

Some states will or have banned abortion. The response from the death clinics will be to send buses or vans into those states with bans and offer free transportation to the nearest death clinic in the next state over.

We see this with states with no sales tax. You find stores popping up right across the border on well traveled roads. Not because there is a driving need within the sales tax free state, but to service all the out of staters that can do math and balance a 6% sales tax against a 30 mile round trip drive.

Yes, it might be that a woman with murder in her heart will have to wait for a bit for the van to arrive and then she might have to wait a couple of hours to get to the clinic before she finally is able to exercise her will. And then she’ll have the same long ride back to her home state.

The people this will actually affect is poor rural women that still have to make that long trip to the death clinic but can’t afford the trip into the city to catch that bus.

To be absolutely clear, for the longest time I was pro-choice and anti-abortion. I had lived in the cesspool of “pro-choice” for so long I couldn’t step out of it. What this meant to me is that at a personal level I would do everything in my power to convince a woman to carry to term but I felt that in the end, it was her choice.

I changed my opinion when my ex-Wife got a code while we were out and I drove her to the code. It was a woman with excessive vaginal bleeding. My ex-wife and her crew got the women onto the gurney and she was transported to the hospital where they hoped to save her. My ex-wife reported it as “she’s a frequent flyer. She uses the ambulance as a taxi. We transported her yesterday for her 5th abortion. This is just complications.”

On that day I change my opinion. Turns out that there was a fair number of women that were using abortion as birth control. Easier than using real birth control because it was free.

On Friday the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) asked Joe to declare a national emergency. They want him to use his power to “protect access to abortion services”

They also said the court’s decision will disproportionately affect Black women living in the South at a time when the maternal health crisis is already severely affecting the Black community. The Biden administration released a plan to tackle the maternal health care crisis Friday, promising to focus on building equity within the system.
— The Hill: Congressional Black Caucus calls for national emergency after SCOTUS decision

So there you have it, the law is racist and all pro-lifers that support the law are racist.

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By awa

6 thoughts on “You’re Racist: Black Caucus Abortion Version”
  1. Yeah, and the Jewish leaders in the the Warsaw Ghetto helped choose those being “relocated to the East,” until no one else was left and the SS put THEM in the boxcars.

  2. The Left are very good at coming up with hypothetical situations that make any given decision look execrable.
    On a related note I was listening to NPR last night, “Make Me Smart” podcast (nominally part of Marketplace*) and they were talking about both Dobbs and Bruen. I found myself saying “liar” to the car’s speakers pretty much continually as they went on, especially about the gun aspects.
    * I gave up on most of NPR – except Car Talk reruns, Marketplace and Science Friday – when Trump was running in 2016. I’m about ready to delete SciFri and Marketplace from my podcast feeds also. Sad really … and I am writing again asking why we fund this?

    1. We fund this because the 1% in far-left cities have decided that it must be so.
      The vast majority of the people have never even heard of NPR, and certainly wouldn’t support government-run Pravda if they did know about it.

    2. NPR exists because there are parts that are worthwhile to some subset of people some of the time. People think Sesame Street when they hear NPR. They think of the classical music they don’t actually listen to. And for a vast number of NPR listeners, they believe that NPR is unbiased.

      1. That’s true. Sesame Street is a commercial enterprise nowadays, though. And NPR, even with all those bits combined, might amount to 3% or 5% of the total broadcast audience.

  3. We see this with states with no sales tax. You find stores popping up right across the border on well traveled roads. Not because there is a driving need within the sales tax free state, but to service all the out of staters that can do math and balance a 6% sales tax against a 30 mile round trip drive.

    True story: Driving back to Oregon from California, we observed gas prices drop by almost a dollar per gallon the second we crossed the border. California charges so much more in fuel taxes — on top of their crazy-high sales tax, almost 10% (Oregon has no sales tax) — that that hypothetical 30-mile round trip would mean real savings. Hell, I’d pack Jerry cans for friends and neighbors.

    I have no idea how a gas station just on the Cali side stays in business.

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