Perhaps we need a little bit more violence in society

I’m serious.

In a chivalrous society, when a man harassed a woman and her elderly mother and posts the video on line to cancel her, good, decent men would knock a few of his fucking teeth out.

But alas, we have become so peaceful that these shit-weasels feel free to throw their weight around and harass women.

What we need is just a little bit more chivalric ass whooping to set things right again.

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Spite Pillow Inc. Update

Wow, that’s an expensive pillow to manufacture.

Usually you are looking at a cost to price ratio of 10:1 or more.  This will be a $200 pillow for sure.

Seems smart to hold inventory in a currency that varies wildly in exchange rate.  Why not Venezuelan Bolivar or Zimbabwean Dollars?

Super top down.  All the important stuff is subcontracted.

For a company thar is supposed to be selling a physical good, that is a huge bottleneck.

$40 for monogramming on top of a $300 pillow.  Yikes.

They have an insane employee compensation package thought of but they don’t have a manufacturer that can meet demand.

TThat’s far more important that having a reliable manufacturer, viable design, or raw material supplier.  They got their social media nailed down though.

This is a thing?

That is an obscenely low offer to a top tier designer. Like, holy shit, I know industrial engineers who that equates to about 45 minutes in billing.  Thats not even a raw sketch.  Slap a zero on that for a draft design for a moderate size company logo.

That’s what $200 gets you.  A stock doodle.  What the hell does that have to do with pillows or sleep.

I just did a Google image search for “science logo” and got a dozen similar logos.  This is generic as fuck.

Gotta save money for the Executive Assistant salaries.

Also, they have a manifesto?

Oh they are so fucked.

This is being run like an hyped dot com start up not a boring manufacturing company making a household good that most consumers select based on price.

For the cost of one of these pillows I can buy 10 at Costco and would prefer to have 10 from Costco.  Is having only one pillow a law I’m not aware of because I sleep like a baby on a mountain of cheap pillows collected over the years.

I guarantee that they will sell out of their first batch order, almost exclusively to rich Leftists who want a virtue signaling gris-gris.

They will declare that a victory even though it folds after that because they are ridiculously top heavy and are selling $300 pillows.

I also bet that they will fuck over their supplier and leave them with unsold inventory that they ordered but didn’t pay for before they folded.

We shall see.

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Florida Democrat Mayor gets all fascist.

I expect the first visits cops will have to do is “handle” the Mayor herself.

Oh wait! She is Democrat Royalty, cannot be touched. Only the little people will be punished.

Laws for thee but not for me.

Hat Tip to everybody who sent me the tip.

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Today in things that are so stupid and malicious it makes me long for SMOD

This is real:

This video went viral.  The woman went to the hospital where they were unable to help her.

Gorilla Glue released a statement:

A lawyer has weighed in on this:

See, not is Gorilla Glue wrong but it’s also racist for not knowing thar black women use hair glue and specifically warning them.

That fact that Gorilla Glue is purchased in hardware stores and is not in any way indicated that it’s a hair product, and has warnings not to get it on skin, not withstanding.

This is a shakedown not a lawsuit.

I fear, however, in this day and age, she might win or at least get a huge settlement because of the racism angle.

Please God, bring on SMOD.

(PS, do not bring up the McDonald’s coffee spill case in the comments, virtually everything the pop culture knows about that case is wrong.  McDonald’s admitted in court that they knew selling coffee at 190 degF was a hazard and after 700 previous settlements over burns, they still had no intention of selling coffee at the industry standard of 160 degF.)

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