And suddenly all the Democrats turning a blind eye to Antifa makes sense


Half a year’s worth or riots and violence by Antifa set the precedent and intimidated the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be above politics, but it turns out they are yellow-bellied, gutless, chicken shit, fucking cowards who would rather have Biden obviously cheat his way into victory than have an fair and honest outcome and have to deal with riots.

Had Antifa been effectively fought way back in the beginning, this wouldn’t have been an issue.  Now that they are battle hardened at fighting cops, they are a political force to be taken into consideration.

This is bullshit.

The heckler’s veto ultimately picked the President.

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I was mad, now I’m furious

Today’s headline:

Suicide is now the leading cause of death for children ages 10 to 14 in Ohio

Suicide is now the leading cause of death for children ages 10 to 14 in Ohio, according to a report from the Ohio Department of Health about suicide in Ohio.

The report, which highlights an increasing number of suicides across different age groups in Ohio, also notes that suicides are the second leading cause of death for young people ages 15 to 34.

Then there was this headline from a month ago.

Kids have regressed due to COVID-19 restrictions, with some potty-trained kids going back to diapers, experts say

An education watchdog in the U.K. found that some children have regressed due to COVID-19-related school closures and restrictions. A report from Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills, says some kids have fallen back in basic skills – and some who were greatly impacted have even forgotten how to use a fork and knife.

One is the “hardest hit” group of young kids. This group has suffered from time out of school and has gone backwards on words and numbers. This group has also reverted to diapers after being potty-trained or lost “basic skills” such as using a knife and fork.

I can tell you this is affecting my family.

The boy is doing well but having problems with groups of other kids.  His teacher told us very plainly that the problem is since the kids have such little interaction time, the can’t develop the conflict resolution skills they should be learning at this age.  We are doing all we can to keep his academics progressing but we can’t really do much about his social development when his socialization is so limited.

In the Huntsville area, this is what we know to be true:

“If you look at the death statistics in the state of Alabama, 77 percent of the people who have died are over 65 and have some kind of health care issue,” he said.

So to save the lives of people who probably would have died from a bad case of the flu, we have done possibly irreparable damage to a generation of children.

More teenagers have killed themselves because of COVID than died of fucking COVID.  Can you fathom the mental anguish that makes a 10-year-old commit suicide?

The government and the media did that to us.

The geriatric ward that is our government leadership wants to keep the lockdowns going.  It’s clear why.

Between an octogenarian senator getting COVID a child suffering so hard they go back to sitting his pants or killing themselves is not a hard choice to make.

They need to end this shit now and they really should pay for what they did to our children hocking their fear porn.

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News from the future

Looking at Biden’s picks for his administration, it is full of the most incompetent people to put D behind their names.

It really is a money laundering scheme to pay back Obama lackeys and Democrat donors for their loyalty.

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw this in the news by 2022:

“Today the Biden Administration signed a trade deal with the Chinese Government.  The People’s Liberation Army will be allowed to conduct live fire weapons testing on Trump supporters in Red states.  In exchange, all 1.3 billion Chinese citizens will be required to become Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Disney+, and YouTube Premium paid subscribers.”

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Absolutely unqualified

As a former resident of the Chicago metropolitan area and having flown through Chicago O’Hare many, many times.  I can assure you that O’Hare Airport is not romantic.

The only good part about O’Hare was the BOGO at Nuts on Clark.

Then again, if you are familiar with the history of politicians having anonymous sex in airport terminal restrooms, then I suspect “nuts on Clark in O’Hare” means something very different from chocolate covered cashews, and very may well be romantic.

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This is such lying bullsh*t

A buddy of mine sent me this:


I’m calling bullshit.  There is no way that this is real.

A double shift is 16 hours.  This person seriously wants me to believe that nurses are working 16 hours without food or drink and using a diaper?

If I left my kid in a diaper for 16 hours, they would take him away from me.  So either this person is insane, or they change their adult diaper during their shift, which would take longer than just going to pee like a fully functioning adult human.

I’m going to assume that when she says, IVF that was a typo and she means IV.  Otherwise, this crazy train went off the tracks on a bridge and plunged 1,000 feet into the valley below.  That said, I very much doubt a hospital would just allow a nurse to top herself off with an IV on shift.  Those things are expensive and inventoried.  Not to mention how bad it would look for the hospital to have a nurse working while hooked up to an IV.

There is no way this is real.

I double-checked and this tweet is now gone.  It was replaced by this:


She refined her bullshit.

Imposing such working conditions on people is illegal.  If these nurses are doing this to themselves, then they are bat-shit crazy.  Not eating or drinking or using the bathroom for 10+ hours straight doesn’t benefit the patients.  All it would do is risk the nurses’ cognitive function, which is more dangerous for the patient.

Remember, when you go to the hospital, don’t ask your doctor where he went to medical school or what rank he had in his class, ask him how long he’s been on shift.  The greatest predictor of mistake is how long the doctor has been awake on shift.  There is a reason the FAA has maximum working hours and minimum rest times for pilots and air traffic controllers.  People die when one of them gets drowsy on the job.  The same thing should apply to doctors and nurses.  After 16 hours, are they absolutely sure they titrated a patient’s insulin to the correct dose or did they put the decimal point in the wrong place (I’m not making this scenario up, I read the malpractice deposition).

Noting about this tweet thread is believable.  It has to be some made-up bullshit to heap more glory onto the medical profession during these times.  Glory which has been severely eroded by the prevalence of these same people doing choreographed routines on TikTok while complaining that they are being worked to death.


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What it means that Biden picked Buttigieg

President-Elect Biden is picking his cabinet.

He selected Mayor Pete Buttigieg for Secretary of Transportation.

Why?  Who the fuck knows, really.  But he did.

This is how the Washington Post (courtesy of MSN) headlined the story:

Biden says Buttigieg will play key role in rebuilding country after pandemic

President-elect Joe Biden formally introduced Pete Buttigieg as his nominee to run the Transportation Department on Wednesday, saying the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., will play a significant role at the intersection of his administration’s plans to put the nation back on its feet after the coronavirus pandemic.

My first thought was:

“Oh great, some fuck-faced, shit-weasel, asshole from McKinsey and Company is being put in charge of rebuilding the country after the pandemic.  You know what that means.  Working Americans are going to get fucked even harder, but the C-Suite executive class is going to be rolling in rebuild bailout bank.  This is going to be Shovel Ready Jobs 2.0, even more bullshit to shovel.”

Then that corporate consultant cocksucker opened his lying panderhole and made all my worse fears come true.

You know what this means, right?

Your roads aren’t going to get fixed.  Not in the least.

We knew that from the Obama administration’s shovel ready jobs bullshit.

But now it’s worse.  See, your roads aren’t going to get fixed because you’re privileged.

See, all across this country there are “transportation deserts.”

Just the other day, Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley blamed “transportation deserts” for black COVID deaths.

According to Smithsonian, transportation deserts or transit deserts are:

Along with other colleagues at the Urban Information Lab at the University of Texas, we have developed a website showing which areas in major U.S. cities do not have sufficient alternatives to car ownership. Using these methods, we have determined that lack of transit access is a widespread problem. In some of the most severely affected cities, 1 in 8 residents lives in what we refer to as transit deserts.

We also found that relatively well-off neighborhoods have better transport services. This is not surprising: Wealthier people tend to have higher access to cars, and thus rely less on public transit.

Lower access to transportation for poorer Americans creates a kind of negative economic feedback loop. People need access to high-quality transportation in order to find and retain better jobs. Indeed, several studies have shown that transit access is one the most critical factors in determining upward mobility. Poor Americans are likely to have lower-than-average access to transit, but often are unable to move out of poverty because of this lack of transit. Investing in infrastructure thus is a way of increasing social and economic equality.

So that stretch of highway used to transport goods in interstate commerce, that really needs the bridge widened and updated isn’t going to happen, because that will improve the lives of the already privileged people who own cars or businesses that use the highway.

That’s just not equitable.

But Buttigieg knows that in order to keep the Democrat donors happy, he has to do nice things for them too.  So he’s going to make sure that there are plenty of bike lanes installed in high-dollar donor communities because that increases property values.

But you, middle class, suburbanite, working American.  You’re not rich enough to get a bike lane but you’re definitely privileged enough to not deserve to have your roads fixed.

Highway maintenance workers are traditionally a man’s job.  It’s hard, it’s dangerous.  That’s just not equitable.  So before any road crews get to work fixing the roads, they are going to need lots of implicit bias, gender sensitivity, and anti-racism training.  We can’t have those privileged white men out of the highways pouring asphalt unless they understand how they are contributing to systematic oppression with their “Men Working” signs.

See, paying actual highway maintenance workers puts money in the hands of working-class people.  They voted for Trump.  That doesn’t help the Democrat donor class.

Putting money in the hands of academics and diversity and inclusion consultants to study why we don’t have enough women, POC, and LGBTQIA+ welders to repair bridges, does put money in the hands of white-collar Democrat donors.

So what are we going to get with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg?

I few rich neighborhoods will get bike paths.  Everyone else will get lectures on the structural inequality of America’s transportation system.  And if you complain that the highway you drive on is constantly congested and you want it improved to help the flow of traffic on your morning commute, you’ll get a lecture on how you’re privileged for being able to afford a car to ask that question.

Or… we might get ITs.

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Portland surrenders to Antifa…again.

From the New York Post:

Within a few hours, the entire street was blocked off with stolen fencing, wood and junk taken from nearby homes. Some brought in power tools to reinforce the barriers. The militants laid out piles of rocks, metal spikes and glass bottles at strategic points to act as supply points for projectile weapons. They lined the road with impromptu “booby traps” — upward-facing nail strips, caltrops and more.

Portland police officers tried to shut down the RHAZ early on, but they were attacked and chased away. Their police cruisers were smashed up; they didn’t return.

“Those present at the barricades should leave it behind, put down your weapons and allow the neighborhood to return to peace and order,” Portland Police Chief Chuck Lovell asked the militants, who ignored his polite request.

I am shocked that Antifa/BLM ignore the Head Police Castrati of Portland. I am just waiting for several more to pop around the city because they will be no consequences.

But I have to say: There is a lot of combustible material there. You know some dumb bastard is going to end up setting shit of fire after ne too many meth hits.


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