Month: May 2011

So how about them gun crime during the 2011 NRA Annual Meeting?

It’s been two weeks now, I guess Pittsburgh PD should have a pretty good idea of the number of casualties that such gathering of armed nuts brought. I even heard they had stuff to drink! There are rumors that some of those “Stalking” bloggers were actually consuming spirits at a wine tasting. Some Wild West Shooting must have happened!




Mental Gymnastics, Brady Style.

We are used to see the (I)logical Mental Contortions that AntiGunners must develop in order to even function at dome level, but sometimes trying to follow them makes anybody’s brain hurt.

In this extract, Brady goes bunkers about Guns in Campus and mentions a shooting in San Jose State, People’s Republic of California. The Disciples dive immediately into repeating the same old tired chorus till one solitary person, Hung Lo realizes that maybe this is not the best news item to prop their cause. California just hit #1 in the Brady’s Anti Gun Hall Of Fame for the best Anti Gun Laws! And San Jose State does not allow guns in campus so, How did the shooting happen? There shouldn’t be any guns and nobody should die or get hurt! UNIMPOSSIBLE!

Of course, Mr. Lo does not want to lose his Brady Card Points and closes with the very emotive LOCK THE GUN NUTS UP! (Because Due Process is for pussies)

Can I get a couple of Excedrin to go please?

Why Are Anti Gunners So Violent? Bar Widow and Loudmouth Blues.

First, my soon to be favorite CSGVer tolls the bell for her hubby.

And then the Violence Policy Center has to put his two ounces:

In the meantime, every state that allows weapons in restaurants that serve alcohol and in bars have not reported the massacres CSGV and VPC promised us. Maybe we should call the FTC and complain of fraudulent advertisement by these two groups.

CSGV Dumb Comment of the Day plus a touch of Eugenics.

I am gonna be so sad when the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence finally disappears. They make my blogging so easy!

Why would anybody take a LOADED gun to Toys ‘R’ Us Rayan? First, an unloaded gun is just an useless paperweight and secondly, because bad stuff happens do happen at Toys ‘R’ Us!

Nancy Bradford… Dear Nancy, What can I say other than you were born in the wrong time and in the wrong country? Your suggestion has been tried tried before. I bet you look great in all black with a Totenkopf brooche.

UPDATE: I had to add one more comment from Ms. Rayan Carvalho:

So, he should eliminate himself and you guys get to add one more number to your gun death count. Two for the price of one! I see what you did there!
Hana hou Rayan!

Best answer for those who oppose Expanded Castle Doctrine.

Anti Gunners love to put ugly brands on any pro-gun and pro-self-defense in the desperate effort to make them sound evil and have people reject it. The Expansion of the Castle Doctrine, which simply states you have the right to defend yourself outside your home, is branded Shoot First as in Shoot First and Ask Questions Later or a “sure” indicator that you are some sort of vigilante or blood thirsty armed animal. Of course, that means you should ask first what is going on and what the intentions of a criminal are when you may have about 5 seconds to live. Call me crazy, but engaging in a poll with an armed criminal strikes me as one of the dumbest things possible right there with juggling vials of nitroglycerin.

The best response is given by the most famous San Franciscan ever:

The Mayor: Intent? How did you establish that?
Harry Callahan: When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher’s knife and a hard-on, I figure he isn’t out collecting for the Red Cross!

Logic: It is overwhelming and absent from Anti Gun Advocates.

GSGV: “Outing” Gun Bloggers.

Apparently in between sips of herbal Tibetan tea and listening to the latest Ravi Shankar track in their ecological sound IPods, somebody at the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence managed to operate Google and find the names of two gun bloggers they really hate.

Joan is just wetting herself at the idea of creating a list. Probably she will collect enough names and send the list to Homeland Security so we can be placed in Uncle Steely Joe’s Rehabilitation and Re-Education camps.

I just tweeted them a couple of clues to see if they “out” me. I don’t know if they will since I extended an invitation to CSGV Facebook fan Gregory J. Jaskolka to come down and meet me when he called me a coward and that I hide behind my computer. So far I haven’t heard from any of them.

UPDATE: Oh Noes! They “outed” Sebastian!

Are we dealing with 6 year olds here?