Month: August 2012

CSGV: Neither, nor, just the opposite.

This one hurt, I admit it. Then again silly me for reading one of Ladd’s interns (which I suspect is a former OWS member that amazingly can keep a job) without the proper dosage of caffeine.

I cannot keep track with all the stuff we are supposed to be. We are racists, revolutionaries, contra-revolutionaries, anarchists, cannibals, anti-government and now we want to be government?

The hobbesian thing comes from the following:

Hobbes (hbz), Thomas 1588-1679.
English philosopher and political theorist best known for his book Leviathan (1651), in which he argues that the only way to secure civil society is through universal submission to the absolute authority of a sovereign.

So is it like Islam for Non-Muslims? But we still get to eat bacon, right?

They have been pushing all this year for the “NRA wants to destroy the government” but today we want to be a dictatorial government? Do they drug-test the interns at CSGV? Oi gevald!

Trying to make sense on what the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is impossible. Sometimes it feels like I am watching Faye Dunaway being slapped in that scene in Chinatown. It obviously means that CSGV feels frustrated and that no matter what false accusations they throw at us, nothing sticks and they have to come up with weirder stuff. I feel that accusations of Child Molestation are not very far down the line. So if you hear that we are like Nambla but with guns, you know they reached China they dug themselves so deep.

I need more coffee.

I get now why there is so much crime in Chicago.

“We can keep doing that,” he said, “but we have to pass stronger gun laws in this state. We’re not talking about repealing conceal/ carry, but making sure we have a tougher set of laws dealing with assault weapons and other types of guns.”
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel

via After bloody weekend, Chicago mayor pleads for help: ‘You’re not a snitch’ – U.S. News.

Dear God! No wonder people of Chicago are being subjected to so much violence. The damned mayor still does not know Illinois is the only state of the Union without a form of Concealed Carry!


“Because, you know, that competition shit will get you killed.”

Armed customer shoots dollar store robber, killing him – U.S. News.

The man was found dead when police arrived at the scene. No charges are pending against the shooter, said.

“He’s always been a marksman,” the man’s wife told “He shoots in competitions, but this is the first time he’s ever killed anyone and I don’t know how he’ll handle that.”

I keep saying it: I rather have a competitive shooter in any discipline next to me than some “guru” in a black polo shirt with a cool tacticool logo that badmouths any Action Shooting Sport.

Title stolen from a Facebook post by’s Rob Sloyer.  

Pharisee much?

I saw this from CSGV last night.

It turns out to be an article by our “old friend” Bruce Reyes-Chow. You can go ahead and read the article that is just a piece of typical self-righteous moral superiority. He tries to appear willing to compromise, but in reality he is just trying to run his “elevated” spiritual state on gun owners. Unfortunately for him, he falls for the Anti-Second Amendment narrative of “Gun Violence” which is another made up term just as “Assault Weapon” or “Gun Show Loophole.”

And having partaken in religious activities with many a religious hypocrites in my life, I left him this short and concise message.

Regular Guy with a Regular Gun Saves Cop’s Life.

Bystander Fired Deadly Shot, Not Officer – WAFB 9 News Baton Rouge, Louisiana News, Weather, Sports.

Harrison was reportedly on his back with Temple on top of him.  That’s when Stevens went to his car and grabbed his .45 caliber pistol.

According to Col. Greg Phares, “[Mr. Stevens] orders Mr. Temple to stop and get off the officer.  The verbal commands are ignored and Mr. Stevens fires four shots, all of which struck Mr. Temple.”

Perry Stevens fired four shots into Temple’s torso.  Officer Harrison had already fired one shot into Temple’s abdomen.  With Temple still struggling with the officer, Perry continued to advance toward the scuffle.

“He again orders Mr. Temple to stop what he was doing and get off the officer.  Those commands are ignored and he fires a fifth shot and that hits his head.  The incident is over with, and as you know, Mr. Temple is dead.”

Will you look at that! An armed civilian (probably one of them insurrectionists we hear about) shoots a bad guy 5 times while on the move and with a Non-Target very close by.  There goes the myth that civilians are not as trained as Police Officers when guns are in the line. That was a 100% target hit and a good outcome.

Every time I see a LEO participating on Action Shooting sports, I know I am seeing somebody with a badge who knows the importance of practice and I also know that he/she will be more prepared when the time (hopefully never) that life must be put on the line.

It is time we take the politicians out of the LEO firearms training & supply and substitute them with people that actually know guns. Politically Correctness and the fear of lawsuits are placing both Cops and Civilians in danger.

CSGV & Open Carry in Florida.

It seems the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence is a little confused about Florida’s Open Carry Law.

790.053  Open carrying of weapons.

(1)  Except as otherwise provided by law and in subsection (2), it is unlawful for any person to openly carry on or about his or her person any firearm or electric weapon or device.

(2)  A person may openly carry, for purposes of lawful self-defense:

(a)  A self-defense chemical spray.

(b)  A nonlethal stun gun or remote stun gun or other nonlethal electric weapon or device which does not fire a dart or projectile and is designed solely for defensive purposes.

(3)  Any person violating this section commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

There are very few exceptions mostly for hunting, fishing & participating in shooting sports. Also, ours is a Concealed Weapons Permit which gives us a wide latitude of items that we can carry concealed. So, if the idiot had a CWP and had the machete concealed (good luck with that) he’d be golden. But he probably read the interpretation of Florida’s laws in the GSGV website and now he is wearing an orange romper suit. And if he was openly carrying a “semiautomatic handgun with a 33-round magazine and spares” he’d be also enjoying the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s three meals and a cot lodging facilities.