Month: April 2013

Florida legislature, guns and the mentally affected/afflicted/defective.

On the the legislature now is CS/CS/HB 1355 – Purchase of Firearms by Mentally Ill Persons (Make sure you read the last version of the text). On first read, it tackles the issue of keeping people with mental problems from acquiring guns and the chance to recover their rights if they get better. Both medical and legal conditions must be met to adjudicate somebody medically incompetent & the person has to be notified.

Criteria: An examining physician found that the person is an imminent danger to himself or herself or others.

As a layman, I don’t see much trouble with this bill. I do feel it might be easier to get in the naughty list than getting out of its influence.

Thoughts, opinions?

The power of one image. (NSFW)

This is not gun-related but at the same time it is a teaching moment. Take a look at this pic:
femen-bishopAnd the story for context from Hot Air:

A group of naked women bum-rushed Belgian Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard while he was speaking in Brussels and doused him with water from bottles shaped like the Virgin Mary on Tuesday.

The women were reportedly feminist protesters from the Ukranian-based FEMEN group, which is known for organizing topless protests against the Catholic Church and others.

According to AFP, the four protesters charged the archbishop during “a debate on blasphemy and freedom of expression held at the Brussels’ Free University (ULB) campus Tuesday evening, baring their breasts and squirting water at Archbishop Andre Leonard as they accused him of homophobia.”

Photos of the event show Leonard patiently sitting quietly with his eyes closed and hands folded in prayer as the women empty bottles of water on his head and clothes.

Powerful image. The hate displayed in the faces of the women and the passive posture of the Archbishop resonates deeply. No matter how good or truthful the message the women were trying to publicize or even if the Archbishop is a true hater, the guttural reaction one gets is that hate came topless to that occasion. Those women lost control of the message and a ton of points among the regular people.

Why do I bring this? We are now revving up for a new round of Gun Control efforts. We Gun Owners will be vilified like never before and with the full force of the Main Stream Media supporting the efforts. They will set us up and try to make us look like brutes, inbred morons that cannot be trusted with such dangerous artifacts. We are to be the Negroes of Jim Crow legend, the wearers of Yellow Stars and Pink triangles in old Berlin, suspected Japanese in the interned in camps on the West Coast of Franklin Delano times. We cannot afford to give them a chance by losing our cool no matter how much they poke at us.

But we are not naked. Technology now places a video camera in almost every phone where we can gather evidence and upload it to the never-ending webs before the TV crew makes it back to the station. (I do need to get me a darn smart phone) We can fight back and we can use the most powerful of weapons: The Truth.

Just be cool and smile, don’t fall for their tricks, probes or pokes. They are looking for a bad reaction to display during the nightly news and have a bunch of politicians and gin grabbers say “See! Told ya so!”  We carry, we own and we have learned to be patient, that alone will drive them nuts; being polite will unhinge them…and that is when we get our pics and videos.

Anyway, I hope you guys and ladies had a nice rest ’cause we are facing another round of stupidity by the Antis.

UPDATE: I guess I did not make myself clear enough in here and in the comments and they degenerated into a Gay Marriage argument that was NOT the intention of the post.

Comments are now closed for this post.

Finally somebody heard me about Voluntary Background Checks.

Here’s how Coburn’s plan would work: A gun buyer would log in to a free federal web portal and enter some personal information. If the buyer passes the background check, he or she would get a multi-digit key code, good for 30 days, to print out and take to a seller. That seller would use the same portal to confirm the authenticity of the background check

via Would a do-it-yourself gun background check work?.

Nifty tool if they keep the political Mickey Mouse out. You still get to choose if you sell your gun with or without a check (as I am not planning to do a BG Check to somebody I’ve known for a long time) and we need assurances that the record of the check is deleted after a prudent period of time.

Of course, the naysayers are already pouring ashes on themselves:

“It’s unworkable,” said Ladd Everitt of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, “and there would be no incentive for any private seller to do a background check under the legislation.”

Yeah Ladd, like mandatory BG checks for private sales have a lot of incentive. Do you remember what happened in the Senate not too long ago? But you have to understand Ladd, for him we are all just “uncaught” bloodthirsty felons. And there is more:

Another problem for gun control advocates: There would be no lasting record of the sale.

Not really a problem for us anyway. Let’s continue:

“When there’s a crime committed, a police agency can go to a manufacturer and ask, ‘Hey, where did this gun go?'” said Mark Kelly, who founded Americans for Responsible Solutions with his wife, former Rep. Gabby Giffords. The manufacturer can point to a federally licensed dealer, who would have a paper record of the sale, “and then they can help them solve some crimes,” Kelly said.

Yes, we need to see those stats where it says all those great numbers of crimes that were solved the paper trail. One comes to mind: Fast & Furious and the smuggling of weapons to the Mexican cartels…no wait…Oh crap.

Unfortunately and with the Senate composition we have, I don’t think this bill will go far.


Sometimes it is luck, sometimes it is the spidey senses.

The other day over lunch with a friend we got to talking about carrying and self-defense. I do really count myself lucky that in my entire life I’ve never needed a gun or a self-defense, granted there were plenty of times where it probably would have been handy but I think my keen sense kept me out of harms way.

via Is She Dangerous?: I Count Myself Lucky.

And sometimes it is just the intervention of a very tired Guardian Angel (or angels, I believe I have at least three working 24/7) that keep us unhurt.

Weather in South Florida: A guide for the uninitiated. (Spring?)

As the upper 49 states are progressing into Spring, Facebook, Twitter and other elements of social media are full of pictures and accounts of cold receding,  flowers blooming and cute critters in love.

Down here in South Florida we are “enjoying” our traditional schizophrenic weather.

I used to live in Tennessee and my favorite season was (and is) Fall. For somebody who lived 90% of his life in a perpetual state of green, the change of colors has always struck me as Nature’s feat of art. I miss it and I miss the smells of Fall. But, did you know that South Florida actually has a Fall season too? Yup! We are having it right now! I did say our weather is schizophrenic.

The thing is colors don’t change into those fantastic browns and gold and ocher. Leaves may turn a wee bit yellow and suddenly everything frigging tree in the area sheds its old cover like a cheap 70s shag carpet. And I do mean suddenly: you go to sleep one night and wake up the next day with your car covered in dead leaves as if somebody sprayed Paraquat while you were trading snores with the Sandman. Snakes take longer shedding skin.

If you are wondering about empty branches, nay. It is like the new green stuff just came from behind the old, kick it in the butt and took its place. For Yankees from up North is confusing to see about a foot of dead leaves on the ground and have trees full of freshly green leaves. Did you know that Greek god of winds Aeolus vacations in South Florida during this time? And he is an expert on blowing all the leaves right up to your front door in such quantities that you could hide a 7 foot gator under the pile without a problem.

Now, if the falling of leaves is not confusing enough, the sudden temperature & humidity shifts will drive any sane person insane. You can wake up one morning at 55 degrees and be in the low 90s by 1:00 pm. I know Yanks love to laugh at the idea of 55 degrees being referred as cold, but then again we are the ones that have to pick up the pale and molten remains of Mid-Westerners and New Yorkers from the sidewalks of our cities as their metabolisms and physiology cannot handle the bi-polar weather. And the humidity? More males die at the hands of their spouses and girlfriends during this season than any other time of the year for making a silly comment about their hair. The typical South Florida woman will carry enough hair products and accouterments with her to open up a hair saloon. It has been said that no house built in South Florida after the 70s has less than 2 bathrooms for the specific reason as to reduce male mortality. The master bathroom is designed for women with lots of room, great light, at least eight electric sockets and enough counter space to perform an autopsy. The second bathroom is a regular for the man to hide from the fury of their mates as they try to fix their tops. Most of the male bathrooms come with reinforced doors and an escape hatch for those dire emergencies.

The so-called-Spring comes to an end with a delightful tradition by Mother Nature: Love Bugs. Love Bugs are like your little nephews on Red Bull: they are not really harmful, but you get tired of them sticking themselves into everything and they just won’t stop. Constant talkers will get an extra dose of protein in their diets as Love Bugs apparently are attracted to the humidity in your uvula. Not even starving Mariachis will play outside during this time of the year. Love Bug season lasts about a month and ends when they start exploding on mid-air as temperatures rise from “Oh My Frigging God it is like an oven in here!” to “Who left Hell’s Door open?” A.K.A. “Summer”.

But that is another different post altogether.