Month: January 2014

Bayou Renaissance Man & Guns for the Disabled.

I’m almost at my wit’s end trying to locate several firearms for disabled shooters who live in areas where they feel threatened by dangers such as home invasion, etc.  Some feel at risk when going down the street in wheelchairs, on crutches, or using another mobility aid, because gang-bangers regard them as feeble – easy prey.  Trouble is, on disability income (often no more than a few hundred dollars per month) they can’t afford to buy new or high-quality firearms for self-defense.

Time was I could find old revolvers (decent ones such as Smith & Wesson police department trade-in Model 10‘s and more modern versions such as the Model 15,Model 64, etc.) for $150-$200.  Not any more.  The diminishing supply of police trade-in revolvers, and increasing demand for low-cost home defense weapons, has meant that finding such deals is now a matter of luck alone.

via Bayou Renaissance Man: Guns for disabled shooters.

Do you have an old thing way in the back of your safe that you have not shot since back when they used to give you a brick of .22LR with a purchase of a Big Mac? Maybe your first gun that it is not so cool anymore but was the only thing you could afford?

I’d be grateful if those of my readers who care about such things would please keep their eyes peeled for older, usable-condition pistols, revolvers and shotguns at low prices.  I know everyone wants them, but if you spot something like an old single-shot shotgun, or old Ruger P-series pistol, or an equivalent weapon at a price along the lines discussed above, PLEASE e-mail me!  (My address is in my blog profile.)

And I am guessing but I figure that even a couple of bucks thrown his way to at least pay for the FFL & other expenses will be a good thing.

Get in touch with him directly and pass the word to friends and family.

Sen. Kevin de León & Ghost Guns: The Complete Idiocy

I have been reading and watching Anti Gun Politicians for close to 2 decades come up with some amazingly displays of lies and stupidity when talking about guns, But I must say that State Senator Kevin de Leon has gone farthest and fastest than anybody else before him. I don’t know if Sen. De Leon has his abuelita living nearby, but if she ever finds out about the lies and general ignorance portrayed by his grandson, she is bound to grab a chancleta and spank some sense into his body

Here is the complete presser video. Under it you will quotes and comments. If you suffer from migraines, you may want to avoid the post.

00:00 “Tomorrow in the senate safety public  committee I will introduce legislation to ban the sale the manufacture the purchase and trafficking a plastic and self-assembled firearms also known as Ghost Guns in California.”
OK, You are in California and you hate guns and you gonna ban them. No surprise there.

00:23 “…advances in technology specifically 3d printers using digital blueprints can now make plastic fully functional guns that can slip through metal detectors and x-ray machines in airports and elsewhere…”
Nothing said about the cartridges that have to be metal and that are not X-ray invisible…you may need one or two of thjose for the gun to work..just saying.

00:45 “…they are being produced without serial numbers or records of sell. No one knows that they exist until after a crime has been committed. ”
And pray tell us how many of these 3D printed guns have been involved in crimes?  I guess somewhere between zero and nada.

01:00 “…the firearms are called Ghost Guns because they do not have serial numbers and the owners have not undergone background check because nobody even knows that they exist. Also 3d-printed guns may have detachable metal pieces and be slipped pass metal detectors…”
Huh? Metal that goes undetected by metal detectors? (Say that fast 5 times) Sen. De Leon would have a sh**-fit if he finds out about the AK-Building Clubs where they build guns from flats, have no serial numbers and are legal!

01:20 “…new technology that makes manufacturing guns available to the general public also raises questions about whether a homemade guns are made by dangerous individuals. To be legal under SB 808 the measure that will be introducing tomorrow in the Senate Public Safety Committee Ghost Guns will have to be registered with the Department justice three serial number and a gun owner background
check …”
I can see your local meth addict ordering a 3D printer plus the materials and the computer in order to print hisself a gun that may or may not work. And of course, he will register the gun immediately! 

02:22 “…the threat is broader than
3d guns we need to make sure that homemade guns do not fall into the hands dangerous criminals and the mentally unstable. With that, I want to show the process for creating a ghost gun which is quite shockley simple…”
Yay! We are gonna see a 3D printer in action carving a plastic gun!

02:39 “.. if you just focus on this piece of metal….”
Wait? Piece of metal? I thought we were talking about plastic! Wait one , isn’t that an 80% AR not-yet-receiver?”

de leon 1

By golly it is! And it is invisible to X-Ray machines? Really?

03:27 “…again is the engine to the high part semi-automatic assault weapons are you see displayed here today with that the lower receiver an individual can buy this eighty to a hundred dollars online this doesn’t have a serial number it doesn’t require a background check…”
Because it is NOT a receiver you moron! It is a piece of metal that can be seen in ANY X-Ray machine. 

de leon 2
03:47 “…all the person has to do secure this jig, go to someone who has a drill press….you insert this lower receiver into this jig…you go to someone who has a drill press and god knows throughout the city
california special my district industrial areas…”
You mean you get a Black and Decker drill press and ..presto?


de leon 3
04:12 “…you can go easily to any drill press a bit and make the holes necessary want to make the holes necessary becomes this.

“….This is the lower receiver again the engine.  Then the engine becomes this…”
de leon 4That has to be some drill press… it not only makes holes but anodizes aluminum in one pass…. holy crap! I want one!


4:39 “…we have here a semi-automatic weapon which is illegal in the State of California, nonetheless this has a serial number. This weapon right here can be detected…”
de leon 5We ll Hell, I can see the damn gun and it is made out of metal , of course it can be detected you nitwit! And if the gun is illegal, wtf are you doing with it? You are in possession of an illegal “assault weapon”!


05:16 “…with the purchase this lower receiver online through the internet, you can go on YouTube, you can create this illegal weapon. this is a ghost this right here.”
de leon 6Whut?? But I can see the damn thing! How can’t it be undetectable? And again: It is made out of metal which means it will set off metal detectors! Am I the only one not losing his mind at the sheer idiocy? This frigging moron introduced a bill to stop plastic guns, invisible to X-Rays and it is showing a metal gun?

(I am jumping the whole  “to disperse with 30 bullets within half a sec” as it is already well covered)

06:12 “….this weapon which is an automatic sniper weapon that is used by our troops in the military in Afghanistan again this is a weapon is a Ghost Gun got no serial number, you cannot trace.  It its undetectable. 
de leon 7What da fur? OK honey Bunny, it is time for you to put down the bad toy and go take your medication. And will somebody cut his Medical marijuana card please? I think he is overdosing!

There is about 15 more minutes of maudlin BS on this video, but I can only take it till here.  After that, serious headaches start to develop and the need to toss him a Webster Dictionary straight to his face becomes a need.

Hanlno’s razor establishes that you should never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupiditySenator de Leon establishes that actually both malice and stupidity can coexist in the same brain. 



CSGV: Actions have consequences.

CSGV Virginia sticks


Insane? No so much if you consider past behavior from left-leaning groups and unions.  The following pic is an example of why laws and ordinances like that are passed:

That is from a Longshoremen protest in Portland back in 2011.  If I recall, anarchist marches and other similar idiots tend to pull that kind of stunts and then using the “holders” to create havoc and destruction of private property. Anyway, I find it kinda stupid, specially when it is attached to a bunch of scaredy cats that puke & pass out at the sight of a Glock logo.

But why not ban guns? Well, maybe because there have been no incidents when gun owners march? As in “They behave according to the law, are polite and friendly”? That kind of thing goes a long way, you know?

And the comments from the Luddites are just precious:

Karen Derus Durling Right-wing stinkin’ thinkin’ at its finest!

Rory Lane Shows how backwards thinking the pro – gun folks are

Steve Nolan If only they defended the 1st the way they defend their warped idea of the 2nd

Peter Read The staffs of hand-sized American flags were problematic. AR-15s were not. As a veteran I don’t know what to make of that.

EM Clark Get rid of Fox News. I am a Republican, but as long as people like Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin and Fox News are allowed to proliferate, this will happen. Big money maker and Rupert and Limbaugh and those guys are not practitioners. How come Palins two eldest kids can get away with having an illegitimate brat and nearly illegitimate brat outside of wedlock but you can’t. They are just making money on this. Also Doomsday Preppers. You would think Ahmedinajab was over here. If it is walking back, let it walk back safely.

Charlotte Rowe Not insane. Very deliberately planned to favor the gunfucks.

Jack Parker Does Terry McAuliffe have anything to say about this? I thought the last election signaled a major shift in VA politics.