Month: September 2014

Latest Tactical Flavor: Krav Maga Shootin’.

Is there a  The Tactical Onion I should know about?

I have no idea what is the problem with carrying a round in the chamber, specially with pistols designed in the last 40 years.  It was cute the way the instructor did the bumpfire, but I wish i could see if any target was actually hit. Also loved the way he placed his hand over the muzzle of the gun.

And cover is for pussies…

Gift from a Good Son Proves to be Very Helpful

Cathy Kouba’s home security system alarm jolted her awake Thursday night. She said she realized someone was trying to kick in her back door.

“I have a daughter that’s handicapped and she was asleep on the bottom floor,” Kouba said. “And so for the fear of her being hurt, motherly instincts kick in and, you know, I worked hard for what I’ve got. And you’re not going to come and take it away from me.”

Kouba said she grabbed the gun her son gave her for Mother’s Day and ran out the front door to confront the intruder out back.

“[I cocked the gun], saw that the door had broke down, then I saw him hitting over the fence and head to the creek,” Kouba said.

Kouba said she fired and thinks she hit him in his backside. Adding insult to injury, the intruder got tangled in her electric fence before escaping

via El Reno woman says she shot would-be home intruder in backside | Oklahoma City – OKC –

I really do not understand what is going on with women theses days. By defending herself and her daughter, the only thing she did was…. save their lives!

I am glad that Ms. Kouba decided to forego the high moral ground of being a victim and made a criminal reassess his victim selection process. And to her son, God Bless you for giving the gift of life by Mossberg.

Damn it Ruger! I want to buy a camera!

Ruger american-Ranch

The Ranch version is a bit more of a break from the rest of the American line, offering shooters what looks to be a handy utility rifle. The version is the shortest in the line, boasting a 16.12” barrel and is offered with the choice of a standard or compact polymer stock. With the standard stock the Ranch Rifle’s overall length of 36”, with the compact it is 34 ¾”.

The Ranch rifle comes in two calibers, 5.56 NATO/.223 and 300 Blackout, two of the most popular AR calibers. This gives the bolt-action the potential of being a solid complementary gun to the ubiquitous semiautomatic. Another feature that could help marry it to an AR, the factory-installed scope rail that allows for quick optic swaps

via Ruger Continues to Expand Popular American Rifle Line | Gun Digest.

At a retail of $489, the rifle is something to be considered. I am not too crazy about the caliber but you do have to consider the recoil on something that short and light spitting a .308. The specs and features read VERY good for a rifle of this price.

And no, I am not impressed by the LCR in 9mm. Other than the LCR having a great trigger that may come handy with some people with disabilities, a snub-nose revolver in 9mm is no longer the solution for very discreet carry in this era of super compact semi autos.

And yes, I want to buy a Pentax digital camera. My heart and meager savings are gravitating me to a K-30.

Gun Control Snuff Porn

If you are in any kind of social media and you are vocal about your support for the Second Amendment, you may have a friend or follower like this:
Gun Control snuff Porn

Mind you, we are not talking about the Lib friend whose point of view is opposite to yours and wants to engage in an honest argument or even the occasional asshole in your timeline that likes to troll. No, I am talking about the Gun Control Snuff Porn Fan.

These are people who scour the news to find that heart wrenching item of killing to bring it to you and rub it in. Something gruesome to incite a negative emotional response on everybody’s part except theirs as it seems they get some sort of almost sexual gratification by associating these horrible crimes with people they oppose politically.

They are very selective when it comes to the news pieces they look for.  Children are their number one preferred victim followed closely by women. Whites in nice suburban neighborhoods above minorities in bad urban neighborhoods (they sell better) and exclusively deaths or injuries that are done by firearms and not dying by being beaten to death or set on fire or hacked into pieces. These types of “Non-Gun” deaths do not fit what they want to do nor care about because it is not insane violence and death they care about but their own faux sense of moral superiority regarding guns.

As in the case shown in the picture above: According to the Gun Control Snuff Fans, the father was not responsible for the death of the mother, no siree! You ugly rednecks that cling to your guns are the ones that pulled the trigger! You are responsible for that baby to be now an orphan! Yessssss! (You could almost see them shivering in pleasure.) If there was better Gun Control, this would not have happened! (Check for moisture in their undies now.)

Of course, they fail to see that Gun Control means everybody is unarmed making them victims unable to defend themselves against bigger, more aggressive people….like the father that killed the baby’s mother.  That incongruity gets filtered in the name of cybernetic  loin gratification and  their alleged moral superiority.

I know we are supposed to be polite and we can do so with most normal people, but if confronted by jackasses like this, have no fear and tell them that you are not into snuff porn (specially Child Snuff Porn) like they are and make sure everybody else in your list of friends knows he derives pleasure from the death of the innocent, even in a roundabout way.

Moms Demand support Concealed Carry in Krogers?

Moms Demand Kroger OC


Since they are specific, I will assume that they are OK with people legally carrying sidearms in a concealed manner, right? Basically the difference between an Open Carry sidearm and a Concealed Carry sidearm is a piece of fabric which makes it dangerous or not. Kinda weirs islamic precept there, if it is covered, then it does not offend them? A burqa for your gun?