Month: May 2015

Divorce can be so painful. (Not for the faint of heart)

This post is not for the Gunnie who has heart issues or can be easily depressed.  I will admit that I did shed a tear or two reading the list of M1 carbines that will be separated from each other after years of living like a family:


Yes…that bad.

PS: For the future in case the original page disappears. PDF Of the Auction list.

Hat Tip to Kurt S.

Crapstorm of the week: Why the police shouldn’t use Glocks .

The underlying problem with these pistols is a short trigger pull and the lack of an external safety. In real-world encounters, a short trigger pull can be lethal, in part because a significant percentage of law enforcement officers — some experts say as high as 20% — put their finger on the trigger of their weapons when under stress. According to firearms trainers, most officers are completely unaware of their tendency to do this and have a hard time believing it, even when they’re shown video evidence from training exercises.

Source: Why the police shouldn’t use Glocks – LA Times

If you are not aware of this article, you might be living under a flint rock. I’ve been waiting to touch on this to see if I caught somebody going the extra mile in the thinking and so far, nyet.

So Bob lays out the idea that cops should not carry Safe-Action-Type guns with them for the reasons he exposed in the article. The Interwebs exploded with variations from Glock-hater to “It is a question of training” which is what I will side myself.  And I am still gonna freak you guys out: Bob is right.

Bob is right for one simple reason: Police Departments will NOT mandate training farther than the original at the Academy plus the qualifications. Cops will not train and keep proficiency with their weapons on their own (I know, I am generalizing, but for sake of argument..yada yada) So, to issue Glocks to police officers is going to be a risky proposition even with a 12 pound trigger. About the only thing riskier would be to issue 1911s and train officers to carry in Condition Three. And to poop on Bob’s article, I think he failed to make this point clearer.

Will a DAO or DA/SA gun with external safety stop the negligent discharges? Nope, but I think they will go down among a group that neglects proper training and regular proficiency practice. Until the Bean Counters take a rear seat to the Firearms Trainers, we will continue to see this issue among police forces.



George Zimmerman Shot, CSGV unleashes Charity and Love.

Still no info on what happened with Zimmerman other than he was involved in what appeared to be a road rage incident today at 12:45 pm. So, you know, I had to check with out friends at the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence.

And I was not disappointed:

CSGV Zimmerman Road Rage 3


That collage is just about 18 minutes since CSGV posted the news and I landed to check them out.

Nothing but love….

News Investigative Team Searches for OC Outrage. Finds None.

Beach Pier visitors may see about a half-dozen fishermen carrying more than a fishing pole. The fishermen are also carrying their guns.


“The fishermen are acting well within their rights, and so far no one’s complained,” said Jacksonville Beach police chief when asked about the open carry Saturdays.

“That doesn’t bother me, it really doesn’t,” said fisherman Tharon Craws.


Source: Action News Investigates: Taking closer look at Florida’s gun… |

But… but people are supposed to be scared! How come they are not?

It is Florida, Gunshine State…deal with it.

The reason you double check and make sure the chamber is empty. Graphic Content.

Via Reddit by user Alexnreese. Go read the description of his ND. I thank him for being brave enough to admit the screw up and to use himself as teaching moment.
Hornady Critical Defense at point-blank .45 ACP.  More pictures with descriptions, from The Bang Moment to leaving the hospital can be found here.

Bone was broken & arteries were damaged.  This was a no-shit-could-have-been-killed event.


CSGV: The Al Sharpton Approach.

CSGV Baltimore Sugar Pine Mine

When young black men overturn a car and throw rocks at police, the National Guard comes out. When heavily-armed, middle-aged white insurrectionists take over an economically-depressed county and threaten to kill government officials, there is no response. Why is that?

There has been some sort of issue in Grant Pass, OR between the Bureau of Land Management and miners. Apparently the Oath Keepers showed up, things were said, alleged threats issued, but that was it.

Now, unless CSGV was hitting the meth pipe really hard while watching re-runs of The Ren & Stimpy show,, Baltimore was a wee bit more than “overturn a car and throw rocks at police.” I seem to recall a Senior Center under construction that was set on fire and burned to ashes because protests among many other “antics.” As far as I can find online, other than the occasional cigarette, nothing is going up in flames over Grant Pass.

And I could not end this post without the usual assortment of comments from CSGV supporters.

CSGV Baltimore Sugar Pine Mine comments

Lovely, ain’t them?