Month: January 2016

Dear Gun Culture Beta (A.K.A. Fudds), here is an idea…

David Petzal

If you have not heard, David Petzal moaned and bitched about the full auto and military-like hardware at Range day during SHOT Show.  Fellow blogger FlaGunBlog offered his opinion, I reposted and all was kept civilized…which apparently some people did not in other forums and blogs, etc.

Here is my comment in his blog:

Actually he needed to be slapped. First, we are no longer living in a publishing world where your words only land on a selected few, but bounce over to millions and that includes the Opposition. Second: If Gun Culture 2.0 has not gone to your side, it might simply because they don’t know your frigging side exist. If you have not made the effort to be known, don’t expect to be known.
So he better get his ass out of the deer blind and introduce a new generation to the excellent world of hunting and the outdoors.

And that got me thinking. There are some states including the Sunshine State, that are being over ran by wild pigs. I am sure that farmers would appreciate the extermination of that plague, the meat could go to the needy, new shooters could get their faces painted with blood and become hunters and old hunters can develop a new generation of Outdoor enthusiast who would carry the tradition.

Every   Frigging   Body   Wins.

Just a thought….


The Possum made it. 

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (KABC) — An opossum that was found with two crossbow arrows through its body in Riverside is recovering from the horrific ordeal following surgery.The injured animal was discovered near Hole and Jones avenues in the La Sierra neighborhood Friday morning

Source: Opossum recovering after being pierced with arrows in Riverside |


OK, I am going with either landmines or mortars…


Hat Tip FlaGunBlog.

Steampunk Weaponry: Flintlock Pistol.

The Steampunk movement is clearly filled with imaginative folks. One of the items they subject to transformation or just plain creation is, of course, guns.

I will be selecting some of their creations from time to time to display here. Remember these are things of imagination so they require a wee bit leeway on utility or functionality. Think of them as art rather than defense.


Steampunk Flintlock Pistol by Frijoleluna. 

And no, I have no idea why there is a vacuum tube attached to it. That is the art part.

New York News

There has been a slashing spree in New York City.  There have been a number of edge weapon attacks in the NYC Subway system recently, including a woman hacked up with a machete.  In response to this, the Mayor of NYC has encouraged residence of New York to buy and carry guns to defend themselves from blade wielding attackers.













I’m kidding.  Of course he’s not.  The NYC government just decriminalized peeing in the street and turnstile jumping  because… post Giuliani NYC was just too nice?  No, the local media is downplaying the Subway slashing with a “crime happens, nothing to see here” casualness.  Of course more people will be killed, but as long nobody gets killed in an act of self defense, who in NYC really cares?

Small Fisking of a Small-Minded Gun Control Activist

They are having a monumental pity party over at CSGV. Moms Demand, Everytown and Brady are mum on McCauliffe’s moonwalk on reciprocity.

Back at CSGV, The Guv has gone from hero a month ago to spineless-gutless politician akin to bird droppings who “violated the Constitution.” Yeah, I am also trying to figure that one out. The one comment that called my attention was from Robert Shafer.
CSGV Virginia reciprocity


Open/Carry by civilians, in public places, is Terrorism.
No, it is no you dimwit. Exercising a constitutional right may scare you enough to forego the need for your daily dose of fiber, but I don’t have to live under what makes you “feel safe” and that includes banning black people at lunch counters or only allow Hispanics to mow your lawn and then leave your Home Owners’ Association.

The only purpose of these weapon displays in public places is intimidation..
Unless is 94 degrees out there and 100% humidity or also because I don’t give a damn what you think. We are not Open Carrying for or against you. 

Armed American civilians want to intimidate and terrorize unarmed American civilians and their families.
OK dude, seriously. How do you even manage to turn on the TV and not drop a load in your living room? They display more guns in an average week that the Tulsa Gun Show.

What kind of person slings an assault weapon across their body and swaggers into a fast food restaurant filled with children and proclaims, “This is my 2nd amendment right!”
Your imaginary friends that never really liked you when you were  child and really hate you now that you are an adult? Vivid imagination is good to a point.

What kind of person slings an assault weapon across their body and swaggers onto and occupies a bird sanctuary that belongs to the citizens of the United States and proclaims, “I want this land for my personal use and profit. The public and the birds can go to rot.”
It peyote, isn’t it? You drive down to the desert and collect the little turd creations for later consumption. If there is another explanation for you seeing things, let me know.

What the hell kind of person is that?
Which one? you have like four different ones already. Inside your brain must be like a train station with all that people coming and going.

And Robert, one more question: what does Open Carry have to do with reinstating concealed permit reciprocity by Governor Mini-Bloomberg? 

Get help…soon.