Month: May 2016

Mental Contortions of Gun Control Advocates.

These are comment extracted from Reddit related to the post about the drop in crime in the area near the NRA Annual Meeting:

NRA AM reddit 1

You have to love the adherence to their own prejudices while suddenly doing a 180 on them. One day NRA members are the spawn of the devil and next they are not bad, just their ideas to allow good people be armed as it is their right. And the NRA retirees must share the secret of looking so youthful.

NRA AM reddit 2

NRA are good guys again, it is just the ideas that sacred them. Funny, we call it The Bill of Rights.


NRA AM reddit 3

Yup, they are scared of the Bill of Rights somehow. And if they need to lie and manipulate to make sure those “awful” ideas do not propagate and make people enjoy freedom, they will do so.

So, we are bad, but we aren’t. Get a whole bunch of people with guns will end up bad, but does not so, that’s an exception because they are not bad but their ideas are… How in the hell these idiots don’t end up with a herniated brain  is beyond comprehension.

2016 NRA Annual Meeting: The Crime Report.

What happens when you gather 80,000 Second Amendment Loving Americans into a small area for a weekend of gun-related fun? Blood in the streets? Indiscriminate shootings? Bodies piling up at the smallest of offense? You know the answer.

Same as last year, I checked with and used them again this year to capture the results for your convenience. I checked the three previous weekends for comparison purposes.

Weekend of 4/30/2016 to 5/1/2016
NRA AM Crime 4


Next is the weekend of 5/6/2016 to 5/8/2016
NRA AM Crime 3


And then we have the weekend of 5/13/2016 to 5/15/2016
NRA AM Crime

And finally the weekend of the NRA Annual Meeting, 5/20/2016 to 5/22/2016.
NRA AM Crime 2

Here is a handy guide of what the icons mean:
NRA AM Crime 5

The area in display covers way more than what most attendees probably walked around the Annual Meeting. For the NRA AM weekend, we see 5 icons with numbers, three represent multiple dug offenses and the other two are multiple larcenies.

As for the rest, you draw your own conclusions.


If a kind soul reminds me next week, I will update this post with the crime results for the upcoming weekend.

Update: It was told that the area shown does not correspond dead center with where the big exhibition happened and that is right.

I centered by mistake at the Kentucky Int’l Convention Center where the National NRA Foundation Banquet has held rather than the Kentucky Exposition Center.

I did go back to and selected an area that covered both places and to get a better feel, I did the whole week rather than just the weekend. There is still a noticeable reduction in crime even when the area bigger and less affected by the attendees. I will update the maps at a later date since we are heading into a holiday weekend.

NRA AM Corrected

Maybe 22 square miles might be a tad much,,,, 🙂

The Dealer Chronicles

OsceolarmsMy name is Manuel and I hail from the Orlando area. I’ve been a gun guy for years and started to carry as soon as I settled in the so-called Gunshine State. After living in NY, and having to endure the gun laws there, it was a quite a welcome change to move to Florida.
I am also the manager of Osceolarms, a small and newly established, family-operated firearms dealer in the central Florida area. Our goal is to offer competitive prices on firearms and decent transfer fees from online sellers in a comfortable setting. Though we are starting out slowly, the business is up and running. If you are a looking at something in particular contact me and I can help you find what you need. Not in central Florida? No problem–we won’t gouge you on shipping. And we won’t be butthurt if you find a better price somewhere else!
My goal at GunFreeZone is to offer the occasional insight or anecdote on being on the other side of the proverbial counter and everything that it entails: from thoughts on the firearms business to ATF requirements and paperwork. Granted, I may also sprinkle political commentary here and there, and also perhaps talk about the guns that come in and out of for customers.
So there you have it. I look forward to being part of the blog, and I thank Miguel for giving me a chance.
Find/Like/Share/Heart us on FacebookInstagramTwitter; check what’s in stock at; or contact us at

An Opinion on Gun Control

An Opinion on Gun Control by someone experienced in the firearms industry.


Larry Correia is a man who has been around firearms for a long time. He used to be a gun store owner, firearms instructor, a competition shooter, and has done quite a few other things related to firearms. In this article he goes over gun control laws such as armed teachers, gun free zones, media coverage, bans, and regulations. He provides references, facts, and draws on his own experience to give his reasoning for pro-gun arguments. It’s a well-written article and you should go visit. You might need to mark where you are and finish it later as it is a very long article.

It is not paranoia if they are really after you.

Via Say Uncle.

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii could become the first state in the United States to enter gun owners into a FBI database that will automatically notify police if an island resident is arrested anywhere else in the country.
Most people entered in the “Rap Back” database elsewhere in the U.S. are those in “positions of trust,” such as school teachers and bus drivers, said Stephen Fischer of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division. Hawaii could be the first state to add gun owners.

Source: Hawaii could be first to put gun owners in federal database

I am going to start blaming the water of the Pacific Ocean for the sudden raise in fascist-like streak in the area governments. The question will be if the FBI will want to get his hands dirty with this scheme as I seem to re all there might be some federal mandates about not keeping gun owners’ databases when doing background checks. I wonder if the mandate will cover or affect this stupidity.

Supporters say the law would make Hawaii a leader in safe gun laws. Allison Anderman, a staff attorney at the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said the bill was “groundbreaking,” and that she hadn’t heard of other states introducing similar measures.

So exactly what kind of gun safety is achieved with a database? Surely not securing guns at home or proper range etiquette.

Sen. Will Espero, who introduced the bill, and the Honolulu Police Department said Hawaii could serve as a model for other states if it becomes the first to enact the law.

I think the senator over-estimates his influence in mainland. It is not like we are just gonna roll over and let other idiots copy your idea.


The cost to enter names in the database will be covered by a fee paid by gun owners, which wasn’t defined in the bill.

So basically you want to f*** gun owners and they have to pay for the Vaseline too?
