Month: May 2016

Suspect shot, killed in failed robbery attempt in McDonald’s drive-thru. (I’m lovin’ it!)


LEAGUE CITY, Texas – A suspect was shot and killed during a failed robbery attempt in the drive-thru of a McDonald’s Saturday afternoon, according to police. Around 2 p.m. the male suspect approached a man and his young child in the drive-thru of the fast food restaurant located at 102 South State Highway 3.League City police say the suspect held the man at gunpoint and was attempting to rob him.During the altercation, the driver shot the suspect multiple times, hitting him in the chest. The suspect was transported to Clear Lake Regional Medical Center where he was later pronounced deceased…

…Police said the driver involved is licensed to carry a handgun and has been fully cooperative with the investigation.

Source: Suspect shot, killed in failed robbery attempt in McDonald’s drive-thru |

Years ago, we had a rash of drive-thru robberies in Miami and a couple ended with the death of the driver. It is safe to say that my level of awareness raises whenever I am using that service, but eventually you will need to concentrate on the business you came to do.  That means your field of vision is narrowed to a couple of feet and you can become a target.

Walt Rauch said (according to one Michael Bane) that the fastest way to get to your gun is to have it in your hand… or something like that. This is true, specially in cases like this because you are reacting to the attack and if you can shave off a second or two, you may be able to give the bad guy a surprise. The problem becomes how to keep the gun in your hand without displaying it and end up with a charge of brandishing.

So let’s make this post an informative one. If you have a solution or a technique you want to share, please do so in the comments. Links to pics will be accepted and I will make sure they display.


Hat Tip, Jim K.


NRA versus Moms Demand (A “grassroots” organization…)

My source from the NRA Board Meeting had reported in, and attendance this year was 80,452. This is the second highest attended Annual Meeting. Houston still holds the overall record of 86,228.

Source: NRA Annual Meeting 2016 Attendance | Shall Not Be Questioned

And Shannon Watts could not get but “dozens” that didn’t even fill a small university theater.

But the garage sale of quilts was rather nice.


NRA Annual Meeting is over but, Where were Shannon Watts and the Moms?

According to their Facebook page:

While the NRA was in Louisville for its annual meeting, Moms were there, too — with gun violence survivors, faith leaders and supporters — to send NRA leadership a message: We will not rest until meaningful action is taken to protect Americans from gun violence.

Moms Demand Lousiville

There to send a message… well, not there-there but a bit away…inside an University with a weapons-free policy some miles away.  And how many, you wonder? The numbers were so low that even the local bird-dropping catcher, The Courier Journal (rabidly anti gun) could not put enough make up on that pig:

Moms Demand Lousiville 2

But I wanted to see if there was a recorded measure of fail, so I checked around for more news and found in at WLKY32:

Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, and others held a vigil for gun violence victims and survivors at Spalding University Saturday morning.

Quilts were on display during the vigil to symbolize the human toll of gun violence.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, which now has 3 million members, paid a visit to Louisville on the same weekend as the National Rifle Association annual meeting.

Three million members? And they could not fill five frigging rows in a controlled environment?

Moms Demand Lousiville 3
For all the millions Moms Demand spend on PR & Ad firms, this is pathetic.


The only people/groups that Moms Demand/Everytown have any “relevance” with are  fellow Gun Control Advocates and The Media.  And I wonder how longer can they get that bellows blowing before the whole thing collapses.


Negroes with Gun Scare White Democrats… and we are in the 21st century.

Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s order last month restoring the voting rights of 206,000 felons had an unintended consequence: It’s now easier for those ex-offenders to regain the right to own guns.

Before the order, felons who wanted to legally possess firearms first had to go through the process of having their civil rights reinstated, including the right to vote, to sit on a jury and to run for office.

That process — which involved submitting forms that were scrutinized by the secretary of the commonwealth’s staff, using the governor’s authority — is no longer in place.

Instead, felons who have completed their sentences can go straight to the step of petitioning the circuit court for firearm rights. Prosecutors review those petitions and can intervene if they believe a felon should continue to be barred from owning a weapon.

In Virginia, felon voting rights mean simpler path to gun ownership – WaPo

I have stated long ago that I have no issue with non-violent felons recovering their Second Amendment rights. There are far too many stupid laws that make felonies out of “crimes” that might be best addressed with a fine and some not even should be crimes. But let’s face it, the whole restoration of rights has been an electioneering ploy and a shinning example of why both parties have been stupid about this. The answer is in this paragraph lost in the middle of the article:

McAuliffe’s voting-rights order stressed the “unforgiving stigmatization” of ex-offenders who are not permitted to vote, sit on juries or run for office, saying the policy systematically disenfranchises them — often along racial and socioeconomic lines. The administration says 46 percent of ex-offenders are African American, compared with a statewide population that is 19 percent black.

So the Democrats play at the idea that ex-felon black voters will continue to vote Democrat as this section of the population does (Even though they may have gone to prison on account of was passed by Democrats)  and the Republican go against restoring the rights because they don’t want more voters to go to the Democratic candidates. Simple “assholery” on both side of the political game and has nothing to do with allowing citizens to enjoy the full spectrum of the Bill of Rights after paying their dues to society.

So, a mistake was made and the idea of a bunch of black folks suddenly being able to keep and bear arms has a bunch of white politicians doing anal crunches. And of course, our delightful opponents at CSGV are not happy with the idea either:

Gun-control advocate Josh Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, says the effect of McAuliffe’s order on gun ownership should have been considered more carefully before the governor took action.

“We are concerned that this opens the door for potentially dangerous persons to get their firearms rights restored,” Horwitz said. “It is very important for the courts to understand the risk factors that are involved here.”

Negroes with Guns is still a scary proposition for some political white folk out there. I guess they are not as open-minded and inclusive as they have been telling us all these years. And if the Republican establishment had half a brain (doubtful as of some behavior lately) they would back up full restoration of rights for Non-Violent felons with the same gusto as if they were appropriating funds for their favorite porcine project.

negroes with guns

Hat tip to John R.