Month: September 2016

Moms Demand not having a good weekend.

As usual, the moment they heard about the shooting at the Washington Mall, they went full potato.


But as it happens Arcan Cetin* was a nationalised Turkish national prohibited from owning firearms at his tender age:

Skagit County court records show Cetin has a criminal record that included three domestic-violence assault charges in both Burlington and Island County, with the victim identified as Cetin’s stepfather.
It’s clear from the court docket that Cetin was struggling with emotional or mental health issues, and that the court, prosecutors office and defense team were trying to get him help.

Island County District Court records show that Cetin was told by a judge on Dec. 29 that he was not to possess a firearm.

However, Cetin’s stepfather urged the judge not to impose a no-contact order, saying his stepson was “going through a hard time” and that he couldn’t help him with the order in place.
Suspect in mall shooting was socially awkward, troubled, former classmates and others say. – The Seattle Times.

And where did this moron got his gun anyway?

Law enforcement sources tell KING 5 Cetin was in possession of three guns Friday night. All of them were legally purchased, but Cetin stole them from his father.The weapon used Friday night was a .22 Ruger, according to law enforcement.

Source: Suspect arrested in Cascade Mall shooting; attack may have been random |
But wait! There is more! His history of domestic violence was against the parents and a no-contact order was issued. His father requested a judge to remove the no-contact order:

On Dec. 2, 2014, court records show Cetin’s parents were present for a hearing to lift the no-contact requirement. A prosecutor asked about firearms, and Cetin’s mother said those were removed, according to court records. A day later at a separate hearing, a judge granted a motion to cancel the no-contact order.

Source: Arcan Cetin: What to know about Burlington mall shooting suspect | KIRO-TV

So once again, we have a prohibited person with a history of violence illegally obtaining a weapon from the family who stated in court they had none and went on to kill innocent people. So much for that promise they made about background checks and domestic violence restrictions stopping this events from ever happening again.


*I publish the name of the asshole shooters because people abhors informational vacuum and the opposition loves to fill it with our names and organizations for their political purposes. Honor is a concept they are unaware it exists.

Every government has the infrastructure and power-hungry idiots to go totalitarian.

I wanted to expand on a comment reply I made on an earlier post.

Every government has the infrastructure and assholes to go totalitarian. The issue is, can they?

Let’s get thing right out of the gate: People have tried to transform the US into a communist country since Marx published his damned book. What has made us different from other places where it has succeeded? It has been parts of ruthlessness by the government at the time that saw the earlier approaches as a threat to their power. Anarchists were not treated nicely and were promptly dispatched. And please, don’t come to me with the “Damn it! Anarchism was never about communism!” yes, they were either tools or the theme was used as cloak by communists.

But communism is only a part of the movement to go totalitarian and  it is the whole concept the one I want to address. It does not matter if it is chocolate or vanilla coating, the cyanide pill will kill you just the same. They have been trying to push that pill down our throats, but failed so far. why? Partially responsible is the system of check and balances we are supposed to have. Partially is what it is known as American Exceptionalism which not only encompasses the “can-do” attitude with our irreverence towards political figures and the government. Yes, we will do our duty but no, we do not trust you. Eff You.

And what I think is the pin on the grenade?

“Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”
John Basil Barnhill.

And boy, they are scared of us Gun-Toting “rednecks” of many colors, religions and pleasures. You see, in order to enjoy the fruits of power, you need to live long enough. A population that can kill you throws a monkey wrench in the plans. If you check the constitutions of other countries, you will see they are very similar to ours. But they all lack one small item, the Second Amendment.

The French Revolution gave the world the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen which is touted to be the greatest document in modern history by the Intelligentsia. It has basically articles from our Constitution plus the usual European crap… but no right to arms. In fact they state:

Article XII – The guarantee of the rights of man and of the citizen necessitates a public force: this force is thus instituted for the advantage of all and not for the particular utility of those in whom it is trusted.

Although noble-sounding, the sad true is that it enshrines the government with the exclusivity of enforcing right which unfortunately are no longer rights but privileges.  The Government remains with the Monopoly on Killing and at any time they wish, they can become unopposed tyrannies. The French rapidly tasted this as the Declaration was published in 1793 but by 1799 they were under the thumb of Napoleon Bonaparte. This is what happens when people are told they are not part of the check and balances nor allowed to have the tools to do so. Government has the power to kill, it does so to set example and create terror and people are afraid because they cannot respond effectively.The constitutions and laws that were passed and allegedly guaranteed the rights of everybody, can be manipulated or simply ignored by the ruling class. Oh sure, you can go to court, but more likely than not, the judges will be either part of the same cabal or too scared not to follow the instructions from above. And if you become a nuisance, you get that call at 3:00 AM by the internal security forces “inviting” you to their HQ to have a conversation and perhaps never to be seen again. And that is how a very small minority can become tyrants. They do not fear retribution from their acts because they do not fear the population.

An armed populace is the ultimate check and balance.  Those in power can seek, plan and perform their takeover, but they will not live to enjoy it. Harsh? Bloody? Insurrectionist? You bet your ass. This is the country who went to war and lost half a million citizens because a minority was enslaved. Trying to get the whole country under chains? It would be a bloodbath not seen since the great battles of WWI . On the good side, it wouldn’t be long. Tyrants like to take the first plane out to a country without extradition.

And if you think I am “tin-foiling” hats or living in a fantasy world, I will remind you of the nastiest and most controlling internal security agency ever created to control the citizens of a country: The Stasi.  They reigned with efficient terror for forty years, they had half of all communications in East Germany intercepted, and they were methodical, brutal and heartless in dealing with the “enemies of the State.” The moment the people in East Germany lost their fear, they collapsed in months.

What would happen in the US? Shooting would start on a Monday, clean up by Thursday and BBQ at the Washington Mall by the weekend. Back to work next Monday.

Target Practice

Green Party vice-presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka took to his blog to call for United Nations investigation and oversight of US police forces because of all the killing of black men they seem to have been doing recently.

Keep in mind that this is the same UN that failed to stop the genocide in Rwanda as well as other crimes against humanity in other nations like Haiti and Bosnia.

This is also the same UN that treats refugee centers like a harem, exchanging food for sex, and raping underage girls.

But sure… let these people in to control our police forces.

I don’t know if this is Baraka’s personal opinion or Green Party policy.  What I do know is that if this ever happened, blue helmets make great target practice.



Slower than LA Traffic

I am getting a little tired of people saying how scared they are of a Trump presidency.  I find both candidates to be horrifying.  Holistically, a Hillary presidency scares me even more.

This is why.

Our Constitution prescribes a separation of powers.  Three branches, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, each checking the power of the other.  The Legislative branch is bicameral; the House of Representatives which is sized by population and represents the people, and the Senate which has equal representation for each state.

Our Founding Fathers did not want an efficient government.  Efficiency in government is a stepping stone to tyranny.  Our Founding Fathers wanted gridlock.  They wanted the branches to argue among themselves, holding up action, until only the best ideas managed to eek on through.

Trump is HATED by liberals.  Democrats in the House and Senate will not waste any time grid locking the system against Trump.  There are a few things the President can do on his own, but with a Congress gumming up the works, his power is limited.

Clinton on the other hand, I don’t see that happening.  Clinton has two weapons at her disposal, the Clinton reputation for playing dirty, and being a woman.  Republicans who gum up the works on her will first find themselves attacked for sexism.  If that fails to break them, Clinton’s mobster antics will.

There will be little effective resistance to the Clinton machine.

That terrifies me.


There is always one in bunch.

I am watching the Gun Rights Policy Conference and I was good with most of it, till somebody had to come up and fuck up the mood. One of the speakers was Cody Wilson of the 3D printed gun fame and he uttered a statement that left me cold:

The United States is a Communist Country.

OK, Cody, I know you are rightfully pissed at the government for all the legal bullshit against your 3D Gun, but labeling the country as communist is just plain stupid. Let me tell you why:

  1. It is an insult to all those who have actually lived in communists countries, escaped and chose the USA because it is not a communist country.  You may want to ask Oleg Volk about it or just maybe, step outside the fucking hotel and ask some people on the street. Why? Because you are in Tampa, the city with the second biggest concentration of Cuban refugees in South Florida. They may tell you a tale or two about communism.
  2. It makes you look stupid and just trying to spread your butthurt. Do you really think that a communist state would let a conference like this to even be planned, much less allowed to happen? Grow up or go spend a year in Venezuela and then come back and tell me we live in a communist country.

We do not lie, We do not exaggerate. That is what Gun Control does.