Month: October 2016

Halloween Tonight


Let’s play a game.

Here are the rules:

You get to choose.  

You can either take ONE fun size candy bar, OR, you can risk it all and role the dice.

If you roll an even number, you get that number of fun size bars from my bucket.

If you roll an odd, I get that number of bars from your bag.  

Do you want to play?


Social Justice Warrior: “You can’t do that! Only we can define what’s a Human Right!”

It’s a creative new argument, and also one that’s very wrong. I can see why people are doing it: there’s a growing sensitivity to human rights, and suggesting that something is an inalienable entitlement makes it seem ironclad. It’s an example of how the right attempts to use the language and tools of the left against it, often highly effectively. After all, the logic goes, if marrying anyone you want is a human right and we frown upon any attempts to abridge or interfere with that right, then surely if gun ownership is declared a human right, then the left will be forced to defend that “right”.

Gun ownership is not a human right – The Guardian

Holy crap is she pissed or what? I almost feel for her and her decomposing belief that gun nuts are dumb and easy to fool. She cannot stomach the fact that the stupid rednecks ain’t so and she is being over-matched by us. But in her rage to denounce our “manipulation,” something a bit shady popped out.

A human right has to do with something intrinsic to who you are as a human being, and your most basic needs. Healthcare, food, housing, and water are human rights. They are all critical things that human beings need to stay alive. Access to reproductive health services is a human right. The ability to participate freely in society regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or disability status is a human right. These are things society is supposed to guarantee to us because we are part of society, and these things are integral to our very identities.

Did you notice what is missing? Self-Defense. The most basic right to save our lives, something hardwired in nervous our system, something even animals have.  And Ms. Smith does it on purpose for one simple reason: Admitting one has the unalienable right to defend ourselves also means to have the best tools available to do so and those tools would be guns. Let’s continue:

Owning a gun does not place one in a protected class of society.

True, but then again we do not need to have Daddy Government come to the rescue which it is usually very late for anything else than drawing chalk lines around the corpses. What scares Ms Smith is the idea of independence from their clique in both physical and intellectual ways. You can tell somebody armed what to do, but it does not mean he or she will obey and that pisses SJWs to no end.

It’s not integral to the inextricable identity of a human being. You can put a gun down and no longer be a person holding a gun.

And here is where you know SJWs and assorted Anti Gunners are still making the mistake of believing in their own propaganda. Owning a gun does not make you a Gun Owner the same way owning an electric guitar makes you Jimi Hendrix (somebody said once, I fail to recall who). But the gun is just the tool that, if you are smart, opens the door for a whole new world of self-reliance. Here is more on their mistaken vision of us:

You cannot become unMuslim for an afternoon, or take off your black skin to walk through the streets. While a gun owner may participate in gun culture, may enjoy interacting with guns and fellow gun owners as a recreational activity, may even integrate that activity heavily into daily life, gun ownership still isn’t about identity.

Notice how she immediately goes to classify people into small groups that cannot mix to dismiss us. I always stated that Shooting Matches are the most shinning examples of gun ownership: you have hundreds of people with guns and ammunition grouped together regardless of color, religion, nationality, etc under the stress of competition and nothing happens. You will see the most diverse and polite people gathered together, sharing jokes, meals, tips and companionship. You will rub elbows with the elite shooters just as if you were shooting the shit with you buddies back at home and the novelty (and amazement) will wear out after the first 5 minutes because they are normal people just like anybody else. Ms. Smith’s Royalty does not want to mix with the peasants because they smell funny and have cooties.

We call it Gun Culture for a reason. It is not just pull the trigger and make the gun go bang, but a whole lifestyle of preparation and independence. It is understanding that no matter how much a police department is filled with men and women who really want to keep you from harm, simple physics of space and time make that impossible. We learn and train to respond to SHTF situations while they won’t even react with anything other than “Please Daddy Gov! Help me!” We will rebuild, they wait for FEMA to get started. We survive, they use the bodies of those who followed their instructions to collect more funds and create more bodies. But we are the blood-thirsty ones.

Checks on gun ownership, to varying degrees, are perfectly acceptable because, again, owning a gun isn’t a human right, and it’s not a civil right either when its ownership infringes upon the enjoyment of life for other people.

Mostly criminal, rapists, murderers and the sort. But we know you like them better than us. And that slight hint that Gun Owners are no better than criminals? People have not been buying it for a long time now.

Gun ownership could better be compared to driving a car. Everyone has the potential to drive a car, but not everyone knows how to drive.

Gun Control people are still using the car thing? How many times do they need to be slapped across the intellectual face till they figure out it is a dumb comparison to make?


And she closes with:

The right wants to cheapen the notion of human rights with this kind of rhetoric, while also trying to score points. It’s a pretty pathetic line of logic, and hopefully they’ll figure that out sooner rather than later.

Don’t forget this as it is the crux of what they think about people: The ability and the tools to defend oneself from the criminal element, an out of control government run by people like Ms. Smith is to cheapen Human Rights somehow. And we get this from the same people who wants to ban individuals buying guns without due process and have stated over and over that Gun Owners are terrorists who should be sent to concentration camps as soon as possible.

And that is why Gun Ownership is a Human Right.


The author of the fisked piece of written manure.

Orlando Straw Man

Mom’s Demand Action posted this over at their Facebook page.


A man was caught at Disney World, trying to sneak a gun into the park.  He did not have a CCW permit.  According to the news article:

Police found a loaded Smith and Wesson Bodyguard .380 automatic tied around the suspect’s waist. The gun was fully loaded.

I’ve never met a concealed carrier who has ever tied a gun to themselves instead of using a holster.  This man was quite obviously up to no good.

Disney security stopped him, lives were probably saved, good job everyone.  But what do we see in the MDA post:

THIS is the consequence of the gun lobby’s agenda of guns for anyone, any time, any place.

That is one hell of a Straw Man .  Last time I checked, guns for anyone, any time, any place, is not an NRA position.

In regards to the MDA post, there is only one thing I can say:

THIS is the consequence of the anti-gun lobby’s agenda of lying by anyone, any time, any place.

Judgment at Nuremberg

I caught it again last night. One of those films that are damned good but so low-key intense you need to dose yourself. Magnificent acting by Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Montgomery Cliff, Richard Windmark and the young (then) actors Maximilian Schell and William Shatner.

This in not a pop-corn and Raisinets movie. It is a complex piece presented in a very subdued mode. The rendering of the verdict by Spence Tracy and the his last meeting with Burt Lancaster are worth the price of admission or PPV.



Arby’s has released a new series of hunting themed commercials.

Yes, this is a fast food company, not an outfitter or sporting goods retailer, telling you to “grab a rifle” and go out into the woods for some meat.

Arby’s has mainstreamed hunting, and by extension, guns and gun rights.

This is an unequivocal victory.

Before Moms Demand Action, Everytown, Brady, and the rest freak out and try to shut this down, the gun community needs to go out and vote with our dollars.

Dinner for the family tonight is coming from Arby’s.

I encourage you do to the same.  Pass this on.