Month: March 2017

Trayvon’s Mom with a Fake Editorial for the Miami Herald & Fake News. 

Trayvon was only 17 years old when he was followed and killed by a stranger who believed he looked threatening. He was visiting with his father, walking home from the store, unarmed. He had just a packet of candy and a can of iced tea. This person killed my son for simply walking through his own neighborhood. He claimed that he was acting in self-defense, though Trayvon never approached him and he pursued my son before attacking him.
Our state’s laws allowed him to claim he was standing his ground, and it took the public crying out for police to even make an arrest.

Source: Push back against state Legislature’s attempt to make Stand Your Ground law stronger | Miami Herald

The lie that will never die courtesy of the Fake Media. Miami-Dade County Division.

One more time: Your son’s timely demise was self-defense because he was attacking George Zimmerman. You could not teach the kid any better, he became a thug, he died like one.

End of Story.

Violence Policy Center: Black Lives Matter for Race Baiting.

Them White Devils hunting the Black Man. We live in a racist country, man!

Black Homicide Victimization in the United States: An Analysis of 2014 Homicide Data” analyzes the most recent set of unpublished Supplementary Homicide Report data that states submitted to the FBI. The VPC reports that this is the first analysis of this data set that focuses on Black homicide victims.

Per the report, there were 6,095 Black homicide victims in the United States in 2014, and 86 percent of them were men. The national homicide rate was 4.19 per 100,000, but for Blacks, that rate jumped to 16.38. For their White counterparts, it was just 2.52.

REPORT: Missouri Tops List for Highest Black Homicide Rate in U.S

Nothing like trying to stoke the flames of racial discord to promote Gun Control.  The following screen cap denotes only One Offender/One Victim murders but the info is clear:

That is or on about the 90 percentile. And from other data like the Bureau of Justice Statistics and even the media will barely mention it because they know the numbers are dismal.

But since VPC is slowly disappearing into the political nothingness, I figure they are trying to yell and scream to be noticed and get that much needed funding.

Oh well.



Real Estate Reality

I bought a condo in Chicagoland for $147,500 in 2012.

I still owe $128,000 on the mortgage.

I’ve been renting it out since 2015, but was cost neutral  (no profit).

I’m selling it for $163,000.

$163K  – $128K = $35K – realtor fees.


I just got my closing statement.

After taxes, fees, and everything else I get a whopping $5,000 to pocket.

The State of Illinois and the US Federal Government have bent me over and fucked $20,000 out of me. 

I’ve been backed up to the tax glory hole and the IRS, IL state treasurer, Will County treasurer, and City of Aurora are all taking turns on me like it’s the first night of shore leave.

The Debbie who did Dallas didn’t take it as hard and from as many as I am right now.

This is insane.

Apparently I am not the only one pissed off.

Okay, I know, I know. Sen. Steube is being a gentleman here, and doesn’t want to rock the boat anymore for some reason (resigned acceptance of defeat?). He figures we got what we got and it ain’t gonna get any better until who knows when.
Now is NOT the time to play nice or accept defeat! There are times when you need to let the TIGER out! When legislation that could save human lives is on the line, NOW IS THAT TIME! No more DELAY! Florida has infringed on our rights for YEARS!
If I were Sen. Steube, I’d be banging the folder holding my bills on a chair in the Senate chamber yelling, “What is going on here?! Are we just going to sit back while the same kind of FIX unfolds again this session? Time to flush the toilet!”

Florida Open Carry & Campus Carry Bills – Different Actors, Same Stink – Ammoland.

Phillip Evans opens a new and well deserved asshole to the Florida GOP in general. He is not alone and besides me, a shitload of people have contacted me in different ways to lodge their red-heat anger at being buttfucked again this year by sellouts and pansy politicians. And the Florida Senate has NO excuse:

“The Senate President has the AUTHORITY to yank ANY bill from one committee and put it into a more favorable one. Sen. Negron can also put the bills directly on the Senate floor for a full and honest vote.
Did you notice that Senate President Negron has NEVER stated that his hands were tied? That’s because they AREN’T! What is he waiting for? The Florida Legislative Session to end?”

Is the Florida GOP getting poll numbers telling them these bills are not liked by 90% of Floridians? Are these polls done by the same companies that predicted with 85% or better that Hillary would win the Presidency?

Seriously, what the fuck are they thinking? That we won’t care what they do and vote straight Republican again? If that is the idea, they better come up with a new law that eliminates any requirement to present ID to vote because the only way they will win is to get as many illegals to vote for them and often.

They are this close to lose all Gun Votes in Florida. And just a reminder that we are a Purple State: Every vote counts. Ask Diaz de la Portilla. Ask G.W. Bush.