Month: August 2017

That’s helpful

The group called Young Texas Democrats decided that the best way to help their fellow Texans after Hurricane Harvey was to protest the arrival of President Donald Trump in Texas.

They could have driven the 170 miles from Austin to Houston to be 70 more sets of helping hands.  They could have carried down water, formula, diapers, the things people need.

Instead they decided to #Resist.

They absolutely have the right to do that.   They are entitled to their First Amendment protections.

I just think that if their response to a disaster in their own back yard is to protest the President who has come to help, because actually volunteering is insufficiently partisan and too much work; they can at least volunteer to stop breathing because they are using up oxygen needed by hard working first responders.

Who are they talking to

President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump went to Texas today because of the hurricane and flooding in the Houston area.

Two media outlets that I am aware of – there may be more – did OpEds on the First Lady’s shoes.  Apparently the First Lady started her day out in high heels.

First Vogue commented with this Melania Trump’s Hurricane Stilettos, and the White House’s Continual Failure to Understand Optics.

The Washington Post published this There was no pretense about Melania Trump’s heels. But sometimes, a little pretense helps.

Who are these articles for?  Yeah, we know the media hates all things Trump.  Did they write these for themselves, as sort of a masturbatory exercise in Trump hate?  Or is the intention to convince us in Trump country that Trump looks down on us?

If it is the latter, it’s a swing an a miss.

From Vogue:

This morning, Mrs. Trump boarded Air Force One wearing a pair of towering pointy-toed snakeskin heels better suited to a shopping afternoon on Madison Avenue or a girls’ luncheon at La Grenouille.

I’ve heard of Madison Avenue.  That is where the fancy shopping is in New York City.  There is a Saks there, I think.  I’ve never heard of La Grenouille.  It turns out it is The in style French Restaurant in NYC right now.  It serves lunch and dinner at fuck you prices.

From The Washington Post:

Observers were baffled by her shoes in particular. Those shoes. Those shoes. Good Lord, those shoes. She is fond of Manolos and Louboutins. But it’s not the brand or the cost: It’s the heels.

I had to look up Manolos and Louboutins.  Both are fashion designers who are as foppishly, flamboyantly, idiosyncratically, gay and European as to make Talladega Nights look like a documentary.

Both also happen to be brands of shoes  that cost somewhere between a new truck payment and a mortgage payment.


This type of criticism of Trump might as well be “Did you see Trump and Melania drinking the 2012 Jadot Louis Le Montrachet Grand Cru Chardonnay with their Wagyu au Poivre?  How gauche!”

This type of horseshit commentary superficial and condescending at the same time.

For the great swath of Americans that live outside of walking distance from 5th Avenue, the first concern they have about shoes is affording them for their kids.

For the Trump voters I know, and who are good people, their regular non-kid shoe buying experience is what is available from the company shoe truck this year.

I say this with the deepest sincerity.  I don’t give a fuck about the shoes the First Lady wears.  She used to be a fashion model.  She wears stilettos for a living.  If you caught me outside the gym, there is a good chance I’m going to be in composite toe boots that an employer bought me.  It is what I am used to.

Media: “The first lady wore fancy designer shoes to your disaster area.  Aren’t you mad?”

America: “My house got washed away and you want me to give a shit about Trump’s wife’s shoes?  Fuck you and the first class seat you flew in on!”

If these people were any further up their own ass they would disappear into a singularity.

For the love of a dog

I wanted to sit last night out from blogging.   I was overwhelmed by the horrible shit people were saying about Texas last night.  Twitchy covered some of it but I saw people on the periphery of my social media echoing the same crap. 

Then catastrophe in Berkeley, and in was done. 

I needed to sign off for an evening and recover from the lack of humanity I was witnessing.

Then a buddy of mine sent me this.

It broke my fucking heart.

I couldn’t care less about the communist bitch getting arrested.

I am a dog person.   I speak dog.  My wife could tell you about my magic dog powers.

I have friends who have service dogs.  They are all veterans.   One had suicidal ideation.   He came home with a TBI and shortly after that his girlfriend was killed.  If it weren’t for his service dog, he might not be alive today.  

Service dogs are invaluable to the veterans that have and need them and help with recovery from PTSD with less medication.

Did this worthless pile of shit in a Black Panthers shirt bring her service dog to a protest where it was probably terrified and could easily have gotten hurt?

If so, I am done trying to preserve the remnants of my milk of human kindness.  

I hope she dies in custody and her dog is adopted by a family that will really love it and treat it well.

Berkeley: Cognitive Dissonance & Stupidity.

Some moving pictures from the counter protest at Berkeley this past weekend:

A young lady so worried about the right of the People to live peacefully and free from fear., she is crying…but I have to love that Che Guevara t-shirt. Nothing says “Let’s Honor Grandma” than wearing the face of a certified killer.


And here she is, energized, with purpose and displaying her sign in full glory…wait…what?

She is a Jewish woman who supports the religion which not only does not even consider her human, but wants her exterminated?

God Bless Her Little Heart.


PS: Dear Antifa, if the San Francisco… Gate shed its cover and labels you violent, you are doing it catastrophically wrong.

“Gun Owning Snowflakes- So you took a gun to a riot, and now you want help?” (Slow Facts Blog)

I’m old and I’ve seen my share of stupid.  You could say that I’ve made a lifelong study of stupid.  I’ve discovered that foolish behavior comes in many forms.  There is the person who does something foolish, and then there are the people who refuse to recognize the foolishness.  Sure, you can be foolish, but expect to pay the price.

-You brought your gun to a riot.  You got arrested.  Now you want someone else to pay your legal bills.

-Well, yeah.

-Why do you think someone else will pay your bills?

-But, but the second amendment…

But what about National Rifle Association, the Second Amendment Foundation and Gun Owners of America…

Gun Owning Snowflakes- So you took a gun to a riot, and now you want help? – Rob Morse.

I have to agree. In fact, it is something I keep posting about: Do your own research, find the source material, talk to the experts. If I have questions about Self Defense, I won’t ask PuppyKiller45 or MoronLabeNagant in the forum about legalities. I will try to get Massad Ayoob’s or Andrew Branca’s opinion and then exercise a world of caution rather than trying to bring a bitchin’ picture to post in the forum.

Be smart.