Month: August 2017

So Charlie Hebdo magazines are being assholes again.

Depicting all things Texas as Nazi.

Listen, Europe does have a long tradition (dwindling) of Shock Satire. Those publications are their version of Howard Stern without the hot chicks.

Disgusting?Uninformed? Biased? Bigoted? Yes, yes, yes, yes and one extra for the ones I forgot. But we Americans understand their right to be assholes like that even though their own country may not have as ample Free Speech as we do.

What we need to do is simply direct our energies to pray and do what is necessary for our people here the same way we will do for the editors and workers of Charlie Hebdo the next time  group of “Asian Refugees” from the Middle east use them as target practice.


Gunshine State is still very Gun Friendly


Turning to Second Amendment issues, a plurality of those surveyed–43 percent–say Floridians should be allowed to carry concealed handguns in public places as long as they have a license while 15 percent prefer open carry and 7 percent back the idea of carrying handguns in public places without licenses. A third of those surveyed–34 percent–think Floridians should never be able to carry handguns in public places.

Source: New poll shows Florida voters back Confederate statues, concealed carry, divided on Obamacare

So 65% of Floridians do love legal Carry in some way or other. The other 34% are Carpetbaggers, Palm Beach Democrats and the Florida GOP members of the Legislature.

I am back with a SIG fail.

Sorry I was off the grid for a couple of days. Little (not so little) family medical emergency which is gonna set all plans of purchase of the 1964 Model 70 Sights back some.  Holy carp how expensive medical shit can get.

OK, what we have is something I saw just now in Facebook and I have no shame in copying:

I will let you people have fun with this one.

Judge’s Ruling

Bob Menendez is the senior United States Senator from New Jersey.  He is a Democrat.   He is currently on trial for corruption in relation to taking bribes for covering for a health care provider that defrauded Medicare out of $105 million.   That provider has already been found guilt of fraud.

Menendez is a sitting Senator.  In an act of titanic, brass plated ballsiness, he requested leave from his trail to cast votes in the Senate.

The judge denied the motion.

I disagree with the ruling.

I think Menendez should have been allowed to attend the Senate votes.

I think he should be walked into the Capitol Building by Federal Marshalls, in an orange jumpsuit in handcuffs and leg irons, and escorted to his seat.  Once the vote was cast, the Marshalls should escort him out again. 

The people of New Jersey are entitled to his representation.  

The rest of us are entitled to see him be treated like the criminal he is.

This is probably why I’m not a judge.

Perverting your children

Moms Demand Action was all upset because a kindergarten took a field trip to a gun range and induced a firearms safety course.

The response from the Moms Facebook crowd was as predictable as it was stupid.

Yep, because meth is legal and protected by a constitutional amendment.  Oh wait, it’s not.  A legal gun range is safe and responsible and the kids were given safe firearms handling training.

I didn’t know that these kids were being taught to hate Jews and the West and to kill people.  Or does she believe just holding a gun makes you a bad person.  I wonder what Deb Potter has to say about Leftist parents who use their kids to protest for Lefty causes, like the kindergartners who protested Betsy DeVos, the kids who protested Trump’s immigration policy, the six-year-old who was used by a pro illegal immigration group for a year to stage hugging the Pope, or kids being used for pro-choice marches.

I bet all those are fine by her.

PBS, a bastion of Liberal thought (or lack there of), thinks we should teach sex ed in kindergarten.  Sex ed is getting more and more graphic for younger and younger kids.  Does David Raper think it is a good idea to teach kindergarteners about anal sex because PBS thinks so?  If teaching gun safety leads to accidental shootings then I guess teaching safe anal sex to small children leads to sodomy.

I agree.  Maybe then we shouldn’t be having kindergarten transgender reveal parties where kids can become all confused about the basic biology of boys and girls.  Perhaps reading and math are more important than punishing the crimethink of not using a fellow kindergarten student’s preferred pronoun.

I’m not even sure were to go with this.  Being a law abiding gun owner makes you a Klansmen?  This is so prejudiced that I lack words to describe it.

I guess she comes from the Yvette Felarca middle school of thought, everything I don’t like makes you a Nazi.

This is where these people show their true colors.

It is totally fine for 5 year olds to learn how important it is to properly gender their transgender sex partner while demanding free abortion on demand, but if they learn proper gun safety, the world is coming to an end.