Month: October 2017

DC vs America – Dossier Edition

I’ve been trying to follow all the news going on about the Trump Dossier, Uranium One, the Podesta Group, and the DNC.

I keep hearing discussion about whether or not one action was legal while another was illegal.

Yes it is important to figure all that out.  What I have not seen is a single person remotely associated with Washington discuss the fact that this is all skeezy as fuck.

Whatever happened to that standard?

There is an axiom “the appearance of impropriety is as bad as impropriety itself.”

The media (especially the Liberal leaning outlets) went nuts over Vice President Mike Pence’s personal policy of not going out for a meal with women who were not his wife without his wife there.

He was mocked, called a sexist, and thought pieces kept saying how that was the type of behavior that hurts women and kept them from power.  I saw no one say “this is a man who is doing his best to avoid the appearance of impropriety, and that is commendable.”

I think this is the biggest disconnect between “the Elites” and normal Americans.  For many people, it’s not just a matter of “legal vs. illegal” but “honest vs. skeezy.”  Most Americans will still avoid something that may be legal but distasteful.

Compare this to what we all know now about Hollywood.  The internal currency of Hollywood is sex and silence.

Since Harvey Weinstein’s exposure, I’ve seen a growing number of stories about the number of actresses who had worked with Weinstein and how they had been harassed.  Jennifer Lawrence is not one of them, which has lead to the conspiracy theory that her meteoric rise to super-stardom in a number of major Weinstein productions was due more to her bedroom abilities than acting abilities.

I don’t know if this is true, but THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY IS  IMPROPRIETY.

And, of course, we all know how tightly joined at the hip Hollywood is to DC, especially the DNC.

The Washington spokespeople who go on TV to explain all of this from their side are missing the point with me.

I don’t care if what Hillary or Trump or the DNC did was technically legal, I want to know why you though it was perfectly okay to be skeezy as fuck?

Why should I reward a bunch of slimy shit-weasels for out sliming another bunch of shit-weasels.

Then again, these people generally look down on us normals as knuckle-dragging rubes.  Our values and ethics are backwards and quaint.  It seems as through our elite “deep thinkers” feel that they don’t need to be bound to our provincial notions of right and wrong.


I believe the White House and Capitol shouldn’t be the prize for being the most unethical, feculent, supine, mendacious, perfidious, sleazy, piece of shit of the bunch.

Do you want to see something scary?

I love my wife and she is a fan of horror movies. Back when we started to date, Twilight Zone: The Movie was out and the scene that we always loved was Dan Aykroyd saying “Hey… you wanna see something really scary?” so it became a staple with us, specially around Halloween.

While she is scary herself, specially when mad and sporting cutlery, she is not that good at sending scary messages. She just sent me this email:

My reply was this:

“Now this is scarier!”


I know she got the email. Her silence for 3 hours was scarier than I thought.

She finally replied:


I think she improved all of the sudden. What do you think?

More Anti-Math Activism

Back in May, I wrote a post about a math professor in Hawaii who was demanding that no more white men be hired as math professors.

I delved into her background and found that she seems to know nothing about math, wrote a dissertation that could be described as a “steaming pile of nonsensical, Social Justice bullshit,” and didn’t actually teach math to her students.

I thought that her being allowed to teach was an assault on civilization.  Math is the universal language.  It “adds up” regardless of race, religion, ideology, etc.  Destroying math education will not make society any better in any way.

Yesterday I came across another article about a different math professor going even further off the anti-math deep end.  The cancer is spreading.

Rochelle Gutiérrez published in Building Support for Scholarly Practices in Mathematics Methods that Algebra and Geometry perpetuate “whiteness” and “white privilege.”

“On many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White.”

According to Campus Reform:

Further, she also worries that evaluations of math skills can perpetuate discrimination against minorities, especially if they do worse than their white counterparts.

“If one is not viewed as mathematical, there will always be a sense of inferiority that can be summoned,” she says, adding that there are so many minorities who “have experienced microaggressions from participating in math classrooms… [where people are] judged by whether they can reason abstractly.”

To fight this, Gutierrez encourages aspiring math teachers to develop a sense of “political conocimiento,” a Spanish phrase for “political knowledge for teaching.”

Gutierrez stresses that all knowledge is “relational,” asserting that “Things cannot be known objectively; they must be known subjectively.”

What I gather here is that we shouldn’t be teaching students Algebra or Geometry – really conceptual math in general – because white people are bad and being good at math is white.

What I don’t understand is the end game of all this.

Option 1: we don’t teach minority students math.

Result 1: minority kids lack the skills to get good jobs in medicine, STEM, accounting, business, etc.  They fall further behind economically.

Option 2: we don’t teach any students math.

Result 3: Middle/Upper class white parents (except for the extreme SJW ideologues) who care about our children pay for tutors to do what teachers wont – hooray capitalism.  Minority kids suffer the same fate as Result 1.

Option 3: we successfully destroy math education in America and nobody gets a good math education because there are no more math teachers.

Result 3: Society regresses into the stone age.  I use my knowledge of chemistry to build an post apocalyptic empire based on turning my enemies’ fat and wood ash into soap.

None of this actually makes anybody’s life better, especially minorities.  We will end up with fewer minorities in good paying, professional jobs.  Saying “math perpetuates whiteness” is like saying “reading perpetuates whiteness” and that it’s okay for black students to be illiterate.

We’ve all dealt with the Burger King employee who can’t read and screws up even the most basic order.  They are not going to get out of poverty anytime soon.

This is the future Social Justice wants.

It’s not math alone that they want to destroy.

A feminist professor at the University of California Davis want to teach “anti-science, antiracist, feminist approach to knowledge production.”

Thanks Dr. Harpy McSugartits.  I can’t think how tearing down the more than 3,000 year old foundation of modern science helps women.

Modern feminism – eliminating the development of new breast cancer treatments since 2017.

At least they can be ideologically pure while dying of disease by 40.

Wherein I Ruin My Vacation

I caught this story over at Joe Huffman’s blog about packing two Spyderco Delicas on a cruise ship.

Apparently the ship’s security was a British citizen who, so indoctrinated against the most primitive of tools, though that a 2-7/8 inch knife with a locking blade was the ne plus ultra of hand to hand murder weapons.

To make matters worse it was not just one knife but TWO.

I’m pretty sure I’d of been in a similar situation, I have been in the past.

I’m just not as good as biting my tongue as our intrepid voyager here.

Hinchliffe: Why do you carry two knives?

Joe: [What difference does that make? Norwegian Cruise rules don’t put a limit on the number of knives only on the length of the blade. According to the rules I can have 10, 100, or 1000 knives. But you don’t care about the written rules, do you?

(He gets his knives back)


J.Kb.: Why do you have two balls?  Then again, judging by your fear of lock back knives, you probably don’t.  

(I get my knives confiscated and get thrown off the cruise)

Interestingly enough, I was visiting New York City to see a buddy of mine.  He took me to see the Empire State Building.  I had a knife on me, probably a Spyderco Delica too.

To get to the observation deck, you have to pass through metal detectors.  They have a coat room where you can check items not allowed to the observation deck, so I checked my pocket knife.

I was challenged by the security guard who wanted to know why I was “such a tough guy” (I remember those words exactly) that I needed to carry a knife, then proceed to get a dressing down by some security guard behind a counter who make Michael Moore look fit.

This was many years ago, it was the summer after my Sophomore year of college and my buddy was working as an intern in NYC.  It was a little more than a year after 9/11 and just at the beginning of the invasion of Iraq, and much of the US was in full blown patriotism mode.

I was ROTC at the time and doing some training with the Indiana National Guard, and was on leave.  I had my military ID on me.

The manager came over to see what was going on and asked for my ID.  I could of handed over my drivers licence but pulled out my military ID instead.

That Fat Ass McBully realized in an instant he had fucked up.  Picking on a soldier was not acceptable in the recent post 9/11 zeitgeist.

It was apologies all around and being ushered to the front of the line.

Today, I’d probably be in prison.