Month: December 2017

Wishful Thinking can lead to Anal Rape and Orange Rompers. (Not a 2A post)

Saw this posted somewhere under the heading “Does HR 38 invalidate magazine limits in handguns?”:

“A person who carries or possesses a concealed handgun in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) may not be arrested or otherwise detained for violation of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof related to the possession, transportation, or carrying of firearms unless there is probable cause to believe that the person is doing so in a manner not provided for by this section.”

I see this shit every time a new bill comes around. Why do people read shit that is not specifically there and immediately go for something they want? And the worst part is that if a legal experts explains why it is not the way they want it to be, they just huff and puff and ignore  the advice starting a countdown to the moment he needs to call home and ask for bail money.

Don’t be stupid and get under the Legal Wishful Thinking.

Why carry a tourniquet? (Somewhat graphic content)

According to the description with the photo:

“Guy accidentally shot himself in inner thigh with a @taurususa Judge 410 PDX defense load. He was nonresponsive after 4 min. Officers showed up and applied tourniquet, saving his life. Just showed me the importance of keeping one on my person at All Times!” 

I am not sure, but a 4 minute time and the bright red color indicates a wound to the femoral artery. The victim was very lucky that a Responder with a tourniquet arrived in the literal nick of time as I don’t think he had much more time on this planet.

so where is your tourniquet? Still don’t have one? get one!

You know my go-to guys are Recon Medical who have good products at a great price.

And for those other bleeding injuries where a tourniquet cannot be used, don’t forget the Trauma Pak with Quikclot.

OK, let’s keep it short. For new readers, I made a small Oh Shit kit that is affordable and you can copy or improve on it as you wish and I am sure a couple of Old Readers may need to revisit.

Guess what? It is the perfect Christmas Gift. It shows you really care for the person by giving him or her a life saving kit rather than some high bucks electronics.
Fruit cake is still a good gift for those you don’t care about.

Randy Quaid Vs. Bernie Sanders For Vermont Senator : This needs to happen.

The veteran actor tweeted a threat/warning Thursday claiming that reps from a superPAC have approached him about running against Bernie Sanders for his U.S. Senate seat next year. And a reality show pitch about that potentially wacky race is making its way around town. Public Spectacle Media is planning an unscripted series that would follow Quaid’s long-shot bid to become the junior senator from the Green Mountain State.

Source: Randy Quaid Vs. Bernie Sanders For Vermont Senator Seat Pitched As Reality Show | Deadline

I wholeheartedly approve of this race.

And you know what scares the bejesus out of the smart (and few) Democrats? That Quaid very well may win.
The last time they laughed at a potentially “impossible” candidate, they ended up with President Trump.

Hat tip to Rob R.

This life sentence starts with the right ingredients. 

When the officer spoke at Rojas’ sentencing this week, he pulled out a bottle of the personal lubricant K-Y Jelly, the Florida Times-Union reports. “I brought a little gift for you,” the officer told Rojas, according to Action News Jax. “You will need it where you are going. ”Rojas, now 21, was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for trying to kill the officer and his son, News4Jax reports. Rojas was also convicted of two counts of aggravated assault, one count of grand theft auto and one count of fleeing or attempting to elude police.

Source: Florida cop says man who shot him will need K-Y Jelly in prison | Miami Herald

With that face, you can be sure he will be biting that pillow a lot. I do believe some kids have not realized that Grand Theft Auto and similar video games do not properly represent what happens in real life…specially to your bunghole if you go to prison.

Oh well.

Hat Tip Keith G.