Month: January 2018

State of the Union Address: This is what petty politics looks like. (Update)


Great news for the African-American community and what I can only guess is the Congressional Black Caucus receive the news with anger and pettiness.

But what can you expect after this:

(CNN)Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-Louisiana, said Tuesday that some members of the Congressional Black Caucus will boycott President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address, while others “will stare racism in the face” by attending the speech.

Let’s face it, the Congressional Black Caucus only has power if the African-Americans remain poor and hopeless. You commit the mistake of making them independent and self-sustaining, they won’t vote for you.

UPDATE: PJ Media caught the same thing (kinda hard to miss) and Stephen Green makes a wonderful analysis:

Trump used political judo against the Democrats tonight, daring them to sit and stare as he boasted of the benefits that conservative policies have delivered to liberal constituencies.

And by and large, Democrats took the dare. They refused to applaud for delivering on jobs to blacks, on providing a path to citizenship for Dreamers, on moving our embassy to Jerusalem, and other items, too.

Trump reached across the aisle, counting on Democrats to slap his hand.

They did.


Cleansing: I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.

“As we seek to rid ourselves of Trump, we must also cleanse our American soul of its white male privilege, its voracious greed,” he added
Michael Moore.


I am starting to believe that we have White Liberals fully toeing the principles of Charles Manson’s Helter Skelter:
1-Start a race war.
2- Seek shelter in luxurious guarded compounds.
3- After the killing stops, come out and govern those pitiful and lost children who survived the conflict.
4- Live happily ever after in Socialist Utopia.

“The angry white guy is dying out, and the Census Bureau has already told us that by 2050, white people are going to be the minority, and I’m not sad to say I can’t wait for that day to happen. I hope I live long enough to see it because it will be a better country,” said Moore.

He may be right and he is so wrong he does not know. There might not be a majority White Anglo-Saxon, but that does not mean there Whites are going to be a minority. Whites are composed of many variations and permutations that may bring some cultural intricacies he is not expecting:

Some of the new Americans know the meaning of the word “cleansing” as in genocide. Again, they know because they saw it and survived it. So when you call for cleansing, you are stirring deep memories and behaviors that you really have no idea how powerfully violent they can be. And the funny part is that those who might not be White but lived through a cleansing are now horrified about that shit coming to America supported by a big fat White Liberal.

And to those Americans, most of them immigrants and survivors, the lessons from the cleanings are still fresh… and fresh is what should have been done from the beginning: To kill the assholes promoting  cleansing and their supporters.

And that would make Michael Moore a big fat target.

I bet he has not thought about that.

Need a gaming buddy

I’ve had a number of people, online, throw the name Paul Nehlen at me.  It’s been in response to my assertion that the worst anti semitism in America right now is coming from the Progressive Left.

Sure there are some neo Nazis on the alt right, but they have no power.  They are losers.  They are neo Nazis because they are angry, powerless losers.

The anti semites on the Left are professors, big name activists, politically influential people (*cough Obama, John Kerry cough*).

So they throw out Paul Nehlen.  He’s running against Paul Ryan in the GOP primary.   He did this before and lost.  That’s putting it mildly.  He was beaten like a starlet that said “no” to Hollywood producer.

I had to look up who he is.  This is his Twitter feed.

I need somebody to help me play him in a game of Risk.  When we beat him, hopefully he’ll shoot himself in his basement and then I won’t have to hear about him anymore.

Last minute changes

If anybody in the Trump administration reads this blog.  I’d like to submit a last minute addition to his SOTU address tonight.

If there is anything I have learned in the last year as president, it is this.  The Democrats treat America the way their donor and buddy Harvey Weinstein treats his star actress.  They abuse her and fuck her every which way possible. Then they bad mouth her when she finally gets up the courage to push back against the mistreated.”

You can have that one free, on me.

Dear Rochelle Hathaway: This Is Not a good Way To Pad Your Resume.

You are hired to be at a Trade Show. You are wearing a shirt with the name of your company, the one you are a spokesperson and a journalists shows up to asks you questions, what do you do?

Answer: Do not shit on the business. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Rochelle Hathaway.

Click to enlarge

She was at the SHOT show representing Taran Tactical and was approached by a journo from Glamour who asked her several questions. Here are her answers:

Why do you have a gun?
I was originally given a gun as a gift. I went out shooting once, and I happened to be naturally good at it. I was 20 at the time. I’ve done sporadic competitive shooting. I have a lot more fun with it—I’m in it more for fun than competing.

What do you say to people who question the value of a private citizen owning a gun?
I think that if there were less guns, there would be less shootings, period. If the government came in and decided to take the guns away, I wouldn’t be mad about it. I think it’s important to be able to feel safe in your home, but you don’t need more than three guns. You don’t need to own a semiautomatic weapon or a silencer.

When mass shootings or school shootings happen—like the one this week—does it ever make you rethink your position?
Going to the Second Amendment, I don’t think they had AK-47s and everything else in mind [when they imagined] the right to bear arms and protecting yourself. At SHOT show, you can kind of see how much it’s evolved into thousands and thousands of people dumping millions and millions of dollars into the industry…. I guess I’d say it’s almost unfortunate people think that they need so much.

Taran Tactical was obviously not pleased.

Now, HR departments  in companies check social media and the internet in general to check on future hires. Somehow I don’t think it will give them the warm and fuzzies to know the prospect for a job has no qualms in crapping all over the business to a Mass Media publication.


When you outlaw X…

London is having a huge spike in gun crime.  An increase of 42%.  This, improbably, in a city in a nation that has banned hand guns and made gun ownership impossibly difficult.

Knife crime in London is up 23%.

There is a lot of information that is missing from these reports.

So let’s turn to Sweden.

Police in Sweden are turning up AK-47’s at crime scenes, and gangs are roaming the streets with them.

There have been so many hand grenade attacks in Sweden there is a Wikipedia page that lists them, and police are having to have a “hand grenade amnesty” for people to turn them in.

It seems that the issue is when you have uncontrolled migration from Middle Eastern war zones, people tend to bring stuff from home with them.  Stuff like AK-47’s, handguns, and hand grenades.

A country can ban the civilian sale of all the guns they want, people will just walk them into the UK and Sweden from Syria in a backpack.

Maybe now is a good time to note that the Mexican cartels have been using military weapons in their war against the Mexican government.

I’m just thinking that if some Somali can carry an AK into Malmo, it’s just as easy for someone to carry one from Nogales to LA.

Food for though.