Month: March 2018

BSO Sheriff refuses to answer questions about Parkland.

Only in Florida you can get away with this crap.


However, if the Media is starting to sniff behind your trail, one of two things will happen: A) You have been deemed expendable by your political masters and being prepped for sacrifice or B) After a brief call by the powers that be, the reporter will be reassigned to cover restaurant health violations and in-depth stories about funny pets.

We’ll see.

You know you are doing it very wrong.

When the chest-thumping  “No Compromise!” lobby and the Gun Control Lobby have the same message.

“Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

Animal Farm – George Orwell.

Doing it right

A high school near Allentown, Pennsylvania, has a rifle team.

I’m shocked too.

The team needed new equipment and the NRA was going to pony up the money.

The school board rejected the money because… NRA.  Going so far as yo call it “dirty money.”  These adults were happy to fuck over law abiding, supervised kids, engaged in an Olympic sport because of politics.

Gun rights supporters have now raised and donated to the team more money than they need.

This is how to do it right.   Let the antis bet the miserable shits who have to ruin kids’ fun with politics.

I really hope at least one of the rifle team kids earns a scholarship for shooting.

That would be the ultimate polite “fuck you” to the school board.