Month: March 2018

I’ll answer the CNN lady’s question

Because CNN is totally an objective media outlet (/sarc), this was part of an interview with David Hogg.

If she was any more sycophantic over Hogg, she’d want to earn a Cross of Honour of the German Mother with him.

But I will answer her question.

Q:  What kind of dumb ass college would reject him?

A:  A smart one.

First of all, he was probably rejected months ago, long before his activism started.  At that point he was just another white boy from an upper middle class high school.   The UC system is filled with those.

Second, if I were a school chancellor, I’d double reject him now.  Here’s why.

Every college that has seen huge social justice campus protests had lost enrollment and is hurting for money.  Mizzou  enrollment is down 35%.  Evergreen is down 20%.  Evergreen is $2.1 million short on money and is having to lay off professors.

We have already seen that Hogg has no loyalties.

The first rule of Florida is: “You don’t mess with The Mouse.”

That is really a subset of a bigger rule “don’t fuck with the tourists.”

The one thing you don’t do in Florida is try and stop the tourists from coming.

Hogg broke that rule.

So of you were a college provost or Dean of Admissions and you have some foul mouthed, Social Justice, media whore, who loves staging protests and boycotts and has the brazen balls to insult a US Senator to his face, you might want to pass on that turd.  The five minuted of good publicity you got would pay YUGE dividends in loss of enrollment, decreased revenue, and potential layoffs.

Just ask the administration of Columbia if the Left’s huzzahs over Mattress Girl were worth the cost of the settlement they paid to the guy she defamed for school credit?

I’m pretty sure, in private, every one of them would say “no.”

I think, however, some stupid provost is going to admit this kid for the Lefty accolades and cocktail party invites that will come along with it.

Then we’ll see what happens to his school.




Hogg vs. Arby’s

I blogged about Arby’s pro-hunting commercials before.

Here it is again, because it is so good.

David Hogg is going after Arby’s because of his spat with Laura Ingraham.

He went so far as to doxx Arby’s management before his Tweet was deleted.

Show your support for Arby’s and let them know why in the customer satisfaction survey and on Twitter.

I will as soon as Passover is over.



Holidays 2018

Today is Holy Saturday, which is the last week of Holy Week, which goes from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday.  Easter Sunday is not part of Holy Week, it is a separate holiday.

The body count (for religiously motivated killings) for Holy Week 2018 is (so far) a whopping Zero.

Zero bombings.  Zero shootings.  Zero people lit on fire, stoned, or beheaded.

Strange that, considering just how much the Left and the Progressives hate Christianity.

Last night was the first night of Passover 2018.  I checked the news this morning and the evening of Seder also had a body county of Zero.

Ramadan is coming up in about six weeks.  Last year the Religion of Peace didn’t quite live up to its appellation.  Let’s see if Ramadan 2018 will have the same body count as Holy Week.  Some how, I doubt it.

“The Path Forward on Guns” is not so straigh or clear.

I was called attention to The Path Forward on Guns website. After reading the proposals made there ( I am sure made with the best of intentions) I have to be not inclined to support it.

Here are my views:

Swiss-style universal background checks. Although I agree with establishing the mechanism so it is available to everybody, I dislike a couple of things: The mandatory nature of it and that you need a FFL to do so is one. It basically states that by default, gun owners are not to be trusted and they will sell guns to any mass killer or criminal out there without we giving a shit. You basically are insulting me with your kindness.
Second: There is no penalty for abusing the system. Unless you give 100% assurances that whomever abuses the database gets a minimum mandatory sentence of 5 years and a fine of $100,000 per name and/or gun data collected and that the money has to come from the offender’s pocket the system will be ripe for abuse.

Extreme risk protection orders, also known as red flag laws. Again, there is no real penalty for abusing the system. We know evidence can be manufactured, testimony given could be false and suddenly an innocent person has rights removed and thrown in some rubber room without the guilty party actually taking a risk. Some may say that violations of this are perjury and penalized under Federal statute, but I want to remind you that ol’ Billy Clinton managed to pretty much wash out the concept of perjury away. Add to it the same penalty as above and we may start to have a foundation to talk about.

Classify bump stocks as machine guns, banning them from sale. If machine guns are NOT banned, why are we banning a piece of plastic? The author “corrects”  him/herself in the text but words have meaning and the title is misleading.

As for the rest: Just get rid of NFA and pass National Reciprocity. Of course the Other Side will rather drink Drano rather than accept that challenge.

To summarize: Gun Owners are still the ones facing prison time while the other side will contentedly fuck us over without fear of being penalized for abusing the system.

I can’t support this plan as well-intentioned as it may be in this present version.


The Australian Solution: “I swear they are all destroyed.”

QUEENSLAND: Police have arrested an employee allegedly stockpiling weapons in his Brisbane home.

The 33-year-old man, who works at the service’s gun storage facility in Brisbane, was arrested and bailed today and is facing criminal charges in relation to the alleged theft of property belonging to the Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service.

Officers made the alarming discovery earlier this week when the man shot himself in the hand while cleaning a weapon and called an ambulance.

After he was rushed to Princess Alexandra Hospital, police searched the man’s Crestmead home and found eight firearms inside including a semiautomatic and two glocks.

Queensland Police administration officer charged with stealing

“The only one professional enough to…steal guns?” The video in the link provides better information: a total of two guns including a ‘semiautomatic rifle.’

Is it me or that looks too much like an Evil Black Rifle case?

It’s alleged the man took the illegally used weapons, which he is supposed to do inventory on, after they were seized by police.

So much for strict gun control when it is the people in Law Enforcement the ones breaking gun laws.

The incident sparked a frantic, statewide gun audit in the Queensland force earlier this week.
Every firearm issued police officers and every single gun seized during investigations was counted.

Notice that they don’t mention that the count was right. You want to know why? Because thee thief is the guy in charge of destroying the weapons confiscated by the authorities. Basically they can’t figure out how many were destroyed or not and where are they.

Kinda leaves you wondering of some guns have not been returned to the Aussie criminal element for some sort of payment. It would not be the first time that bad cops become the “unregistered gun dealers.”

Hat Tip Zuikowarrior

What are the Factors Working Against Us? – Shall not be Questioned

The common theme here is demographic trends are catching up to us. Bloomberg’s money is by far the biggest factor. There isn’t enough passion for gun control out there for it to self-organize, but if money is no object, and you have a lot of smart Obama people who suddenly found themselves out of a job and needing a cause, you can accomplish quite a lot with a top-down approach.

What are the Factors Working Against Us?

I have been saying this for some years now, but not so well put. I was damned lucky to find J. Kb. and Blogson who is infiltrated somewhere in the belly of the beast. But we need to bring more youth as relief fighters.

If you are getting your subscription of Guns and Ammo with offers from ARRP, you know you are getting long in the tooth.