Because CNN is totally an objective media outlet (/sarc), this was part of an interview with David Hogg.

If she was any more sycophantic over Hogg, she’d want to earn a Cross of Honour of the German Mother with him.

But I will answer her question.

Q:  What kind of dumb ass college would reject him?

A:  A smart one.

First of all, he was probably rejected months ago, long before his activism started.  At that point he was just another white boy from an upper middle class high school.   The UC system is filled with those.

Second, if I were a school chancellor, I’d double reject him now.  Here’s why.

Every college that has seen huge social justice campus protests had lost enrollment and is hurting for money.  Mizzou  enrollment is down 35%.  Evergreen is down 20%.  Evergreen is $2.1 million short on money and is having to lay off professors.

We have already seen that Hogg has no loyalties.

The first rule of Florida is: “You don’t mess with The Mouse.”

That is really a subset of a bigger rule “don’t fuck with the tourists.”

The one thing you don’t do in Florida is try and stop the tourists from coming.

Hogg broke that rule.

So of you were a college provost or Dean of Admissions and you have some foul mouthed, Social Justice, media whore, who loves staging protests and boycotts and has the brazen balls to insult a US Senator to his face, you might want to pass on that turd.  The five minuted of good publicity you got would pay YUGE dividends in loss of enrollment, decreased revenue, and potential layoffs.

Just ask the administration of Columbia if the Left’s huzzahs over Mattress Girl were worth the cost of the settlement they paid to the guy she defamed for school credit?

I’m pretty sure, in private, every one of them would say “no.”

I think, however, some stupid provost is going to admit this kid for the Lefty accolades and cocktail party invites that will come along with it.

Then we’ll see what happens to his school.




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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “I’ll answer the CNN lady’s question”
  1. He’ll get accepted with a loud blare of SJW trumpeting by some super woke campus.

    And then, as his 15 minutes run out, he’ll be forced to say more and more outrageous things to try to keep the spotlight, and to no avail. The Left will have found another spokesprop, and he’ll be discarded.

    A year later, he’ll quietly drop out, as his bullying tactics aren’t working on giving him a passing grade.

    In 5 years, he’ll be a lonely, bitter alcoholic who can’t hold a job.

      1. There is a good chance he’ll get caught doing 100mph in a 25 zone, stoned to the gills, and will try to pull the classic “don’t you know who I am” within the next 6 months.

        1. I was thinking that this afternoon. He is going to believe he is invulnerable to the Laws of Men and end up being arrested for rape and possession of drugs and even a weapon.
          But not in Broward County… Miami Dade probably.

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