The common theme here is demographic trends are catching up to us. Bloomberg’s money is by far the biggest factor. There isn’t enough passion for gun control out there for it to self-organize, but if money is no object, and you have a lot of smart Obama people who suddenly found themselves out of a job and needing a cause, you can accomplish quite a lot with a top-down approach.

What are the Factors Working Against Us?

I have been saying this for some years now, but not so well put. I was damned lucky to find J. Kb. and Blogson who is infiltrated somewhere in the belly of the beast. But we need to bring more youth as relief fighters.

If you are getting your subscription of Guns and Ammo with offers from ARRP, you know you are getting long in the tooth.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “What are the Factors Working Against Us? – Shall not be Questioned”
    1. Yes! I belong to both of my state organizations, and NRA. I donate to the NRA political victory fund and the NRA institute for legislative action. I go to the state Capitol for lobby day (when health permits me). I write my senator and congressman. I wish I could do more, but don’t we all?

  1. On a side note, I recall years ago that AARP was a front for insurance companies, and was stridently anti gun.

  2. If I may quote myself:

    There’s a deep reality here that I’ve said once or twice but hate saying. The pro-freedom side needs a billionaire, and we need one for at least two reasons.

    First, here we see Michael Bloomberg (worth $50 Billion) and George Soros (worth $8 B – both per the Forbes list) throwing around millions like it’s spare pennies found in their sofa. While I think the role of money in elections is overstated, there’s no denying that billions of dollars can give the appearance of a lot of grass roots. I recall Harry Reid being so upset about the billionaire Koch brothers’ candidate donations that he dedicated time to attack them from the senate floor 134 times, but I find no evidence of [a pro-freedom version of] anything like Soros’ Tides Foundation, Open Societies or any of his other monetary shell games, and I can find no evidence of anything like Bloomberg’s Everytown or the Demanding Mommies.

    Second, and this just piles onto the previous advantage, the anti-freedom side has an inherent advantage in organization. The anti-freedom side wants central control in everything and that means an almost military organization/hierarchy. The reason they sprang into motion so fast after Parkland was that they were ready to spring. They’ve been hiring community organizers, planning and putting every piece in place to act since Sandy Hook. I don’t know who and I don’t know where, but the reaction was just too fast to have happened on the fly. A decentralized bunch of gun rights advocates that are suspicious of central control going up against the organized anti-gun side is starting from way behind.

    If it seems we’re being outflanked on every side, it’s because they hired troops to look for ways around us, putting pressure everywhere. While we thought we had an upper hand because of the swelling gun sales year after year, they were working to squash any advantage we had.

    We were in condition white, they were prepared for war to start at any moment.

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