I blogged about Arby’s pro-hunting commercials before.

Here it is again, because it is so good.

David Hogg is going after Arby’s because of his spat with Laura Ingraham.

He went so far as to doxx Arby’s management before his Tweet was deleted.

Show your support for Arby’s and let them know why in the customer satisfaction survey and on Twitter.

I will as soon as Passover is over.



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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “Hogg vs. Arby’s”
  1. He’s also working hard to burn out his 15 minutes of fame through overexposure.
    Kid thinks he has actual power and personal appeal.
    Truth is, there’s really not much there there, and the crash from when the media drops him will hit him hard.

  2. Prediction: when Hogg’s fame evaporates, he’ll off himself. Or worse. Even experienced, career show biz adults who have experienced the white hot heat of the big fame of the moment have mental issues when the that fame points at someone else.

    And on a different note, Arby’s has obviously changed their commercials. Either a new ad agency, new guy at Arby’s or something. They’re genuinely funny now (well, no joke is funny more than a few times). The guy who does the voice overs has a great voice for the lines they’re delivering.

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