Month: January 2019

Misery begetting misery

Remember everything I said yesterday about a culture of misery that has no respect for children or families, and only serves to spread misery?

It’s like these people go out of their way to prove that I am right.

When your first thought is to call an unborn child a parasite and justify killing it because of the cost of raising it, you add nothing of value or quality to the world.

This is a miserable person, trying to spread misery, using a perversion of logic to justify their their miserable opinion.

Shamless SOTU Stunt

First story:

Democrat invites illegal immigrant fired from Trump golf club to State of the Union address

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman said Wednesday that she extended the invitation to Victorina Morales, a Guatemala-born woman who was fired from the golf property where she worked as a housekeeper for five years.

The woman, who’s an illegal immigrant, has since become an advocate for other illegal immigrants in the country. She recently spoke out in the media about the Trump Organization’s hiring practices.

So this Congresswoman is bringing an illegal immigrant who once worked for Trump to the State of the Union to spite Trump.

Second Story:

Trump Organization responds to claims it hired illegal immigrants

The Times article spotlighted Victorina Morales, an undocumented immigrant from Guatemala, who has worked as a housekeeper at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, since 2013.

Morales, who reportedly crossed the American border illegally in 1999, said she’s hurt amid the Trump administration’s crackdown on undocumented immigrants.

“We are tired of the abuse, the insults, the way he talks about us when he knows that we are here helping him make money,” Morales told The Times. “We sweat it out to attend to his every need and have to put up with his humiliation.”

She said she didn’t have proper documentation, and she used false Social Security and permanent resident cards.

So the woman being invited was hired using fraudulent ID.

What the media often overlooks when reporting this is the there is no use in making up a fake SSN.  What usually happens is a fraudulent ID is created using a real SSN.  This is identity theft.

What often happens is the person using the stolen SSN goes and collects the tax return of the person whose SSN was stolen.  This can also ruin the credit score and finances of ID theft victim.  I know, this happened to me.

Morales told the news outlet she expects to be reprimanded severely with the report coming out.

“I ask myself, is it possible that this señor thinks we have papers? He knows we don’t speak English,” Morales told The Times. “Why wouldn’t he figure it out?”

Morales told The Times she is applying for asylum and is exploring a lawsuit claiming workplace abuse and discrimination.

She after she admits to defrauding her way into a job, she blames her former employer by saying they should have known she was an illegal because she didn’t speak English?

Now that she’s been fired, she’s going to sue out of spite.  This woman seems like a real peach.

And this is who a Democrat is inviting to the State of the Union.  An illegal immigrant who has committed fraud, probably identity theft, and potentially tax return fraud.  But yeah, spite Trump or something.

In Democrat Bizarro Land this stunt might make her (the Congresswoman) a hero, but what are the optics to anybody who isn’t reflexively Orange Man Bad?

Maybe the Congresswoman doesn’t know this, but everyone who attends the SOTU has to go through a background check.  I’m kind of curious if an illegal with a history of fraud will pass a Secret Service screening.

If she doesn’t, I wonder what brouhaha she’ll kick up.  I cant’ wait to see this Congresswoman explain on the news how Trump’s “racist Secret Service” won’t let her guest attend the SOTU, just because she’s an illegal with a fake ID.

Machete attack at a McDonalds in Formerly Great Britain

Open Borders and tight Gun Control are having the results we all figured it would have.

And let’s not forget to add to that recipe that Self Defense is not seen with good eyes in the British Isles lest you hurt the poor minority or socially underprivileged person who was just looking for some redeeming action to make his life worthwhile.

They are so screwed.

I’m going into the Rabbinate

Holocaust Memorial Day was this past Sunday.

I just found out that one of the local Huntsville Rabbis was interviewed by WHNT 19 News about the meaning of the day.

What an awful interview it was.

The questions were awful and the answers were weak.

It’s not a paradox the the Holocaust happened in an “intellectually refined” culture like Germany.  Intellectuals have always been able to rationalize away the most inhumane barbarism.  The intellectuals of the 20th Century killed 100 million people pursuing their Utopian visions.

There is nothing more “intellectually refined” than some academic explaining on paper how if only these few million people were terminated, everything else would run like clockwork according to the plans that the intellectual laid out.

The the interviewer brings up Antisemitism and then brings up a parallel to Anti-Muslim feeling.

What the hell dude?

Considering who is responsible for the majority of Antisemitism in the US and Europe (hint, they usually yell “Allahu Akbar” before they start stabbing) that was tone deaf as fuck.

Then it goes over to the Pittsburgh shooting for a while and a talking about “trying to love one another.”

What a whishy-washy pile of pablum.

I think my midlife crisis is going to be to become a Rabbi.  Then I can give an interview on local TV, if just once.

This is what we are doing for Holocaust Memorial Day.  First we are going to say the Mourners Kaddish for the dead.  Then we are going to have a lecture on the dangers of Socialism – lets not forget the Nazi is short for “National Socialism” in German – and an elite that believes they have the intellect to create a Utopia if only they had the power to control society.  

Then we are going to go out to the range where I have set up a special Never Again theme IDPA course.  The shoot targets are marked with Swastikas and the non-shoots with stars.  We have plenty of guns, gear, and ammo.  We will be doing a safe gun handling class before for any new shooters and then we will go hot.  

It should be a good day of learning for all.

I know I will never be asked to give an interview ever again, but just once I want a Holocaust Memorial Day message that a little firmer than an under cooked matzoh ball.

I want, just once, to see a Rabbi like this on TV.


Infanticide, incels, and the absolutely corrosive culture of the radical Left

It’s interesting that Miguel wrote a post about abortion this morning.  I was discussing the very same issue – the new New York abortion law and the Virginia abortion bill – with my wife this morning.

Miguel hasn’t touched on abortion before, I’ve poked at it just a tiny bit.

In the last few months, a lot of things have happened that have put me in a place where I want to touch on them all at once.

If I were to describe my position on abortion, I would call it “begrudgingly pro-choice.”  Killing an unborn child in the womb is a terrible thing.  There are times, however, it might not be the most terrible outcome of the situation.

Imagine a woman with with two kids, who shows signs of pre-eclampsia in her third pregnancy.  Does she have and abortion and live to take care of her two kids, or does she chose to have the baby and risk leaving three kids without a mom.  I don’t know how to answer that, but what I do know is when a family is faced with making that choice, they shouldn’t have to deal with a goverment bureaucrat as part of their decision making process.

I agree with the Liberal position of the 90’s, where abortion should be “safe, legal, and rare.”  I’m trying to balance prudence with belief.

The problem is that when some Democrat goes on TV and talks about abortion to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest, they are bullshitting the people about abortion the same way they are bullshitting people about immigration, when they talk about hard working legal immigrants but their laws provide sanctuary for MS-13 and drug dealers.

I’ve never seen a mainstream conservative say that a woman shouldn’t be able to have an abortion if she has been raped or if she will die carrying the child to term.  The debate is always over abortions of convenience.

The most unbiased source of information I can find for abortion data is from the Guttmacher Institute.  The facts are the facts.  The data shows that rape and incest makes up less than 1% of abortions.  Saving the life of the mother or terminating an nonviable fetus is another 7% of abortions.  The most common reasons, 75% of total abortions are either the mother cannot afford the child or is not ready/does not want the responsibility of having a child.

While I can empathize for a mother in such a condition, that still means that the vast majority of abortions are abortions of convenience.

So the Democrat saying the they need to pass this law to save the life of the mother is using 3% of abortions to justify the other three-quarters of all abortions.

So why are they doing this?  Why are they fighting tooth and nail to make killing an unborn child in the ninth month of gestation because the woman is having second thoughts about being a mother?

I think this is one of the end results of, not to sound too Biblical about it, but the worship of mammon.  Or in other words, selfish, soulless consumerism.

I can’t tell you how many articles I’ve seen in the vein of the assortment like You Can Save Half a Million Dollars if You Don’t Have KidsNot Having Kids Is A Savvy Way To Save For Retirement, and 5 Scientifically Proven Reasons Not Having Kids Is A Great Idea.

All of them come down to the basics of having more disposable income and relaxation time.

It is a culture that disrespects family, children, and the traditional role of mothers and fathers.

And it is destroying society in a number of ways.

Alcohol use and abuse by young women is up and climbing.

Marriage rates are going down.

Suicide is going up for both sexes, but more significantly for men.

More and more young men are turning to video games and porn, giving way to incels.

For my entire life, the message I have seen directed at girls and women is for them to pursue careers.  They should want to be CEO, Chairwoman of the Board, Director of Operations, or Senior Managing Partner.  They should want to afford the luxury condo in Manhattan with a closet full of Jimmy Choo shoes.  They should want to be Carrie from Sex and The City.  A liberated, powerful woman.

I want to make this point perfectly clear.  I have nothing against women working.  My wife works.  Almost my friends wives work.  I don’t want to be accused of believing that women should be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

The point that I am getting at is: is to good for the mental health for women, by and large, to focus on career over family?  Does that make them happier?

I cannot tell you how many videos or articles I’ve seen from older feminists bemoaning the fact that in their golden years, they go home to nothing but an empty apartment and maybe a cat.

I may not agree with her on a lot but Camille Paglia has been beating this drum hard.

What is the other side of this coin?  Incels and man-babies.

Humans need purpose in life.  The Protestant work ethic is real.  People attain dignity through work.  It’s why we cherish a hard win and don’t care about an easy one.

For a few hundred thousand years of modern humanity, the purpose of a man was provider and protester.  He rand down the gazelle, killed it with a spear, fought off the hyenas that came to take it, fed his children with the meat, then stood vigil with that spear to keep the lions away at night.

It’s why non SJW types revere a picture of men, filthy from mining coal, having a beer.  Because we respect the motivation that sends a man down into a mine to risk his life to feed his children.

The boy raised along side the girls who were told to go and be CEO, were told they were not needed.  “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” was the feminist quote.

So if you, as a boy, are told that a woman doesn’t need you.  She’s going to be a career woman and she doesn’t need you to bring home the bacon, she can do that herself, and raise a kid by herself if she wants, because she’s a super woman.

Without the purpose of being a husband and father, a breadwinner and protector, these boys give up.  Why get a good job with a good income if it’s not going to make you an attractive mate?  Isn’t it just easier to sit at home and anesthetize your empty existence with beer, video games, and internet porn?

And that it what we have right now.

Women who have been told that a closet full of Jimmy Choos and every night out with the girls is more soul satisfying than a closet full of Playskool and movie night on the couch with hubby and the kids.

Men who have been told that they are redundant, unwanted, and useless.

And both are miserable, two people filing the hole in their souls with the Costco size box of Franzia or Hentai.

And why If this being pushed more and more, even though every indication is the it is making America a more unhappy place?

I thing it’s as simple as misery loves company.

The is at the core of Leftism.  Socialism doens’t build the poor up, it forces everyone into a tiny, concrete box apartment, cold and hungry.   Social Justice doesn’t help minorities, it only makes white people feel guilty about their privilege.

So miserable Leftist keep pushing something they know deep down inside makes people miserable because they need to feel like they are justified in their misery.

If they can convince some young woman to murder her unborn child once her feet start to swell so she can still fit into her Jimmy Choos and go out for appletinis with the girls, they have added a little bit more misery to the world and they feel just a tiny bit better about their own unhappy existence.

This, or at least half of this, is the reason why Jordan Peterson has exploded in popularity.  He has done a lot for men, but really his lesson is easily applicable to both sexes.

Ladies, Men,

Having a job you like and pays well is satisfying.  I highly recommend finding work that gives you the quality of life you want and is satisfying to do.

But success in a career or making a lot of money is a relatively new concept.  As a human being, you have evolved to mate and breed and raise children and propagate the species.

Deep down there is no promotion at work that feels better than seeing your newborn for the first time.  There is no client meeting that feels as good as coming home to kids who throw their arms around your legs and say “mommy/daddy play with me.”

Husbands and wives as partners raising a family, a provider and protector, a nurturer and a care giver, that has been the basis of successful civilizations for thousands of years.  A life lived filling an apartment with clothes or reaching the level of Master Wizard on some MMORPG isn’t the basis for anything but existential emptiness and unhappiness.

We, as a society, better shift our culture soon, so that these spreaders of misery are out of positions of authority in education, pop culture, and politics.

If not, the misery will only continue to grow and some day some Democrat will propose a bill that says when a woman has grown tired of missing girls night at the bar because she’s had to stay home with the baby, she can have a “post birth abortion.”

Rant finished.

It is pure barbarism.

A Democratic lawmaker in the Virginia House of Delegates proposed a bill Tuesday that would allow abortions through the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. The video of Delegate Kathy Tran presenting her bill led to an exchange where she admitted that her bill would allow for a mother to abort her child minutes before giving birth.

Northam on Abortion Bill: Infant Could Be Delivered and Then ‘Physicians and the Mother’ Could Decide If It Lives

In the 10 plus years of this blog, I never touched abortion that I recall. I am a Catholic so you can figure out where I stand on it. But this level of madness is just beyond the pale and I have to speak up. From the same article:

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D.) commented Wednesday about a controversial 40-week abortion bill and in so doing said the law allows an abortion to take place after the infant’s birth.

“If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.

What passes for Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia states that a living/breathing baby outside the womb can be legally  executed if the mother wishes.

I am sick to my stomach.

This is from Tom Clancy’s book “The Bear and the Dragon.” One of the best writing he did was in this book and describes two men of the cloth trying to stop the abortion of an “unauthorized fetus” while the mother is in labor. The whole Chines policy of One Baby and they would go ahead and kill a baby about to come out was incomprehensible to me and made me angry.

” That he’d (the doctor) been willing to kill it sixty seconds before was another issue entirely. Then, it had been unauthorized tissue. Now, it was a breathing citizen of the People’s Republic, and his duty as a physician was to protect it. The dichotomy did not trouble him because it never even occurred to him.”

I am sure no matter how Libertarian you are that this postpartum extermination is not something that you would understand and accept. And I am sure that some (hopefully a lot of them) Democrat voters are also trying not to throw up at this barbarism that even the cold-blooded Spartans would not do to their newborns. Now I want you to think about this: If the Liberals/Progressives are proud to push the murder of innocent fully born  babies, How much do you think your life is worth for them?

It is time to buy another gun and much more ammo.

And I think it is time to start drawing an accountability list.

We may be spitting on our hands sooner than expected.