Month: July 2019

Just a little Progressive racism on a Tuesday

A tweet from Congresswoman AOC:

I had to look up “Just Transition.”

From the Climate Justice Alliance:

Just Transition is a vision-led, unifying and place-based set of principles, processes, and practices that build economic and political power to shift from an extractive economy to a regenerative economy. This means approaching production and consumption cycles holistically and waste-free. The transition itself must be just and equitable; redressing past harms and creating new relationships of power for the future through reparations. If the process of transition is not just, the outcome will never be. Just Transition describes both where we are going and how we get there.

We must build visionary economy that is very different than the one we now are in. This requires stopping the bad while at the same time as building the new. We must change the rules to redistribute resources and power to local communities. Just transition initiatives are shifting from dirty energy to energy democracy, from funding highways to expanding public transit, from incinerators and landfills to zero waste, from industrial food systems to food sovereignty, from gentrification to community land rights, from military violence to peaceful resolution, and from rampant destructive development to ecosystem restoration. Core to a just transition is deep democracy in which workers and communities have control over the decisions that affect their daily lives.

Some of that sounds like eco-babble.  If we dig into it a little more it seems like it is going to incorporate a lot of technology for recycling and improving efficiency.

I have no idea what that has specifically to do with “honor[ing] Native people.”

After centuries of global plunder, the profit-driven industrial economy rooted in patriarchy and white supremacy is severely undermining the life support systems of the planet. Transition is inevitable. Justice is not.

To liberate the soil and to liberate our souls we must decolonize our imaginations, remember our way forward and divorce ourselves from the comforts of empire. We must trust that deep in our cultures and ancestries is the diverse wisdom we need to navigate our way towards a world where we live in just relationships with each other and with the earth.

Oh… I forgot.

Progressives are viciously racist.

This is all about the idea of the Noble Savage and that Native people are magically more in-tune with Mother Earth or something because they used every part of the buffalo.

I get it now.

This is a policy of Progressives afflicted with White Savior Syndrome employing weapons-grade patronizing racism assuming Natives Americas are magic.

It’s kind of fascinating to see in real-time how awful these people are while they believe that they are so good.


Florida: Assault Weapons Ban Petition being challenged by the State.

A group of Floridians, probably funded by Bloomberg’s purse, want to introduce a petition that “Prohibits possession of defined assault weapons” in the 2020 elections. As we all know, the term “assault weapon” is malleable and adaptable to the moment they want to use it. Here is the definition according to the petition:

1) Definitions a) Assault Weapons – For purposes of this subsection, any semiautomatic rifle or shotgun capable of holding more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition at once, either in a fixed or detachable magazine, or any other ammunition-feeding device. This subsection does not apply to handguns. b) Semiautomatic – For purposes of this subsection, any weapon which fires a single projectile or a number of ball shots through a rifled or smooth bore for each single function of the trigger without further manual action required. c) Ammunition-feeding device – For purposes of this subsection, any magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device for a firearm.

Top of my head, a bunch old and new self-loading .22LR rifle out there will suddenly become assault weapon. From the Marlin 60 to the Ruger 10-22 to even the despised Remington Nylon will be officially “weapons of Mass Destruction” as in the hyperbolic parlance of the Gun Control fascists.

Florida’s Attorney General Ashley Moody has petitioned the FLSC to block the measure explaining that the proposed ballot language is “clearly and conclusively defective,”  She goes on.

Specifically, the ballot title and summary do not inform Florida’s electorate that, by defining “assault weapons” as “any semiautomatic rifle or shotgun capable of holding more than ten (10) rounds of ammunition . . . in a fixed or detachable magazine,” the amendment would ban the possession of virtually every semi-automatic long-gun. To be included on the ballot, the sprawling practical effect of the amendment must be revealed in the ballot language. Because that effect is not revealed, the ballot language is deficient.

Here is the title and summary:

The ballot title for the proposed amendment is:
Prohibits possession of defined assault weapons.” The ballot summary for the proposed amendment states:
Prohibits possession of assault weapons, defined as semiautomatic rifles and shotguns capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition at once, either in fixed or detachable magazine, or any other ammunition feeding device. Possession of handguns is not prohibited. Exempts military and law enforcement personnel in their official duties. Exempts and requires registration of assault weapons lawfully possessed prior to this provision’s effective date. Creates criminal penalties for violations of this amendment

She goes on to indicate that the title and summary do not inform the demand for a firearm registration (currently illegal under the law, and in my opinion  means it will eventually have to be removed and Floridians could be forced into a full firearm registration) and this last part was amazing for me to read:

Finally, the ballot language and summary do not reveal that the amendment, if passed, would not merely “[c]reate0 criminal penalties for violations” of the assault weapons ban but would also grant the Legislature plenary authority to increase (but never to decrease) the severity of those penalties.

So if the initial penalty of “X” years and $”X” in penalties are not deemed effective, the legislature can just go ached and crank it up to 11 if necessary.  Maybe even pay attention to those in the Gun Control mob who demand the death penalty for Gun Owners and NRA members

As usual don’t tale my word, but go read straight from the source.

And if you care, drop a couple of lines of support to the AG via the Citizen Services Contact Form. You can alos leve a message via phone at the switchboard ( 850-414-3300) or Citizen Services (850-414-3990).

Why the media has to destroy Trump on Baltimore

We are going to be seeing the media attack Trump for the rest of this week over his criticism of Baltimore.  Way out of proportion for the comments Trump made about the city.

There is a reason for this, it is a preview of what I think is going to happen in the months to come for the 2020 election.

Kamala Harris is gaining in the polls.  She is also picking up major Democrat donors.  Biden is just too much of a old white man for the Democrat primary voters and Sanders is not just and old white man, but is more and more a distasteful codger as well.

Harris is from Oakland, California.  Was the district attorney from San Francisco, turned California Senator.

Then there is “The Squad.”

AOC represents New York’s 14th district.  Which has a below-median income rate for New York and the US.  The neighboring 13th and 15th districts are the poorest in the state, and the 13th is the poorest in the country.

Rashida Tlaib represents the poorest district in Michigan, which is also the third poorest in the country.  Michigan’s 13th district incorporates some of the worst parts of Detroit and Wayne County.

Just for good measure, Frederica “Pimp Hat” Wilson’s district is the 10th poorest district in the US.  In fact, if you go through the link, you’ll see that many of the biggest Congressional critics of Trump come from the nation’s poorest congressional districts.

Readers of this blog know that we have chronicled the fall of San Francisco into needle strewn, open-air sewer, where is it not safe to park a car.

Evidence of the destruction of Detroit abounds on the internet.

As 2020 kicks into high-gear, the fact that the major challengers to Trump, either his opposing candidate or popular Congressional critics come from places where the Democrats have destroyed the American dream will become more and more relevant.

It is a reasonable question to ask, how can we trust a candidate or Member of Congress to fix the problems they complain about at the national level if the states and districts they represent are slums and shitholes.

The media needs to nip that in the bud before a Trump/Harris debate where Trump brings up California’s homeless problem, or streets covered with needles and human shit, or a Typus outbreak.