Month: August 2019

Chumming The Waters: Pensacola woman pleads guilty to throwing drink at Matt Gaetz, could face 1 year in prison.

Watch the whole video, she gets arrested on camera.

A woman has pleaded guilty to throwing a sports drink at a Florida congressman who frequently appears on television supporting President Donald Trump.
Federal court records show that 35-year-old Amanda Kondrat’yev pleaded guilty to assault Thursday in Pensacola.
Authorities say Kondrat’yev was part of a group protesting in June outside a town hall meeting attended by U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz. The second-term Republican was leaving a coffee house when a cup struck him in the back. Several witnesses identified Kondrat’yev as the assailant, and the throw was caught on video.

Pensacola woman pleads guilty to throwing drink at Matt Gaetz, could face 1 year in prison.

I have no idea how many episodes of COPS I have watched and it has been extremely rare that an arrestee shows smugness and pride on the crime that he/she has done.  The may do it privately and bitch about being arrested, but in full display for a TV camera?

Amanda Kondrat’yev is a True Believer and they feel themselves above the niceties of social considerations and good manners. If they invoke them, it is just an strategy for you to lower your shields so they can attack with impunity and retreat to their “Safe Spaces” which happens to be our own restrain and consideration for the social norms.

She is not going to get the year, we know that. She will get chided in court, do some community service, perhaps a small fine and let go to boast how she beat the system for cheap. She will be an example for others to engage in the same conduct and go after people they like for no other reason than political disagreement.

And that will Chum the Waters® for more political attacks and more peacock-like behavior for being able to hit whomever they deem a Nazi…till the other side responds and then True Believers will be sacred to demand some of that social consideration and good manner, but it will be too late: The Safe Space has been removed, you get to dance to the other side’s tune and I am sorry to say it is going to be a mosh pit.


(Chumming the Waters® stolen from Michael Bane)

Tolerant New York Progressives and a POC in a MAGA hat

From FOX5 New York:

Man says he was beaten in NYC for wearing MAGA hat

Holy shit, did you see his face?  I don’t think this is a hoax.

A New York City art gallery owner says he was viciously beaten in Manhattan by a large group of teens for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.

Jahangir “John” Turan, 42, says it happened Tuesday evening on Canal Street. He was wearing the MAGA hat that he had purchased earlier in the day at Trump Tower.

“I love President Trump. I think he’s doing a great job,” Turan said.

Can’t say that in New York City.

He says the group of about 15 “kids” yelled “F*** Trump” and stomped on him. One of them smashed his head into a scaffold. Turan says he suffered a fracture in his cheek and a badly swollen eye. He’s awaiting an eye specialist to determine if there is any permanent damage to his sight.

This is a combination of two things we’ve seen recently, attacks on Trump supporters and attacks by large groups of people (often Teens).

As for wearing the hat again in New York City, he says he’ll think twice before doing it again.

“It’s sad to get beat up for wearing this hat. This is America,” Turan said.

That is the point of attacking a man like that, to make those who disagree with the mob afraid to show their opinion.

The Hill reported this story on Twitter.  Many of the comments are what you would expect, e.g.:

I only see more and more of this happening before the next election.

And like I frequently say, it’s the places where you can’t carry that you need a gun the most.


Maybe they realize it’s a bad idea to bring this up

I saw this tweet from Chris Hayes about the Democratic debate last night:

I want to focus on the last two sentences.  I have seen several pundits bring up the fact that the debate was in Detroit and none of the candidates brought up the GM Plant closure.

It is probably a good idea for them to not bring that up.

Where I live in north Alabama, we have a Toyota engine plant, and soon to be a Toyota-Mazda joint plant.  There is a Mercedez-Benz plant south of me in Tuscaloosa.

We also have a Polaris Industries plant here, which draws from the same pool of workers.

Then there is Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Blue Origin, Orbital Systems ATK, General Dynamic, and most of the rest of the aerospace sector here.

South Carolina is another huge manufacturing state, BMW and Mercedes-Benz have plants there.  So does Boeing.

I used to live in Indiana, which is where Toyota and Subaru both have plants.

Toyota assembles the Tundra in San Antonio, Texas.

So it makes me wonder, why is it that Toyota, Mazda, Subaru, Mercedes-Benz, and BMW can be profitable assembling in mostly southern, Right To Work states, hiring American workers and paying them good wages, while GM had to shut down in Detroit and offshore jobs?

I highly suspect three letters.  U.  A.  W.

A similar issue was the cause for Boeing assembly to expand to South Carolina.

Manufacturing is growing in the United States.  It’s just doing it in Right to Work states, often south of the Mason-Dixon.

That is a hard circle to square for Democrats.  The unions that support them are the ones driving the jobs away and the Red states are sucking them up.

It’s easier for the Democrats to ignore that and look the other way than tackle that, so they won’t talk about it.

Forget Roof Koreans, this is how you get antisemitic genocidal warfare

Miguel’s last post was correct, in the United States.

Congresswoman AOC did a radio interview with hip-hop program “Ebro in the Morning” with Ebro Darden.  He brought up Israel and she opined.

The young Jews who hate Netanyahu are Leftist idiots who either don’t know or don’t truly grok the situation with the Palestinians.  They have been brainwashed and their opinions are crap.

The lack of food and water, jobs and money in the Palestinian territories has nothing to do with Israeli oppression, but the fact that the Palestinian government wants it that way.

Yasser Arafat died a multi-millionaire in a chateau in Paris.  He stole all his money from the Palestinians.  The government takes money from foreign aid and uses it in the Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund, to pay the families of people who die as martyrs to kill Israelis.  Palestinian schools teach nothing but the Koran and Jew-hatred.

The leaders keep the people poor and miserable then blame Israel to incite them into becoming terrorists.  Hamas hates the Jews and wants to wipe them all out and so raises Palestinian children to want to be warriors against the Jews.

It is ideological antisemitism driving this.  This is what makes grown men reak into homes and murder small children in their beds.

When Leftists like AOC or brainwashed young Jews try to reduce this to “the Israelis are oppressing the Palestinians and the Palestinians have no choice but to riot (burn homes, bomb cafes and shopping centers, murder children, etc.)” they are denying the reality of the situation to make the narrative fit their ideological world view.

So when Hamas, or Iran, or ISIS, or some other Islamist group calls for the total extermination of Israel and the Jewish people, these Lefts stand up and say “they don’t really mean that they are just angry.”

No, they really mean that.  Whether they get it or not, these Leftists are supporting Islamist desire for Jewish genocide.

This is how you get Roof Koreans

Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said certain communities, including ones within the United States, have no other option that to riot if they are marginalized.

Ocasio Cortez made the comments during a radio interview with New York’s Hot 97 Tuesday, several weeks after an armed, self-described “Antifa” man attacked an ICE detention facility in Washington state using similar language to hers in his manifesto

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said some US communities ‘have no choice but to riot’ if marginalized

AOC was around two and a half years old when the L.A. Riots happened, so at best it was something she saw a video about in the Discovery Channel. And growing her sheltered life, she does not realize the immense damage a riot does to the “marginalized” community that starts it. It took well over a decade for L.A to recover from that evens and I believe that the epicenter of the riot is not quite healed.

Unless it is a very organized event with money backing them up, community rioters do form caravans nor take public transportation to go to but prey their own neighborhood. so there is no damage done to the Evil Capitalists (unless you burn down the local fast food restaurant or Dollar store) but to the locally owned mom and pop places that may have been in the community for decades or new places created by their own neighbors with much sacrifice.

And the problem is that the neighborhood may not be as receptive and take umbrage at the idea that you being pissed off somehow makes you think you can partake with my property and set the rest on fire. And they may do something about it.

So AOC is transitioning from being a clueless dumbass and becoming a dangerous clueless dumbass who will get people killed. But for the Left, having people killed is not a bug but a feature.

Hat Tip Sarah C

I wonder Antifa training is going this week

This week, several far Left-Wing groups, some aligned with Antifa, are engaged in “border resistance” training.

From Facebook: Border Resistance Tour (screen capture for proof and posterity)


Join us for a week long tour of discussions, panels, fundraisers and dance parties with revolutionary autonomous organizers working on the borderlands.

We will be giving first hand accounts from local grassroots organizers about the last 8 months of Direct Action and Mutual Aide in the Border towns of Juarez/El Paso and Tijuana/SanDiego.

We hope to collaborate with local migrant justice organizers from each city to create a broad and strategic discussion on how folks can plug into work that is actually working towards dismantling concentration camps and US-funded genocide.

AND we will be talking about and inviting you to our upcoming Border Resistance Convergence happening in El Paso Sept 1-10th.

This is the flyer from Borderresistance:

That is solid Socialist/Antifa imagery.

It’s Going Down “ is a digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements.”

They are promoting a Call To Action: Border Resistance Tour and Convergence.

Local and national organizers are working together to build 10 days of trainings and direct actions for the Border Resistance Convergence in El Paso, TX – September 1-10th. We are calling on affinity groups everywhere to come together and help us address US-funded genocide and local concentration camps.

When you come to this convergence you will be in Tigua, Raramuri, Piro, Suma and Manso territory. This convergence is being run by Indigenous & QTPOC (Queer, trans, people of color) leadership and anyone who passively or aggressively disrespects that will be asked to leave.

They are already eating each other in the announcements.

Housing: There are two locations that can house around 20 people each for the time span of the convergence. There are also local organizers who will be opening their houses. These spaces will be used to host QTPOC folks that are traveling to El Paso. We are very much relying on white comrades to donate money and throw down on renting temporary spaces for our more vulnerable friends as camping can affect us all in different ways. There is very nice camping within the “city limits” of El Paso.

Travel Funds: There are travel funds available but limited for POC, trainers and collectives offering specific skills. Please indicate on the registration form if this is you.

They even engage in racial and sexual grievance grifting from each other.  You can’t be a white person concerned about the conditions on the border if you are not footing the bill for your fellow queer, trans, people of color protesters to stay in an AirBNB while you sleep in the mud outside.

They are training right now, or supposedly are.  I can’t find any local news coverage of this.

Then in September they are going to be kicking off their “Direct Action” against ICE in border facilities in Texas.

I can’t wait to cover that.  Texas is not like Portland.  The police are not going to stand idly by while Antifa creates a open-air-sewer tent city around an ICE facility that looks like the worst parts of Bangladesh.

This blog has covered the firebombing of one ICE facility and how that jackass was turned into a martyr.  So it makes me wonder what is being taught at this resistance training.

We’ll find out in a month.