Month: March 2020

I bet that will work like a charm…

From the party that brought you gun free zones, comes the newest iteration, “just chill.”

My first question is, if this works why did he not tell criminals to “chill” permanently?  Think of how great a mayor he could be if he reduced crime to zero without any extra policing.

Of course this won’t work.

What will work in the absence of police is the large number of Texas gun owners who will defend themselves.


Dead men don’t take up hospital beds – a Southern Sheriff opines on home invasion during the Coronacrisis

From WGXA:

Putnam County Sheriff says ‘these hoodlums make me sick’ after homeowner shoots burlgar

Putnam County Sheriff Howard Sills says a homeowner on Thomas Dr. called 911 dispatch around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday about a man armed with a knife up a tree making a disturbance.

Deputies were dispatched to the home, but before they could arrive a second call came in from a next door neighbor alleging the suspect was attempting to break into their home.

Sills says Harrison picked up a dumbbell on the porch, threw it through the glass door, and made entrance to the home.

But the homeowner, armed with a .45 semi-automatic pistol, shot the suspect once in the arm. Harrison hit the kitchen floor and the owner held him their until deputies arrived.

A man armed with a knife smashes in a sliding glass door and enters a house after the homeowner called the cops.  Seems like a good shoot to me.

The deputies then attempted to detain Harrison and place him in cuffs, but Sills says the suspect battled with the deputies, splattering blood across the kitchen, breaking free, cussing at the officers, and running towards a door that he believed was an exit.

But Sills says Harrison didn’t realize the home was currently under construction and that the door no longer led to a back deck, causing Harrison to fall nine feet to the ground where deputies arrested him.

The officers had to use pepper spray to subdue Harrison and keep his feet in shackles to keep him from running.

Shot, fell nine feet, and still fought the cops enough to earn a face full of mace and leg shackles.  Hot damn, that boy had some fight in him.

“These hoodlums make me sick. He’s got a twenty-page raps heet and he’s over at the hospital, taking up a bed where someone more important, who might have coronavirus, might need it,” Sills said Wednesday.

Sometimes I really love a Southern sheriff.  Seems he’d much rather the homeowner had finished this career punk off and saved the hospital a lot of resources.

Blue states are disarming the citizenry so they can’t shoot the criminals taking advantage of the Coronacrisis to cause havoc.  Red state Sheriffs are implying that if you have to shoot the miscreant, make sure they can drag the body straight off to the morgue and spare the need for a hospital bed.

More character revelation with the Coronavirus – handmade PPE edition (image warning)

Crisis reveals a person’s true self.

Good people become more magnanimous.  Some will don masks and gloves and deliver food to the elderly who can’t leave their homes, others will make masks for hospital staff.  Selfish people become more selfish.  They will buy up all the hand sanitizer in a tri-county area and try to price gouge on eBay or demand to be put in a COVID-19 isolation ward because they got the Mexican tourist shits.

Sometimes a person reveals that what they are inside is psychotic.

Nurse crotchets her own coronavirus mask and it has a special vulva design

Oh dear sweet Lord, what fresh hell is this?

Social worker Lulu Geraghty, 42, crotched a vulva by hand and attached it to her protective equipment.

No sane person straps a crochet vulva to her face and goes to work.  Also, note the Megan Rapinoe hair cut, indicative of the “Woke” feminist.

Lulu, who lives in Brisbane, Australia, makes vulva tea cosies and hats in her spare time and decided to make the quirky addition for a laugh.  

I want to be clear about this, making vulva tea cosies and hats is not quirky.  It a sign of severe mental disturbance.

If you went to a tea party and the host pulled one of these out, would you laugh, or would you make a beeline for the door assuming that there is a freezer full of dead prostitutes in the basement?

She crafts the vulvas during her downtime to help her unwind.

One of the things that really bothers me about society is how we downplay sexual paraphilia in women.

When an adult male teacher has sex with a female teenage student, he is rightly identified as a pedophile and locked up for life.  When an adult female teacher has sex with a male teenage student, she gets a slap on the wrist and everyone jokes about how lucky the boy was while playing “Hot for Teacher” as the intro to the news segment.  No, a 30-year old woman having sex with a 14-year old boy is abuse.

If an adult man made vulva shaped household items, we would recognize that for what it is, a sign of some sexual disturbance.  When a woman does the same thing, it’s seen as quirky empowering feminism.

She was quick to say that it was more a fashion item since it doesn’t meet medical standards – but added ‘it will certainly help with social distancing’.

That it most definitely will.

‘I had a spare vulva just lying around so I whacked it on, for a bit of fun,’ explained Lulu.

“Alex, I will take ‘Things Serial Killers Say’ for $1000”

She said: ‘I like to be a little bit confrontational and I like to have the competing ideas of something really uncomfortable with something pretty and domestic.

She added: ‘They’re pretty divisive. People have strong reactions – they either love them and think they’re great, or they’re just repulsed.’

More evidence that this is an emotional problem.  Knowingly doing agressively off-putting things in order to repulse people by being unnecessarily confrontational is a sign of anti-social personality disorder.

Lulu was hoping to display her creations at the Seattle Erotic Art Festival but it has been postponed due to coronavirus.

I did not know that there was a Seattle Erotic Art Festival, but now that I do and that it was postponed for the Coronavirus, I am rooting for the Coronavirus in that city to keep the festival shut down permanently.

I don’t know if she was mentally unbalanced before becoming a Woke feminist or if becoming a Woke feminist made her mentally unbalanced.  Either way, this woman is unhinged and the Coronavirus has revealed that she is even more unhinged than previously known.

Is it time for the FMD protocol?

I can’t take my kids to the park.  Even the playground in development is closed because of the HOA’s response to the Coronavirus outbreak.

My kids are home for the rest of the school year, they will do online instruction over the internet starting next week.

The whole situation sucks.  Why does it suck?

New York City.

I found a fantastic website that shows Coronavirus cases by state and county.

New York City has the most cases by a YUGE margin.  Almost 60,000 cases in New York, with almost 34,000 of those being in New York City itself, and the majority of the rest in outlying NYC suburbs.  New York City represents 42% of the total number of Coronavirus cases in the US.

The poorest areas of New York City, such as Queens and the Bronx have been the hardest hit.

What is the takeaway?

If you want to avoid the mass spread of an airborne respiratory virus, you shouldn’t pack people chockablock into tiny apartments, stacked on top of each other, breathing in the same recycled air heated by a central boiler.

If we draw from our lessons of history, the Black Death wiped out nearly 60% of the population of Europe.  The bacteria Yersinia pestis came from Asian rats and was transmitted by fleas.  It exploded into a plague because of the high population density of European cities.

This is a video from a park in Queens showing people not practicing social distancing.

Honestly, I can’t blame them terribly.  New Yorkers don’t know what social distancing is.

Being packed into a subway assholes to elbows is normal for them.  The average Queens apartment is 711 square feet.  I have a modest middle-class house in Huntsville and it is four times that size.  If I want to go outside, I have a large back yard.  People in 700 sq-ft apartments don’t have yards, they have the park down the street.

I’m not sure how you can get people to stay shut up in 700 sq foot apartments for weeks on end and go outside to stretch their legs.  Especially if they have kids that need to run.

That assumes that it’s safer to say inside breathing in what everyone else in the hermetically sealed building has exhaled.

To put this in perspective, New York has ten times as many cases as our most populous state, California.  Half of California’s cases come from LA county.  Illinois is number five for cases and 75% of those are in Cook County.

This is purely a problem of population density.

Here in Alabama, we’ve had all of 800 cases, and more than one-quarter of those are in Jefferson County, which is where Birmingham is located.  Where I live in Madison County, we have 80 cases.

The only outlier in this is Louisiana, but the consensus is that Marti Gras super-accelerated the spread of the virus, with over a million people packed for hours drunkenly cheering into each other faces.  So it was a temporary extremely high population density scenario.

The point of all of this is: the reason I can’t go to my development playground with my kids this week like we did last week, is because New York City is Wuhan wet market of human beings, all stacked in little cages coughing and shitting on each other.

Back in the day, when Foot and Mouth Disease threatened British agriculture, the British Government came up with a protocol to halt the spread of that virus.  If one animal was found to have the virus, that entire herd was culled before it spread to neighboring farms.

I’m just saying, maybe before we turn off the entire American economy for seven weeks, we try culling New York City down to a low enough population density to halt the spread of that infection.

Then I would be able to take my kids to the playground.

The Squirrel Problem

The Presbyterian church called a meeting to decide what to do about their squirrel infestation. After much prayer and consideration, they concluded that the squirrels were predestined to be there, and they shouldn’t interfere with God’s divine will.

At the Baptist church the squirrels had taken an interest in the baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a water-slide on the baptistery and let the squirrels drown themselves. The squirrels liked the slide and unfortunately, knew instinctively how to swim, so twice as many squirrels showed up the following week.

The Lutheran church decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God’s creatures. So, they humanely trapped their squirrels and set them free near the Baptist church. Two weeks later the squirrels were back when the Baptists took down the water-slide.

The Episcopalians tried a much more unique path by setting out pans of whiskey around their church in an effort to kill the squirrels with alcohol poisoning. They sadly learned how much damage a band of drunk squirrels can do.

But the Catholic church came up with a very creative strategy! They baptized all the squirrels and made them members of the church. Now they only see them at Christmas and Easter.

And not much was heard from the Jewish synagogue. They took the first squirrel and circumcised him. They haven’t seen a squirrel since.

Hat Tip Gregory D