Month: November 2020

Incredible dumb move by France.

It seems there is a bill in France to ban/limit sharing of photos of cops in Social media and I have to wonder who was the genius in the government who came up with that idea. First, Antifa and half the idiots in France love nothing better than find an excuse to go riot and break shit with a side dose of arson. But second and most important, if anything we have learned over this side of the puddle is that the more cameras, the merrier and that includes the cops having their own.  It has been so effective that Antifa/BLM ended attacking anybody who will take pictures and videos of them. It id hard to craft a favorable narrative when you are seen in a viral video being a firebug or a window smasher.

Oh well, let the learn the hard way.

Light posting.

The Honey-Do list grew like Chinese drywall mold and I have been given an ultimatum to at least get it pared down one third…or else.  “Or else” is never a good thing coming out the mouth of a Southern Girl.

And so you can laugh at me even more. here is me doing my impression of Robocop: Hialeah.

At the eye doctor yesterday after the stupid pupil dilation drops.

And I have to admit I giggled too long at this advertisement at the optic store. Wife issued a warning not to to go full 12 year old:

And you can always go talk/chat/harass politely fellow blog readers at the GFZ Forum which is Facebook and Twitter Censorship Free (Some basic rules of behavior apply)

This is how scummy the Swamp is: Former CIA chief and Biden supporter regurgitates Iranian talking points

This is John Brennan, Obama’s Director of the CIA.  Brennan is a big Biden supporter.

This are his Tweets:


This is a Tweet from the Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran:


Yes, that is the former director of the CIA using the same talking points as the Foreign Minister of Iran about that the death of the head of the illegal Iranian nuclear weapons program.

Really makes you wonder on whose side the CIA was on for all those years.

Biden’s nominee for CIA Director was Brennan’s right-hand woman, Avril Haines.

Makes you wonder who the CIA will serve in a Biden administration.

If you want to know how scummy the Swamp is, they are getting their social media talking points from the Iranian government.