By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

17 thoughts on “What in the name of Mutual of Omaha is that thing?”
  1. I have seen them bigger than that!! I have chased off several out of my deer feeder, down here in Texas. they aren’t frequent, but, when they have a surrounding that has few, or little predators, they can live a long time. I have seen feral hogs kill them, and eat them, but, nothing much will mess with them. they are mean ornery cusses, I will tell you that. There were a few times, I would have rather confronted a Badger, than mess with a giant Possum…. Their teeth are like razors! If they get a hold of you, they will slice and dice you!!
    A good thing to remember is, they don’t want to be around you, unless they are super hungry, or have been scared out of hiding. It’s a marsupial, and would rather be off in a tree somewhere, and left alone. But, I will warn you… NEVER, I mean NEVER corner one of them! they will fight like nothing to get away from you. We have had several Cougars, been chased away from them. Saw it with my own eyes, so, I KNOW it happens.

  2. I once had 2 that size up a tree in coastal CA. Couldn’t believe my eyes. Wonder if they are a subspecies of the usual little guys. I once shot one (.22) right between the eyes, up close. It sorta blinked and kept going. Their brain size must be smaller than a democrat’s.

  3. On the upside, they’re tick vacuums. I wouldn’t mind having a few (not necessarily that size) around my yard and the wooded areas I frequent, from May till August.

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