Month: March 2021

White Democrats never change

White Democrat doesn’t sees no need for a trial, wants to go straight to the lynching.

They are 100% about power and wanting total life and death control over others they deem undesirable.

Back in the day, that was entirely drawn along racial lines.  Whites on top, blacks on the bottom.

Today, there is a little more complexity based on race, religion, socio-economic status, education, region/city of residence, e.g., being a white guy from the Deep South with no college education rates you on the bottom despite skin color.  But in essence the system is the same.

They never change.

One of them is accused and they are all about not jumping to conclusions.

An undesirables is accused and they start stretching rope.

Update on the USSOCOM Zampolit

I brought you the news that USSOCOM hired a Trump-hating HR shit-bag to be the Diversity and Inclusion Zampolit for the Special Forces.

His Trump Tweets went around the internet and after much backlash he has been reassigned.

Fox News Channel reported on Torres-Estrada’s reassignment, with a spokesman telling the network he would be ‘assigned to other duties pending the results of the investigation.’

‘The Commander has directed an investigation to look into the facts surrounding Mr. Torres-Estrada’s selection,’ Ken McGraw, a spokesman for the U.S. Special Operations Command, told Fox. ‘It would be inappropriate to comment on specifics until the evaluation is complete.’

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed the investigation as well at Monday’s press briefing.

Kirby said SOCOM head Gen. Richard Clarke is probing the matter and has the backing of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.

He hasn’t been fired, they are just investigating.

He needs to be reassigned cleaning field latrines with his tongue or holding up the plywood targets A-10 pilots practice their strafing runs on.

So does everyone who hired that guy without vetting his Tweets, or worse, vetting them and not understanding what they were a problem.

I have a feeling this guy will fail upwards but at least there was enough public backlash for them to make a show of investigating him.

Another anti-Asian attack in NYC with paralyzed bystanders


I feel really bad for that guard and I hope he sues his former employer.

I worked as a security guard in school. It was a much better paying late night job than stocking shelves.

I was under specific instructions not to leave my post, which was inside the building.  If something happened outside it was not of my business, except for the parking lot.  Company insurance wouldn’t cover me if I dealt with anything off property.

I was also supposed to avoid “being a hero.”  Most private security is about maintaining a presence. Most people won’t shoplift if they are being watched.  If someone came in, gave me the finger, grabbed merchandise and walked out i was not to stop him, just call the cops and be a good witness.

I suspect that this guard was under the same orders and saw an assault on a public sidewalk and knew that if he left his post to stop it he’d probably be fired.

Moreover, assuming he didn’t have a weapon what was he supposed to do besides risk getting his own ass kicked.

But his employer threw him under the bus because of a social media backlash.

Yes. I believe he had a moral obligation to do something, but it’s very hard to do something when doing something will risk your livelihood in a down economy.

If you want this to stop arm the security guards and empower them to actually protect the innocent within eyesight.

What stops a savage like that is the fear that if he does violence onto others, violence will be done unto him.

When savages are confident violence won’t be reciprocated, they are emboldened to attack.  Hence why they target the elderly.

An impotent security guard isn’t a threat to them so they don’t fear them.

You want to stop this shit?

Let a property manager make it known that “our doormen are armed and if you commit a violent crime on our property they will use all the force necessary to stop you.”

Laws also need to be changed to protect those who protect the innocent, including good Samaritans.

People should be confident to confront violent and evil savagery, not be afraid of getting involved because they are overpowered and the law is against them.

It’s ALWAYS the places you can’t carry a gun where you need one – savage anti-Asian beating in NYC with a bonus shoutout to Kitty Genovese

That was a savage attack.

Then the man walks off the train like nothing happened.

Everyone else just stands there and watches as an innocent man is given brain damage (being knocked and choked unconscious causes brain damage).

Frankly, it’s hard to blame them, who would want to risk attracting the wrath of a violent savage like that.

That’s what happens when people are disarmed.

Had this savage done this in Florida, Texas, or most any other shall issue, no-duty-to-retreat state, I could almost guarantee his being stopped by a hollowpoint from a good samaritan.

It’s always the places that ban guns where shit like this happens because violent savages know that no one has the power to stop them.

Daily Kos super Fudd goes off on Twitter about why it’s bad that you notice what’s going on in the world

Mark Sumner writes for the ultra-Left wing site, Daily Kos.  He thought he, as a gun owner, would enlighten the internet how any gun owner with a gun made since the 1970s is a bloodthirsty wannabe-killer who as drunk the NRA’s Kool-aid.



First of all, two pistols, two rifles, and three shotguns is not a lot of guns to own.  That’s not even a busy day at the range.

From the fact that he mentions all of his guns are at least 40 years old and that he’s a hunter, you know exactly what sort of Fudd he is.

The thesis of his thread is that gun ownership was some sort of pastoral, outdoorsy, sportsman-related venture, where guys who liked to bag a deer or a couple of ducks every year would guy a new gun every now and again.

Then, suddenly, in 2008 something happened that made all these people decide to start buying murder weapons for “hunting people.”

He’s wrong.  Several things happened that he failed to take into account.

The first big awakening of the modern gun community was the 1992 LA riots.  There had been riots in the past, but this was the first time they were covered on a 24-hour news cycle, live in color, on people’s TVs.

Americans watched as the police totally failed to contain the violence.  They watched as stores were looted and a trucker was nearly beat to death as a news helicopter circled above broadcasting that into people’s homes.

They watched as Korean shopkeepers defended their property as the police fell back and were nowhere to be seen.

Then, two years later, the Brady Bill and Clinton Assault Weapon Ban were passed into law.  This was the next big awakening.  For the first time, many gun owners discovered that yes, the government really could take guns away from people.  It took 10 years for that ban to sunset, and when it did people start to stock up.

The demand for AR-15 style rifles, as much as by people who wanted to get ahead of any future bans as actual performance, drove the economy of scale to do what it does.  In 1994, if you wanted an AR-15 your choice was Colt, and maybe Colt, and if you looked really hard, you might find a Bushmaster, but probably Colt.

By the late 2000s, every gun guy with a machine shop capable of holding tolerance in billet aluminum was making AR-15s.  The price on an AR came down so much that it being the most popular rifle in America was driven as much by cost and the availability of accessories.  There are only so many ways to build a Remington 700 or Savage 110.  There are infinite ways to deck out an AR-15.

By the late 2000s, if you wanted a casual rifle, buying a 30-30 lever gun was going to cost you a lot more than a DMPS or Double Star AR.  Same for ammo (boy those were the days, $5 boxes of 223).

Near the end of the ABW sunset, another thing happened, 9/11.  On the heels of that were several other high-profile terrorist mass shootings.

The 24-hour news cycle made it crystal clear that when the shit hit the fan, the police were nowhere to be seen and only showed up after it was all over to draw chalk around the bodies.

In 2005, Americans witnessed the first large natural disaster that caused civil unrest with Hurricane Katrina.  Looting, violence, total failure of the police to maintain order, and then the gun confiscations.

Then there were the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Lots of veterans came home, having never shot before or maybe having come from hunting families, and they liked the rifles they were issued.  As they left the service or simply were rotated home, they wanted AR-15s for personal use.  This, with a large dose of patriotism, kicked off the tacticool culture that helped make the AR-15 even more popular.

As for handguns, the mid-1990s through to the early 2000s saw an explosion in concealed carry.  Before 1987, shall issue was limited to mostly rural states, Alabama, Indiana, Maine, the Dakotas.  When Florida went shall issue in 1987, that started the ball rolling on most states going shall issue, and quite a number going Constitutional carry.

Concealed carry did more for handgun sales than anything else.  An entire market for more compact firearms for personal protection exploded during that period of the early 1990s to the late 2000s.

This went along with the suburbanization of American society.  Suburban Americans weren’t as interested in hunting, especially younger Americans.  The dramatic rise in gun ownership was driven by a desire for personal protection in a world of Islamic terrorism, riots, mass looting, and the utter failures of law enforcement in a face of a crisis.

All of these individual trends coalesced into Gun Culture 2.0.

We own guns for personal defense and for sport.  We own lots of guns because we want to have a lifetime supply in case of another AWB.  We also like to accessorize, so we have different models in different calibers with different barrel lengths and optics for different reasons.  Gun Culture 2.0 owns AR-15s like a golfer owns clubs.  One for long-range, one for short-range, one in a subsonic caliber for a can, one in 9mm for USPSA PCC, one just because you had an extra scope lying around after a late night on eBay and a few too many beers and you just can’t have a homeless scope dammit, you need a rifle to mount it on.

Where there is fear, it’s not unjustified.

In just the last couple of years, there have been attacks on Synagogues and churches.  Right now there is a spike in anti-Asian violence.  People getting slashed and shoved in front of trains left-and-right in NYC.

Don’t forget about the 2020 summer of violence, a year’s worth of Antifa violence, billions of dollars in looting damage, and a crime wave facilitated by Progressive anti-Policing anti-Bail, COVID-get-out-of-jail-free, and prosecutorial discretion that has brought us back to the worst days of the 1990s.

We are on our own.  The cops have either abandoned us, have sided with the criminals, or have been hamstrung by the politicians who side with the criminals.  Of course, we want to defend ourselves.

This is not unreasonable.

Except in the mind of an extremist Fudd who thinks a “new gun” is one that was made before my grandfather was born and has nothing but seething condescension and contempt for a gun culture he thinks he’s better than.

Fuck this guy.