Month: March 2021

60 Minutes achieves record high level of media bullsh*t


His parents were found guilty of felony murder for being the getaway drivers in an armored car robbery that killed two police officers and a security guard.  Boudin’s father was driving the U-Haul that was stopped at a police roadblock when his fellow conspirators got into a shootout with police.

Two police officers and a security guard died that day but we should feel bad for Boudin because he had to visit his parents behind bars.

And how has Boudin taken this experience to heart?

By handing San Francisco over to criminals.

This is how the Stanford Review describes him:

You see, Chesa Boudin is a Pro-Crime Prosecutor. If you think this is a contradiction in terms, you haven’t met Chesa. His policies embolden criminals, demoralize the police, inflict violence on citizens, and promote the theft and destruction of as much property as possible.

The San Francisco Chronicle asks this question:

Is public safety a priority for D.A. Chesa Boudin? S.F. crime survivors say survey suggests it isn’t

The Pacific Research Institute says this about him:

Chesa Boudin Invites Crime To San Francisco. So It’s No Surprise When Crime Rises

The California Globe ran this headline about him:

Lawlessness in San Francisco Blamed on District Attorney Chesa Boudin
Meth-addicted burglar released by Boudin traumatizes young girl

The San Fransisco Business Times interviewed business owners hit by recidivists that Boudin has refused to prosecute, who said this:

“Everyone’s blaming Boudin, or the police, or the judges. As merchants, we don’t really care. All we know is we’re not getting what we need,” one owner said.

Boudin is the son of criminals who prefers criminals to law and order and has accelerated San Francisco turning into a third-world shit-hole of crime and violence where no property is safe and repeat offenders are free to offend “prolifically.”

But 60 Minutes says you should have sympathy for Boudin.

This reaches new heights of bullshit and is downright evil.

Tennessee is going Constitutional Carry

Via Of Arms and the Law:

The Tennessee General Assembly has approved Gov. Bill Lee’s legislation to allow most adults to carry handguns without obtaining a permit, a measure some Republicans sought for years to pass.

The permitless carry bill, which supporters have dubbed “constitutional carry,” passed the House of Representatives 64-29 on Monday night. Just five House Republicans voted against it. The bill was approved in the Senate on March 18 and can now be signed into law by the governor.

The law, which will take effect July 1, allows for both open and concealed carrying of handguns for people 21 and older without a permit as well as for military members ages 18 to 20.

Tennessee legislature passes permitless handgun carry bill, which now heads to Gov. Bill Lee

Congratulations to the citizens of the Volunteer State!  I am sure my relatives up there will take advantage of this.  Let’s see if we can make this contagious soon for the Sunshine State.

But, Alas! I see that there are always the idiots bound and determined to screw up a good thing:

The particular bill championed by Lee and the NRA does not apply to other types of firearms besides handguns, a point that has drawn fierce criticism from other gun rights groups, including the Tennessee Firearms Association and the National Association for Gun Rights.
Both of the latter groups have recently attacked Republicans in the legislature for not supporting wider-ranging permitless carry proposals, including removing permit requirements for all types of firearms or allowing 18- to 20-year-olds to also carry freely.

Gov. Bill Lee to NRA: Tennessee permitless handgun carry part of ‘public safety agenda’

Our friends of NAGR once again! How come I am not surprised? And if I am not mistaken, my Dear shooting brother Jim K warned me about TFA rubberstamping what NAGR does.  Colorado is still stuck with a 15 round magazine capacity after Dudley Brown and his minions gummed up the works for a bill regressing most of the Hi Cap ban and back to 30 round magazines so seeing that they got their asses ignored, makes me feel good for the future Pro-Gun bills in Tennessee.

Looking for a blog

I remember reading a blog by a Holywood film guy.  He was at a theater for a premiere when the Rodney King Riots started.

The post, in three parts, was him trying to get his family out of the theater, into a car, and through LA to his home.

If you know the blog I’m talking about, leave the link in the comments, please.

Thank you

One reason why there is more violent attacks on innocents in NY


In Alabama I went to the sheriff’s office, showed my ID, the deputy ran my background check while I waited, paid $50 ($10 per year up to 5 years), and got my permit printed right there in then.

Indiana and South Dakota were about the same.

Nebraska took a weekend for training and a hour at the police station for fingerprints.  Florida was about the same.  Even Illinois was a weekend and a day, but the class time was the longest (16 hours for IL, 8 for NE, and 4 for FL).

None of these states required written letters to a judge.

Shall issue is a vital right.

May issue just makes people vulnerable.

“We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers.”

“Elric: We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocation of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things.

John Sheridan: Such as?

Elric: The true secrets, the important things. Fourteen words to make someone fall in love with you forever. Seven words to make them go without pain. How to say good-bye to a friend who is dying. How to be poor. How to be rich. How to rediscover dreams when the world has stolen them. That is why we are going away—to preserve that knowledge.

I’ll never get tired of how Babylon 5 managed to drop a small jewel here and there that sticks with you so many years later. I don’t think I will ever grow tired of this scene.