Month: April 2023

Another One Bites the Dust — USA v. Connelly

B.L.U.F. Another case where a Judge used Bruen to come to the correct decision. This This one is §922(g)3 and §922(d)2. This is a criminal case in front of a US Federal Judge for the Western District of Texas. It highlights how case law works.


On December 28, 2021 the El Paso Police Department responded to a 911 call. Transcripts are not available nor needed. When the police arrived they heard several gunshots and observed Paola’s husband with a shotgun at the neighbors house. The police then arrested Paola’s husband.

From this they managed to get permission to conduct[ed] a protective sweep of Connelly’s house &mcite; Order on Motion for Reconsideration P. 1. The cops found evidence of firearms and marijuana. From this they called in the ATF.

The ATF searched the house and found 1.2 grams of marijuana, 0.21 grams of marijuana extract, 27.74 grams of “THC Edible” and 37.74 grams of suspected psilocybinId. as well as multiple firearms and ammunition.

I have no idea if that is “a lot” or almost nothing. According to my sources this is a little low for medical use. In Texas up to two oz. is a class B misdemeanor with a maximum punishment of 180 days in jail and a $2000 fine. Paola is facing two felony counts with upto 12 years on each count.

Paola through her husband under the bus, accusing him of smoking crack. She was then asked about her own drug use and told the cops …she uses marijuana on a regular basis “to sleep at night and to help her with anxiety.”Id. at 2.

If this was the locals then it would have likely meant nothing more than the loss of her pot. Because the feds were involved, it now became a felony charge:

Based on these facts, Connelly was indicted with one count of possession of a firearm by an unlawful user of a controlled substance, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(3). Superseding Indictment 1–2. Connelly was also indicted with one count of transferring a firearm and ammunition to her husband, an unlawful user of a controlled substance, in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 922(d)(3). Id. at 2–3.
Id. at 2

The second count, transfer or sale to a prohibited person is charged because the lived together. Since he had access and could have gotten the firearms the state argues that she had transferred the firearms to her husband. It is unclear who owned the shotgun he used.

October 18, 2022 Paola filed to have the charges dismissed. Her argument was that post Bruen §922(g)(3) and §922(d)(3) were unconstitutional under the second amendment because the denied her rights to keep and bear arms while the state was unable to find an similar regulation from the founding era. She also argued that the law was unconstitutional under the fifth amendment because it was vague. What does addicted mean? What does “user” mean?

She points out that under the dictionary definition, user could mean anybody that ever took a toke.

Her motion to have her indictment dismissed was denied on December 21, 2022.

The Second Try

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Pitbulls doing what they were bred to do

This is horrific:


The origin of the pitbull was as a bull baiting breed, a dog literally bred to fight bulls by biting their faces.

Any farmer who owns livestock should absolutely have the right to shoot a pitbull that comes onto their property.

The most shocking thing about this post was the lack of shooting, you be honest.

Most farmers that I know have a ready access rifle for livestock defense.

If there is a lesson to be learned here, you need a ready access rifle in your arsenal.

Since I’m in a rental, I can’t put a gun safe upstairs.  Once I buy a home, I’m going to reassess my home defense gun situation.

I’ve been thinking about AWAs rifle situation and I think an AR in 350 Legend will be my top choice.

The power of a 30-30 but in a semiautomatic package with a 20 round mag (the straight wall doesn’t like the 30 round curve).  I’ll probably outfit it with a variable 1-6x optic.

Should be perfect for anything up to 200 lbs of bull baiting dog.


See you later alligator, bye-bye Pedophile. Florida to execute Child Rapists.

GENERAL BILL by Judiciary Committee ; Criminal Justice Subcommittee ; Baker ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Bankson ; Black ; Holcomb ; Jacques ; Plakon ; Temple ; Yarkosky
Capital Sexual Battery; Provides for death sentences for certain child sexual offenders; provides for separate death penalty proceedings in such cases; provides for findings & recommended sentences by jury; provides for imposition of sentence of life imprisonment or death; provides requirements for court order in support of death sentence; provides for automatic review of sentences of death; specifies aggravating factors & mitigating circumstances; provides for victim impact evidence; authorizes state to appeal from sentence on specified grounds.
If this gets passed, then certain groups can issue a truthful warning to its child-raping members to seek victims somewhere else.

Liberal Idiots Issue Travel Warnings for Florida

Equality Florida, an LGBTQ advocacy group based in St. Petersburg, said Wednesday in a travel advisory that the state “may not be a safe place to visit or take up residence” in the wake of recently passed laws that target LGBTQ people, restrict access to reproductive health care and relax firearms restrictions.

Also on Wednesday, the Florida Immigrant Coalition issued its own warning, writing that travel to all areas of Florida should be done with “extreme caution as it can be unsafe for people of color, individuals who speak with an accent, and international travelers.”

LGBTQ, immigrant advocates warn against travel to Florida | The Hill


Pretty much what Florida has done is not allow children to be mutilated like some sort of live Barbie so mom and dad can show they are ultra woke and/or allow their kids to be used as props for some sick fucks in the state. And apparently being able to defend themselves against attacks from anybody who may have a special hate towards their group something to be afraid of? Only if they are seeking victims for their fundraising purposes.

And about the warning for people “who speak with an accent”, I figure they mean if your verbosity comes with inflexions that identifies you form places like New York or New Jersey and clash with the local Cracker or Spanish accent. Floridians do dislike carpetbagging riffraff who believe themselves better just because they come from shitholes from the North.

The Left is a constant fountain of bigotry in all its shapes.

Unarmed doesn’t mean not dangerous

Another one punch kill.

MMA fighter, 23, ‘kills Florida Air Force soldier, 31, with one punch during Panama City Beach bar fight’

An amateur MMA fighter was arrested after he allegedly punched an Air Force soldier behind the ear in a Florida bar brawl – killing him.

Ross Johnson, 23, was running to help his friend in a fight outside of the Coyote Ugly Saloon in Panama City Beach on Sunday when he punched 31-year-old Dayvon Larry – causing him to collapse, police said.

Johnson, who has three years of ‘advanced fighter training’, didn’t attempt to get help for Larry and instead supposedly told a witness, ‘I think I killed him.’

Johnson has three wins and two losses on his MMA record. The victim’s autopsy showed he had a skull fracture and a bruise the size of a ‘softball’ behind his ear.

Police allege Johnson only hit Larry once before fleeing the scene by using a ride share service. 

The solider was pronounced dead at a local hospital after paramedics failed to revive him through life-saving measures outside of the bar.

One punch behind the ear.

Bleeding low and at the back of the brain puts pressure on the cerebellum and brain stem and causes death.

Murdered by a cheap sucker punch to the side-back of the head.

Just because someone is unarmed doesn’t mean they can’t kill you.